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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Links - 12th May 2021 (2)

He tricked me : relationship_advice - "My (18F) boyfriend (29M) said he was into BDSM so he’d have me doing burpees, planking, wall sits, and pushups (with him on my back sometimes). I was into it and he said he loves watching girls get pushed to their physical and mental limits when they submit to him.Then after a few months of this he admitted he was just trying to get me in better shape because he didn’t like having sex with me as much before at my old weight. Should I be offended?"
"Yes. This is horrible, cruel, and so many other things. This is not safe or normal behavior. Please, please rethink this relationship. This is beyond lying and not healthy."
"“Yeah im into BDSM....
Military press”"

Conman, 74, who weighs 28 stone, avoids jail because he's too fat for prison - "A conman has avoided being locked up because he's too fat and would cause an "enormous disruption" to the prison service.Barry Beardall pocketed cash belonging to John Ryan but was given a suspended jail term due to him weighing 28-stone.At Southampton Crown Court Judge Peter Henry said the 74-year-old would need carers to help him out of bed and give him his medication due to his size and poorly health"

James Lindsay - Posts - "The fact that everyone is constantly having to talk about race and racism all the time now isn't a bug. It's a feature of Critical Race Theory. It will bring this divisive, joyless, single-minded conversation into EVERYTHING that invites it in. Choose carefully."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Perhaps it’s an accumulation of biases but the Roger Stone story hasn’t interested me. He’s a long term, bare knuckle unethical campaign guy. Washington mints these like quarters.He got the attention of the federales because he bragged of having inside access to the DNC-related leaked emails that appeared on WikiLeaks. So he was seen as the key in proving Trump colluded with the Russians; which we now know he didn’t.Stone didn’t commit any illegal acts for Trump. His crime was lying to Congress about how he got his information. Something that happens often in congressional hearings and is rarely charged. He also threatened a witness to not testify truthfully to Congress, which is uncommon and very illegal.The prosecutors wanted Stone to serve 9-years in prison, which was arguably excessive. When the DOJ asked that it just be up to the judge, the prosecutors resigned.This takes us to yesterday. Trump commuted Stone’s sentence. It’s cronyism and was expected by most people. Presidents have a habit of pardoning friends and large donors...  I suppose I’d be more alarmed if lying to Congress was zealously prosecuted, but it’s not. So the prosecutions seem politically motivated even when the target is completely guilty. I’d also be more alarmed if the lying was to cover up a crime or turned the investigation upside down. It didn’t.Trump shouldn’t have commuted him, but then the investigation was wrong headed as well. There’s no hero’s in this story."
TDS sufferers claim Trump is corrupt for pardoning villains, but when you dig up Obama's record...

The Cost Of Living In Malaysia Is Higher Than Singapore - "One of the things that some Singaporeans regularly complaint about, is the high cost of living in Singapore.Actually, the cost of living in Malaysia is a lot higher than Singapore, and that Malaysians have it harder."

Efficacy of Ketoprofen Vs Ibuprofen and Diclofenac: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis - "Concerning the estimated efficacy outcomes, ketoprofen was superior to ibuprofen/diclofenac in all of the 13 RCTs, reaching a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) in nine studies. The heterogeneity for the efficacy outcome was not different across the studies and this guaratees that the compared trials are homogeneous and the meta-analysis results reliable and valid. The meta-analysis showed that the effect of therapeutic doses of ketoprofen was strongly greater than the effect of therapeutic doses of ibuprofen or diclofenac"

Ketoprofen Absorption by Muscle and Tendon after Topical or Oral Administration in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction - "following topical application in a patch, ketoprofen shows rapid and sustained delivery to the underlying tissues without a significant increase of the plasma drug concentration"

