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Monday, January 18, 2021

Links - 18th January 2021 (1)

George W. Bush won't support Donald Trump’s reelection, report says - "George W. Bush will not support the re-election of Donald Trump, according to people familiar with his thinking, The New York Times reported Saturday.The paper said the former president and Texas governor won't vote for Trump's reelection and that his brother, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, "isn't sure how he'll vote." The paper spotlights several members of the Republican Party who are dissenting from party lines, though Bush was the only prominent Texas politician mentioned. Freddy Ford, a spokesman for Bush, told The Texas Tribune that Bush would steer clear of speaking publicly on his presidential vote and called The New York Times assertion false. "This is completely made up," Ford said in an email. "He is retired from presidential politics and has not indicated how he will vote."... In 2014, before Jeb Bush ran for president (a race he lost to Trump), George P. told the Texas Tribune’s Evan Smith he wouldn’t endorse his father."
It's only wrong when Fox News or the Daily Mail report material challenging the liberal consensus. But the New York Times can lie as much as they want and still be trustworthy

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "having *Flag of England* or *Flag of United Kingdom* in your display name is an easy way of someone saying they’re racist, islamophobic, homophobic and hate women"
Comment: "We have the same nonsense here, it started with the confederate flag which was ostensibly reasonable even if debatable, then it was the Gadsden flag which literally has zero connection with slavery or the confederacy, now it's the actual American flag. Their goal is to destroy our history and demonize our institution so we'll accept even worse institutions."
"what's even more ridiculous is that the "Confederate flag", which folks despise sooo much, is actually the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia...not the actual Confederacy."
So much for the "myth" that liberals hate their countries, as well as the "myth" of the slippery slope (it used to be just the English flag that was demonised)

Bev on Twitter - "Chinese Peranakans in Singapore have had a history of blackface. Since a lot of them were colonial collaborators, they aspired towards their colonisers’ culture as well — this involved putting on and enjoying minstrel. As a peranakan, I feel like we need to talk about this more."
So since the arts in Singapore have a history of structural racism, we need to defund them

Dr. Carly Goldstein в Twitter - "@ZackBergerMDPhD My house was burglarized in Feb. So much stolen and damaged in the process. Made me incredibly sad to think how desperately they needed my jewelry and computer...probably more than I did. It still sucks and feels violating, but kudos for finding compassion in your frustration."
When you're such a bleeding heart you excuse those who rob you

Explicit tweet depicts BDSM dog play involving SAF uniforms; Mindef investigating

Balaji S. Srinivasan on Twitter - "Democrats need to learn experts aren’t always right. Republicans need to learn experts aren’t always wrong. Libertarians need to learn that a state can succeed. Progressives need to learn that a state can fail"

Allie Beth Stuckey on Twitter - "Liberal privilege is never having to worry about losing your job or your business for voicing your political opinions. You can be a full on communist, falsely accuse 10 people of racism, & support partial birth abortion and you won’t be viewed as problematic in the slightest."

Burgess Owens on Twitter - "The most popular racist term today... "White Privilege". Don't you dare tell me my skin color holds me back. Don't you dare tell me my skin color makes me a victim."

