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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Links - 21st January 2021

Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think - "Mr. Reilly eventually compiled a database of 346 hate-crime allegations and determined that less than a third were genuine. Turning his attention to the hoaxes, he put together a data set of more than 400 confirmed cases of fake allegations that were reported to authorities between 2010 and 2017. He allows that the exact number of false reports is probably unknowable, but what can be said “with absolute confidence is that the actual number of hate crime hoaxes is indisputably large,” he writes. “We are not speaking here of just a few bad apples.”The author’s bigger concern, and rightly so, is the growing politicization of hate crimes, especially when they are directed at underrepresented groups and regardless of whether they in fact happened. The sad reality is that there is no shortage of individuals and entities with a vested interest in exaggerating racial tensions in the U.S.—from civil-rights organizations to corporate diversity officers to professors of race and gender studies.These alleged incidents are invariably seized upon by politicians and activists looking to feed a sacrosanct belief among liberals that discrimination and oppression are the main drivers of inequality. “In the mainstream media we hear almost constant talk about scary new forms of racism: ‘white privilege,’ ‘cultural appropriation,’ and ‘subtle bigotry,’ ” Mr. Reilly writes, yet “a huge percentage of the horrific hate crimes cited as evidence of contemporary bigotry are fakes.”"

Black student at Texas A&M who found racist notes on his car put them there himself, cops say - "A&M senior Isaih Martin, 21, posted an image on Twitter of the notes he found on his car parked outside a campus apartment building in June saying 'all lives matter,' 'you don't belong here' and the n-word.The alleged discovery later prompted an investigation and $1,200 reward offered for information leading to the arrest of a suspect.Campus cops, however, dropped the probe after they reviewed surveillance video and claim that Martin may have placed the notes on the vehicle himself... Texas A&M President Michael K. Young the same day released a statement offering the $1,200 reward. 'I am utterly disappointed,' said Martin on Thursday, after campus cops dropped the case, challenging a report of their conclusions."

A&M police release video used to help close case deemed a hoax involving racist letters - "it is clear that people walking by Martin’s car were only near it for a couple of seconds each"

Police: Ex-County Commissioner Candidate Confessed To Writing Racist Letter To Himself - "A former Umatilla County commissioner candidate is under investigation after he allegedly admitted that a racist, threatening letter he claimed to have received was actually written by him.Former Umatilla County Commissioner candidate Jonathan Lopez claimed he “never meant to mislead” the public when he lied about someone anonymously dropping the letter in his mailbox on June 23... investigators discovered that Lopez’s claim that he served in the U.S. Coast Guard was also a lie, Chief Edmiston said.Lopez failed to provide documentation of his alleged service, and could be charged for allegedly violating the 2013 Stolen Valor Act... Lopez, who sits on Hermiston’s Hispanic Advisory Committee, placed fourth in the Umatilla County Board of Commissioners primary election in May"

Woman accused of mailing checked off ballot requests makes court appearance - "The woman accused of causing around 300 rejected ballot requests in Vanderburgh County has pleaded not guilty.Janet Reed was in court Wednesday morning.Election officials say she mailed out ballot requests to voters with the Democratic Party box already checked off."
Strange, I thought we were told that Democratic voter fraud was a myth

Sensurround and the Ultrasonic Catastrophe on Twitter - "If white people have to pay for crimes from 200 years ago, DACA kids can pay for the crimes of their parents"

Not the Bee: College math prof says "the idea that math is in any way objective is a MYTH" that "reeks of white supremacist patriarchy" | Disrn - "A — don't miss this part, now — a math professor who teaches at Brooklyn College tweeted last week her mind-numbingly postmodern-woke-Marxist sentiment that math is not "in any way objective" and any such idea "reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.""
From Laurie Rubel

BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only Equals 4 Because Of "Western Imperialism" - "Brittany Marshall’s tweet went viral after she claimed during the course of a discussion about racism, “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.” Marshall, who includes her pronouns in her bio, lists her occupation as “teacher, scholar, social justice change agent” and apparently is studying for a PhD at Rutgers. Her bizarre statement is yet another example of Intersectionality, the pseudo-intellectual garbage feminist notion taught in all major universities that racism and sexism are prevalent throughout all areas of society and are intertwined.In this case, Marshall appears to be arguing that maths itself is racist, an argument that has been made by numerous social justice warriors down the years, some of whom question why ‘Western Math’ is in common use and not other methods such as the way Aborigines count (maybe because we’re western and not Aborigine).The notion that 2+2 might not = 4 is of course lifted from George Orwell’s 1984, when the one party state was able to torture dissidents into believing it could equal 5."