The Meaning and Evolution of the Word "Parrhesia" – Michel Foucault, Info. - "the parrhesiastes is someone who takes a risk. Of course, this risk is not always a risk of life. When, for example, you see a friend doing something wrong and you risk incurring his anger by telling him he is wrong, you are acting as a parrhesiastes. In such a case, you do not risk your life, but you may hurt him by your remarks, and your friendship may consequently suffer for it. If, in a political debate, an orator risks losing his popularity because his opinions are contrary to the majority’s opinion, or his opinions may usher in a political scandal, he uses parrhesia. Parrhesia, then, is linked to courage in the face of danger: it demands the courage to speak the truth in spite of some danger. And in its extreme form, telling the truth takes place in the “game” of life or death... the parrhesiastes risks his privilege to speak freely when he discloses a truth which threatens the majority. For it was a well-known juridical situation when Athenian leaders were exiled only because they proposed something which was opposed by the majority, or even because the assembly thought that the strong influence of certain leaders limited its own freedom. And so the assembly was, in this manner, “protected” against the truth. That, then, is the institutional background of “democratic parrhesia” which must be distinguished from that “monarchic parrhesia” where an advisor gives the sovereign honest and helpful advice. The last characteristic of parrhesia is this: in parrhesia, telling the truth is regarded as a duty... parrhesia is a verbal activity in which a speaker expresses his personal relationship to truth, and risks his life because he recognizes truth-telling as a duty to improve or help other people (as well as himself). In parrhesia, the speaker uses his freedom and chooses frankness instead of persuasion, truth instead of falsehood or silence, the risk of death instead of life and security, criticism instead of flattery, and moral duty instead of self-interest and moral apathy... parrhesia is an essential characteristic of Athenian democracy. Of course, we still have to investigate the role of parrhesia in the Athenian constitution. But we can say quite generally that parrhesia was a guideline for democracy as well as an ethical and personal attitude characteristic of the good citizen. Athenian democracy was defined very explicitly as a constitution (politeia) in which people enjoyed demokratia, isegoria (the equal right of speech), isonomia (the equal participation of all citizens in the exercise of power), and parrhesia. Parrhesia, which is a requisite for public speech, takes place between citizens as individuals, and also between citizens construed as an assembly. Moreover, the agora is the place where parrhesia appears."
Of course, many Americans think the idea of Freedom of Speech came into being with the First Amendment and only covers government reprisal

The Roma: Between a Myth and the Future - "Not all so-called Gypsies in the world today recognize themselves as Roma... Groups externally identified as "Gypsies" but not necessarily considering themselves as ethnic Roma include the Jevgjit in Albania; the Ashkaelia and Egyptians in Kosovo and Macedonia; the Travelers in Britain and Ireland; and the Rudari and Beash in Hungary, Romania, and other countries...
The older Russian stereotype of Roma is dominated by the perception of Roma as dealers in horses and horse thieves; during the Soviet era this stereotype transformed, with the Roma seen as dealers in cars and car thieves...
I would suggest interpreting anti-Gypsyism as a set of misconceptions and myths, both expressing and reproducing the sociopolitical weakness of the Romani community. Misconceptions are false ideas about the Roma as they are today, even though misconceptions may have started in the past from some elements of truth. Myths, on the other hand, are not untruths: they are practical truths one can take as assumptions and reach pragmatic results, when acting upon these assumptions. But myths are not truths either: they would cease to be truths as soon as people cease to believe them...
Crime statistics in some countries have revealed a pattern of overrepresentation of Roma in several types of crime, notably petty stealing. But it should be remembered that crime statistics necessarily contain distortions. They are based on reported crime, and do not necessarily reflect the entire picture of committed offences. Robbery is a crime that has a high degree of reporting, while many other crimes, including corruption, fraudulent financial schemes such as pyramids, or domestic violence, go unreported. An act of petty robbery typically leaves behind one victim, while an act of financial fraud can destroy hundreds. Thus the visibility of robbery and of its individual perpetrators is much higher, while other, not less dangerous forms of crime lie below the surface of society...
The Romani crime stereotype includes other elements of prejudice, especially the bizarre and thoroughly unfounded "stealing of children" legend that has metamorphosed into the current public misperception that Roma are exploiting their own children by making them engage in begging; it is a fast growing belief that Roma are involved in trafficking in children and women"
When politically correct liberals want to avoid offence and end up being non-inclusive (and this offensive)
The ideological sommersaults are amusing and are a manifestation of the liberal obsession with controlling speech and thought, thinking that will change reality since that is socially constructed, as well as trying to define problems away (and denouncing counterpoints as "misperceptions", without proof)

