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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Links - 17th January 2021 (1)

Under new Cambridge law, undocumented immigrants won’t be arrested for driving without a license - " It’s the law that you need a license to drive.But, if you’re undocumented and driving without a license in Cambridge, police have been advised not to arrest you for that.It’s all part of a new law that passed unanimously in the city, which encourages police to summons unlicensed drivers instead of arresting them. The procedure has already been practiced for a while, but city leaders said they felt compelled to officially make it a law, in fear of what could happen to immigration laws should President Trump be re-elected."
It's amazing how much contempt there is for the law in the US - not just among individuals but institutions (and in this case, government itself)

Lily Martin - "How DARE you improve infant mortality rates to never before seen levels...How DARE you create wealth and improve living standards for the vast majority of people such as has never occurred before in history...How DARE you provide universal education, universal suffrage, strive for equal opportunities and human rights such as this earth has never seen before...How DARE you innovate and create technologies which improve the quality of life for millions of people across the globe...How DARE you provide asylum and a better life for thousands of people whose own inheritance didn’t furnish them with the benefits of the west...Hang your head in shame for your strivings and improvements across so many sectors of society....legal...technological....scientific....humanitarian....etcBe ashamed...be VERY ashamed...because Greta said so..."

Australians Against Destructive Leftism - "Descendants of convicts should demand reparations. Their ancestors were torn from their native lands, forced into labour and denied basic rights, causing generations of psychological trauma."

It'z rinaldo msr home of comedy - Posts - "Before you call a guy ugly, remember 95% of your beauty can be removed by a towel.

If Innovation Makes Everything Cheaper, Why Does It Make Nuclear Power More Expensive? - "only by sticking with the same design and the same team were builders able to shorten construction times and reduce costs over time. Keeping the same design and switching teams — or keeping the same team but switching designs — increased costs.The good news is that when utilities stick with the same team and design, costs decline on average by 12 percent. The bad news is that “it is not possible to directly transfer previous knowledge and experience gained on the construction of any type of reactor to the new projects.”Why? Because standardization gives construction managers the opportunity to “learn by doing” and build each consecutive nuclear reactor a little faster and a little cheaper. This makes intuitive sense. “There is no substitute for experience” is oft-repeated because it’s so often true. What matters most is the tacit knowledge in the heads of construction managers, not reactor models.Standardization reduces costs in other ways, the economists found. It reduces the burden on safety regulators whose own lack of experience slows down construction. It reduces the burden on suppliers of key parts, including reactor vessels, steam generators, and turbines. And it lowers technological uncertainty, which can lower the cost of financing — a major source of construction costs.All of this leaves Berthélemy and Rangel with their awkward finding: “innovation hampers the competitiveness of nuclear power through an increase in construction costs.” This is true for both the U.S. and France, but especially for the U.S. Where France has a single national utility that centralized decision-making, the U.S. had dozens of utilities choosing mostly bespoke designs.The difference between the two nations led a former commissioner with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to quip, “The French have two kinds of reactors and hundreds of kinds of cheese, whereas in the United States the figures are reversed.”... Is nuclear power really so different from other sectors? Consider that some of our most radical tech innovations — from the iPhone to the Tesla — are more expensive, not cheaper, than the products they replace, because they offer radical performance improvements alongside greater functionality.And that’s the rub. Nuclear plants made expensive by innovation don’t offer the radically improved performance that their promoters often claim, or that their customers are willing to pay... In truth, from food and clothing to solar panels and natural gas turbines, it’s incremental innovation, experience, and economies of scale — not radical innovation in product design — that, over a period of decades, drive down prices"

Alfred Kinsey: The Story Behind The Father Of The Sexual Revolution - "Although Kinsey has often been hailed as the “father of the sexual revolution,” it was not just religious voices who sought to defame him. Statisticians have pointed out that these subjects were not representative of the “population at large” and leaned towards people who were “sexually active and adventurous.” In other words, Kinsey’s research was in part biased.Kinsey himself was certainly biased in favor of sexual activity, having once declared “there are only three kinds of sexual abnormalities: abstinence, celibacy, and delayed marriage.”But how professional Kinsey was throughout his research is also often brought to question. He allegedly encouraged his research associates to engage in sexual activity with each other and pressured students and team members alike to engage in that activity with him. Kinsey’s assistant, Clyde Martin, even engaged in a sexual relationship with his wife. Kinsey kept recorded video and image evidence of sexual intercourse between subjects, assistants, and friends. Some of these he even participated in. He collected erotica from around that world which was deemed illegal by the U.S. Customs Service... Kinsey went so far as to research sexual stimulation in children as young as five months old. One of the subjects he interviewed for Sexual Behavior in the Human Male was a 63-year-old pedophile named Rex King who had attempted “to bring to orgasm boys between the ages of 2 months and 15 years.” It only recently emerged that this data around sexuality in children came from one single man in Kinsey’s research, rather than from the several that Kinsey had initially claimed.By shielding King in this way, Kinsey may have enabled him"

Lucas Lynch - "Can mathematics be antiracist"
"First they came for the sociology departments, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a sociologist...But thankfully math and sciences were protected, because they believe in a sense of objectivity and logic and would therefore dismantle any such nonsense that activists tried to...... oh shit..."