Bill Maher on the Perils of Political Correctness - The New York Times - "“My whole career,” Maher says, “has been this battle: Why can’t I talk on TV the way I talk at home or with my friends? My goal was to take that gap, which on most shows you can drive a truck through, and close it to nothing.”
Most late-night hosts don’t criticize both the right and the left as much as you do. Why do you think that is?
It’s hard to answer that question without sounding self-serving. I will say this: Our studio audience is not representative of liberals across the country. Your paper and The Atlantic had long articles in the last year saying that 80 percent of Americans think this politically correct BS has gone too far. But the people on Twitter are the people who control the media a lot. They’re the millennials who probably grew up with helicopter parents who afforded them a sense of entitlement. They are certainly more fragile than previous generations. Trigger warnings. Safe spaces. Crying rooms. Microaggressions. That crowd feels like anything that upsets their tender sensibilities is completely out of line... liberals protect people, and P.C. people protect feelings. They don’t do anything. They’re pointing at other people who are somehow falling short of their standards, which could have changed three weeks ago. They’re constantly moving the goalposts so they can go, “Gotcha!” For example, when I was growing up, the most liberal thing you could do is not see color. Well, that’s wrong now. You see color, always, so you can register your white privilege. But I grew up in the Martin Luther King era: Judge by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I still think that’s the best way to do it. Not see it... the air on the left is becoming stale. I railed for years against the Fox News bubble, and that is as strong as ever, but I didn’t think it would get this bad on the left. Comedians are afraid to make jokes in clubs, because somebody will tape it and send it out on Twitter and get the mob after you... Of course, intolerance exists everywhere, but the places where, let’s say, human rights workers have their work cut out for them the most are probably traditional Islamic societies. To conflate thinking that with Islamophobia is a facile and unconvincing trick.
I do wonder if, at least in the past, you’ve done some conflating of your own as far as, for example, treating theocracies or dictators as exemplars of Islamic rank and file.
I think you have it backwards. The government of Pakistan is more liberal than the people. Their senate recently passed legislation to end child marriages and local police forces have intervened. Yes, we have things in our country that are at odds with liberal values, but someone once said that, at some point, a difference in degree becomes a difference in kind... to those who say, when I mention instances of Islamism, “But it’s not everywhere,” I say, “If a doctor tells you you have cancer, do you go, Yeah, but it’s not everywhere?”... I define political correctness as the elevation of sensitivity over truth...
I saw this headline: “Mario Lopez Apologizes.” It was this groveling apology to the L.G.B.T.Q. community. You know what the problem was? They asked him about this trend in Hollywood of letting your 3-year-old decide their gender and Mario Lopez said maybe 3 is a little young for that decision. Monster!... Young people should be the free ones pushing the boundaries and not the ones inhibiting us. “Well, I’m not a woman, so I could not possibly know that experience.” “I’m not a person of color, so I can’t speak about that.” Professors are afraid to speak, because what they say, even if it’s science, might go against the politically correct notion. This is pernicious. I’m sorry, but I have to lay that at the doorstep of the far left and the younger generation. It’s not the worst thing in the world to hear something you find somewhat offensive. You can turn the channel. Look at something else. Go to a puppet show; you’ll never be offended."
Re: Pakistan - So much for the myth that governments (and politicians) are always to blame, not the people

California Restaurant Industry Group Sues Berkeley Over Natural Gas Ban - "The California Restaurant Association filed suit against the city of Berkeley Thursday alleging that its recently approved ban on the use of natural gas in newly constructed buildings will have "uniquely negative impacts" on the culinary community.In July, Berkeley became the first city in the U.S. to ban natural gas pipes in new buildings as a means of achieving greenhouse gas reduction goals... a shift to electric heat would change the cooking process and increase costs. "Many restaurants will be faced with the inability to make many of their products which require the use of specialized gas appliances to prepare, including for example flame-seared meats, charred vegetables, or the use of intense heat from a flame under a wok," the lawsuit said. "Indeed, restaurants specializing in ethnic foods so prized in the Bay Area will be unable to prepare many of their specialties without natural gas.""
If they can show it will hurt ethnic food more, they can argue it's racist and get it struck down! Or all the restaurants can just leave Berkeley

