In doing the research for this post, I found out that the meditations were grounded in science - the exhibition was created in conjunction with a scientific community consisting of neuropsychologists, psychologists, a biochemist, a social psychologist, an occupational therapist and an expert in education. Most of the names are French ones, though, which would account for the very French philosophical bent (and perhaps why there was French text in London - presumably the ArtScience Museum will replace it with Mandarin as usual).
Composite posters - Star Wars characters made up of other items
As part of the exhibition, everyone got a wristband which could be tapped to sensors in the wall to make choices (this being a theme of the exhibition).
Waffle on what determines the self
You got to choose which species your character would be
Supposedly the cantina scene in A New Hope is to invert the usual relationship between Human and Alien. I have my doubts about that. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.
Ponda Baba
On cloning
Boba Fett (who's a clone) with BB-8, a First Order Stormtrooper and a Stormtrooper (who are not, nearby text on clones notwithtanding). Stormtrooper helmets, stormtrooper rifle
Aldar Beedo, Ark "Bumpy" Roose
Droids: [B1] Battle Droid, EV-9D9, RA-7, 8D8, Mouse Droid, C-3P0, R2-D2
On genes. At least this is related to Star Wars. Although, sadly, not to the exhibits beside it. I guess this is supposed to be linked to Tatooine because that's the origin of both Skywalkers. But there was no other attempt made to link the twins (and even here the link was only mentioned in passing - nothing about genes and personality, for example, despite the header of "it's in the genes")
The influence of parents, parenting styles. No talk about how parenting (supposedly) influences kids, though
Commentary on Shmi Skywalker and Owen and Beru Lars parenting
Shmi Skywalker sketch, presumably conceived of as a Jedi
R2-D2 and C-3P0 leave the pod in the desert
Han Solo in Carbonite, Slave Leia
Jabba the Hutt and his eyes, Jabba and Montross (who got cut)

"How do we grow - influences" (one of the links they tried to make to "Identities", which presumably explains the exhibition title); Luke and Yoda
Actions and attitudes - sketches for Yoda in The Clone Wars
Various Imperial craft: Star Destroyer, TIE Fighter Advanced x1, Imperial Shuttle, TIE Bomber, TIE Interceptor, TIE Fighter, AT-AT Walker
(Mostly) Rebel craft: Slave I, X-Wing, Rebel Snowspeeder, , A-Wing, Mon Calamari Starcruiser, B-Wing
Relative Speed/Maneuverability chart - the Millennium Falcon isn't that fast after all!
Millennium Falcon landing on Cloud City
Han and Chewie over Death Star
Costumes: Chewbacca, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Lando Calrissan
"The Millennium Falcon: The Friend Ship"
"Strength in Numbers" (i.e. the Rebel Alliance)
Aquillian Rangers (not in later drafts), Troops
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
The exhibition made the point (not pictured in this post) that Luke and Anakin faced similar circumstances, but one stayed good and the other turned evil because, among other things, of their different social contexts - Luke had friends but Anakin didn't (more from Geek Frontiers). Ironically, given that material from The Clone Wars was featured, it didn't talk about the role of the Jedi Order's flaws in Anakin's fall.
Occupation - once again you could choose one
On Padme Amidala, Amidala costumes
"Personality: how do you behave?"
"Anakin: high on neuroticism, low on agreeableness" (Luke didn't get a similar personality evaluation - probably because they didn't have enough related props to show, e.g. his Commander Luke Skywalker costume [the one he wears at the end of The Empire Strikes Back])
Anakin costume & Owen Lars' Swoop Bike
Values. Once again there was no link to Star Wars
Palpatine's facial expressions (for The Clone Wars)
Darth Sidious. I was in a hurry (I had a plane to catch) so I couldn't watch the character vignettes
The Jedi: Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon
The Sith: Darth Maul, The Emperor. I'm disappointed Count Dooku was missing