Eskimo - definition of Eskimo - "Usage Note: Eskimo has long been criticized as an offensive term, and many Americans either avoid it or feel uncomfortable using it. In Canada, where Eskimo is especially frowned on, the only acceptable term is Inuit, and Americans have generally come to prefer this name too, knowing it to be a term of ethnic pride. But it is not always understood that Inuit cannot substitute for Eskimo in all cases, being restricted in proper usage to the Inuit-speaking peoples of Arctic Canada and parts of Greenland. In southwest Alaska and Arctic Siberia, where Inuit is not spoken, the comparable term is Yupik, which has not gained as wide a currency in English as Inuit. While use of these more specific terms is generally preferable when speaking of the appropriate linguistic group, none of them can be used of the Eskimoan peoples as a whole; the only inclusive term remains Eskimo. · The claim that Eskimo is offensive is often supported by citing a popular etymology tracing its origin to an Abenaki word meaning "eaters of raw meat." Though modern linguists speculate that the term may actually derive from a Montagnais word referring to the manner of lacing a snowshoe, the matter remains undecided"

Jeeyon Shim, dirt goblin on Twitter - "A friend on Facebook posted about how Emily Dickinson used the common meter and so her poems can all be sung to the tune of the Pokemon theme song and —
Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.
We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –"

Study: African-Americans More Likely to Have Bad Credit - "Caucasians earning less than $25,000 per year were likely to have better credit scores than African-Americans earning between $65,000 and $75,000 per year.Overall, the study found 27 percent of all credit reports belonging to Caucasians were poor, compared to 48 percent of those belonging to African-Americans. Only 28 percent of Hispanics were found to have bad credit. The study involved 80,000 individuals. Researchers assigned a rating of “bad” to anyone who had two bills past due by more than 30 days in the past two years, a single bill past due by 90 days or more, a judgment against them, a lien against them or a bankruptcy... Researchers speculate differing cultural attitudes, familial resources and even world views may contribute.Although credit reporting is supposed to be free of prejudice, some researchers said the system may be inherently stacked against minorities.However, no conclusive evidence has been presented to justify any of these theories or speculations."
Of course, liberals will just call this redlining and call the algorithm racist. Apparently Hispanics have "whiteness"

The Funniest Vanity Plates Rejected by the California DMV - "Applicants are required to fill out a form listing the personalized plate they desire, along with a brief explanation as to why they want it. Whether or not the plate sees the light of day falls to a panel of four beleaguered bureaucrats, who weed through the slush pile and ferret out requests that are racist, tawdry, or otherwise offensive. It’s a tougher job than you might think. Ever since vanity plates were introduced in 1972, Californians have tried sneaking all manner of sly euphemisms and overt obscenities past the department’s guardians of civility... While “box” is generally rejected as a “vagina reference,” the DMV will allow it on a plate if the customer owns “a ‘Box’ type vehicle such as a Scion or a Porsche Boxster.” Similarly, only cars built in 1969 can use the number 69 on their plates...
Applicant Explanation: In remembrance of me and my girlfriend’s anniversary. Meaning be my bae, before anyone else.
DMV Comments: Bae=Poop in Danish
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: Schlafer is German for sleeper.
DMV Comments: Also means sleeper in the sense of an inactive agent or terrorist (Wikipedia)
Verdict: No
Applicant Explanation: Playful joke
DMV Comments: BMW hunter, he has an Audi. So he’s hunting down BMW drivers?
Verdict: No
ONW2BYB Applicant Explanation: On my way to bang your bitch
DMV Comments: What he said
Verdict: No
Applicant Explanation: Have unwavering faith (4) respect the Day
DMV Comments: Who farted
Verdict: No
Applicant Explanation: Celebration of my son moving out of the house
DMV Comments: Dick
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: I’m the extension of my dad. My father’s name is “Dick” and I was named after him
DMV Comments: Dick extension. Customer’s name is Brant
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: The lettering and numbers in this plate are the same as a chest my grama left me when she passed away.
DMV Comments: Looks similar to a text penis.
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: Funky trumpet in the funk music genre
DMV Comments: Fuck Trump
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: I’m a professional fisherman and I fish for tuna all over the world.
DMV Comments: I Googled him. He is and he does
Verdict: No...
Applicant Explanation: Saint Anne is an important historical figure, and someone who I model my life after.
DMV Comments: Satan
Verdict: Yes"

Here's the list of licence plates Ontario doesn't want on the road - "The most common rejections were related to clarity and readability, plates which the province deems too difficult to read. A large part of these rejections were related to plates using numbers to spell a phrase instead of letters... References to the pandemic were also rejected... Plates are rejected for a number of reasons from being too political, too sexual or too violent to religious grounds and derogatory slang."

ryan cooper on Twitter - "sales of mega-pickups, which have basically been deliberately designed to intimidate and kill pedestrians, are booming"
Major projection going on here

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