Anonymous professors attack colleague behind ‘grievance studies’ hoax as threat to university - "Peter Boghossian’s colleagues believe he “likely” committed academic dishonesty by seeking to publish several hoax papers in peer-reviewed academic journals associated with what he calls “grievance studies.”The Portland State University philosophy professor would like to respond to their concerns in person, but he can’t.The 11 professors and one doctoral student left their names off a letter to the editor published by the student newspaper Friday, while including their titles and departments... The professor told The College Fix he had taken great pains to engage critics, contrary to the anonymous letter’s portrayal.When Boghossian moderated a discussion with the fired Google engineer James Damore earlier this year, he told the audience that all tenured and tenure-track women’s studies professors had been invited to “be with us tonight on stage” for a “conversation,” not a debate. The same invitation was available for a future event on intersectionality... Boghossian compared this effort to having a conversation with someone who believes in Santa Claus.These “cowards” are the “very same people who laud and champion diversity,” yet spurn one of the few heterodox voices on campus, he said: “I’m not a hardline dogmatist” and he’s never voted Republican.He’s also not tenured, leading Boghossian to previously predict PSU will fire him... The PSU Vanguard, which published the anonymous letter, is also catching heat for not only publishing an anonymous letter, but mocking Boghossian in cover art and inside graphics.It also failed to verify the accuracy of his partners’ names, referring to “Heather” Pluckrose, editor-in-chief of Areo magazine, and James “Lindsey,” a mathematician and author. Pluckrose’s name was corrected to “Helen” sometime Tuesday, but Lindsay’s name is still misspelled.The anonymous colleagues are “obviously enraged at me” to the point where none of them caught the misspellings before submitting the letter... Nearly all the 26 comments now posted criticize the letter writers. A self-identified “female math undergraduate” said she had crossed off PSU as a potential graduate school, comparing the letter writers to “evolution denialists.”... “It is utterly incredible to me what the university has become … They can’t defend their ideas, they link me with Trump, they attack me as a person.”... “Talk about wasting somebody’s time,” Lindsay continues, reading the portion of the letter about the strain on peer reviewers. “They wanted to make a graduate or undergraduate level course in masculinities based on the Hooter’s paper,” referring to one of the published hoax papers on “Breastaurant Masculinity.”He defends the project as “an audit to raise the quality of scholarship coming out of shit fields” by professors who are “trying to turn [academia] into a cult.”Mike Nayne, a filmmaker who has been documenting the trio, says off-screen with Boghossian: “You’ve just been written up in the ‘Mean Girls’ burn book.” Boghossian says he’s not expecting sympathetic colleagues to write “another letter in support of me” because they are “too terrified … they’d be targeted and they could go up before the diversity board”... The scholars have given no evidence that the trio “falsified data” – a “legally specific claim” – yet they raise the question of how “extremely implausible data” was accepted so easily by several journals"
Yet liberals are upset by the journal of controversial ideas, which will allow pseudononymity. I guess knowing authors' identity is only important when they say the "wrong" things

Seamus (FreedomToons) on Twitter - "hey guys, I'm drawing the line. if you support bad thing, unfollow me. i only support good thing and will no longer be associating with people who i am better than"
So brave! So stunning!
This is a parody of liberals who proclaim that if you disagree with them, unfollow them

Men hired for sexual fantasy break into wrong house - "In a sex fantasy gone wrong, two men with machetes entered the wrong house in New South Wales, Australia, before quickly realising their error.One of them has now been acquitted of entering a home armed with a weapon in July 2019, Australian media report.They had been hired to carry out a client's fantasy of being tied up in his underwear and stroked with a broom... "He was willing to pay A$5,000 if it was 'really good'," the judge said.However, the client moved to another address 50km (30 miles) away without updating the two men. They then entered a home on the street of the original address. When the resident noticed a light on in his kitchen at 06:15, he assumed it was a friend who came by daily to make morning coffee.When the men called out the name of their client, the resident turned on the light and removed a sleep apnoea mask he was wearing.It was then that he saw them standing above his bed with the machetes, which they appeared to have brought as props for the role play. When they realised their error, one of the pair said, "Sorry, mate", and shook the resident's hand, according to local reports.The two men then drove to the correct address, where the client noticed one man had a "great big knife" in his trousers and asked them to leave the weapons in their car.The client then cooked bacon, eggs and noodles, and a short time later, the police arrived at the property, found the machetes in the car and arrested the hired pair."

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