Communism and the environment - "When communist governments took control of Eastern European nations in 1949, they embraced the Marxist ideology on natural resources - that natural resources have no intrinsic value; their sole purpose is to serve humans. At the same time, the governments promoted heavy industry to feed their military apparatus. The combination was devastating to the environment"
Doesn't stop all the communists when they bash capitalism

This City Hall, brought to you by Amazon - "Chicago has offered to let Amazon pocket $1.32 billion in income taxes paid by its own workers. This is truly perverse. Called a personal income-tax diversion, the workers must still pay the full taxes, but instead of the state getting the money to use for schools, roads or whatever, Amazon would get to keep it all instead.“The result is that workers are, in effect, paying taxes to their boss,” says a report on the practice from Good Jobs First, a think tank critical of many corporate subsidies... Fresno promises to funnel 85 percent of all taxes and fees generated by Amazon into a special fund. That money would be overseen by a board, half made up of Amazon officers, half from the city. They’re supposed to spend the money on housing, roads and parks in and around Amazon.The proposal shows a park with a sign: “This park brought to you by Amazon,” with the company’s smiling arrow corporate logo."

I’m cheating on my husband, but I’m much happier now—and it’s better for him, too.

Dirty truth behind washed and ready to eat vegetables - "We found a staggering amount of bacteria on food claiming to be washed and ready to eat. Glen Pinna from Biotech Laboratories compared a bag of ready to eat lettuce, with a fresh piece of produce.Our tests show loose lettuce has 470,000 microbes per gram, while the washed leaves out of a packet has 9.5 million microbes per gram.The results for broccoli were also surprising. Straight from the shelf, it has 280,000 bacteria per gram. Out of a packet labelled washed, the amount grows to 850,000. Pinna explained washed and ready to eat bags are actually ripe for bacteria growth."The conditions they're creating is really promoting the growth of bacteria," he said. "Anything that you're chopping up and putting into a bag and sealing and not holding under five degrees, those bugs are going to increase."In fact, he advises to avoid all ready to eat products."... all lettuce and leafy vegetables need a wash before eating.However, when it came to fruits such as apples, tomatoes, strawberries and grapes you may as well save the water. There was not much difference between washed and unwashed variations."

Newsofx - Posts - "Why do men kneel while proposing?"
"They're talking to the pussy, not to you."

Ilhan Omar on Twitter - "S̶u̶s̶p̶e̶n̶d̶ Cancel rent and mortgages"
Replies: "Willing to cancel your salary?"

Dr. Jessica Taylor on Twitter - "Beware any interventions or campaigns which encourage or convince women and girls to take responsibility for/ protect themselves from rape, sexual abuse, harassment, stalking or domestic abuse. Victim blaming is still victim blaming even when it’s called ‘keep yourself safe’."
Amazing. The clearest example of feminist lunacy yet

Man who donated his mom's body for dementia research learns it was strapped to a chair and blown up - "Doris Stauffer, 73, died in hospice care following a several year battle with Alzheimer’s, despite doctors saying she didn’t carry the gene for the disease
Medical officials feared the disease may have mutated and hoped to study her brain after her death but her neurologist was unable to accept her remains Finally, her son settled on the Biological Resource Center (BRC) in Maricopa County and signed an agreement to donate Doris' brain to Alzheimer's research Days later he received a wooden box labelled with his mother’s ashes and an ID number - but it was later discovered to  contain just the ashes of just her hand
The rest of her remains were sold to the US Military, strapped into a chair and blown up in a 'blast test' to study what happens to humans in cars hit by IED's"

An extinct bird just ‘evolved itself’ back into existence - "The Aldabra white-throated rail bird was declared extinct, a victim of rising sea levels almost 100,000 years ago.However, the flightless brown bird has recently been spotted – leaving scientists scratching their heads as to how – and why – the species has come back to life.According to research in the Zoological Journal of Linnean Society, the re-incarnated Aldabra bird is a product of ‘iterative evolution’. That’s when old genes thought to have died out re-emerge at a different point in time."

Meme - "Biggest dick award goes to my stepdad."
"Why is everyone hating me all i did was call my stepdad a dick."

Glass Vibrator Urn - "Have your loved one’s ashes preserved in this glass vibrator and keep the intimacy alive even when your former spouse is not. This unique sex toy allows you to pack up to 21 grams of the dearly departed inside of it, so you can enjoy their company every night"

Frisky dolphin gets very carried away mounting unsuspecting female tourist - "The holidaymaker was hoping to see the animals during a visit to Varadero, Cuba, last week - but the experience was more up close and personal than she expected."

Meme - "When you're going 15 over and see a cop behind the bushes...
Fuck! Please don't pull out!"

Aren't Women Wonderful? -  "I (25M) found out my girlfriend (23F) has an onlyfans and it’s killing me inside"
"The whole "women should do what they want" shtick sounds great until it's your girlfriend selling pics of her butthole to simps!"

Meme<.a>- "'lol if a girl hits me im gonna hit her back its obviously self defense' umm if a girl hits you theres a 99% chance its bc ur being a dick??'
'That‘s like saying it's fine to hit a girl for being a bitch, Neither is acceptable or justified.'
'dont you dare defend domestic abuse in my mentions. fuck outta here with that shit i dont associate myself with men like you'"
Only women can suffer domestic abuse, and it's from men.

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