Shraddha Shirude on Twitter - "The specific arithmetic attack phrase came around last year after my team asked the question "who gets to determine what is right in math class?" In our ethnic studies math framework."
I saw people claiming the 2+2 = 5 tweet was a false flag. This person describes herself as "Ethnic Studies Math Teacher | Secretary Director of @WAEthnicStudies Now | Author of #Wokemath Blog"

Steve Loves Angering Math Objectivists on Twitter - "There are two factories. Each factory has 2 fully operational machines, as well as half the parts to build another one. If the two factories were joined into one and the two halves of parts were built together, there would be 5 total machines. A case where 2+2=5."

Rochelle Gutierrez on Twitter - "A5 - I think there is an implicit question here which is, Why do we teach math as a 'core' subject in the first place? What is the historical legacy of school math? Also, who was/is intended to benefit & how? #cmcmath #mathequity"
"Yes! This is a part of what I've been referring to as defunding maths: literally defunding it from K-12 curriculum (requirements, testing) & society (STEM funding and salaries) but also figuratively from our minds (giving the current version more value than other subjects/gifts)."
First, they defunded the police...

John 'take your care' Fury on Twitter - "Stay retired Paul you're a better commentator than fighter"
"Does it make you feel good saying that? Now would you say that to my face man to man?"
"Nope you'd kick my ass that's why I said it on twitter"
"Fair enough"

Morgan M Page on Twitter - "If "landlord" is a job, we should be able to fire them.
If there was anyone else we paid half our money to each month to perform a service who treated us this way, we would cancel the service."
Sounds like this communist cannot find another place to live in (i.e. "fire" its landlord) because it has a history of non-payment

Thread by @MsAriesMoon - "If someone appears in your dreams a lot when you don’t want them too, that’s THEM manifesting you without your consent. (Most of the time)
Especially if you wake up and you’re like “why tf where they in my dream?” And you feel a little uneasy or upset about it."
This could mean a lot of things. They could:
-Wanna talk to you
-Fantasizing about you
-Want closure
- Be thinking about you so much that they appeared in your dream.
Most of the time they want closure! Talk to them in the dream next time.
Also keep in mind that we are constantly manifesting 24/7 with Our thoughts and actions. Don’t look at this too deeply.
They could’ve just thought about you and then that caused them to appear in your dreams. ️
If y’all need an amazing dream interpretation, hit up @HESTWlCK"

Ellen K. Pao on Twitter "I used to be kinda sad that I wasn’t ever “cool” enough to get invited to some parties that people I know were invited to, but now, I’m super thankful that I’ve never accidentally had a photo of me taken with Ghislaine."
"She was at the Kleiner holiday party in 2011, but I had no desire to meet her much less have a photo taken with her. We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the "cool" people who managed the tightly controlled guest list"
"Wait what? Everyone in the room knew she was a child sex trafficker... and no one in the room objected to her presence?"
"You knew? So what did you do about it? I’m guessing ‘nothing’ is the answer"
"I guess powerful women don't help women when it's an inconvenience"
"No, when it could affect your career...or your party invitations."
"If only you believed your own pinned tweet in 2011: "if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else." - Tony Morrison"

Opinion | What if Trump loses but insists he won? - The Washington Post
Considering the Democrats were unable to accept that Trump won for 4 years...

Brendan O'Neill - "Woke leftists who are outraged that Boris Johnson has appointed Munira Mirza to head up the commission on racial inequality have been scouring Mirza’s articles for spiked for proof of how evil she is. A few things have really outraged them. They’re disgusted that she once wrote a piece for us saying that people must be free to ridicule Islam and that she also criticised the communal pressure heaped on some Muslim women to wear the face veil.Think about what is happening here: middle-class, mostly white leftists and liberals are attacking a woman of Pakistani Muslim heritage for saying it is okay to criticise Islam. They are essentially accusing her of apostasy. They are denouncing her for distancing herself from certain aspects of the faith she was born into. This is how backward the PC left has become — it now rages against a Muslim-heritage woman for believing that freedom of speech must include the freedom to criticise Islamic beliefs and practices. “How dare you, as a Muslim woman, criticise Muslim ideas?” — that is what they’re really saying. This is regressive and sexist. The woke left sounds like some angry imam telling off a lowly woman for daring to question religious diktats. This feels like a new low."

Common Sense Extremists - Posts - "People don't want to take down statues of Confederate generals? Why do they want to celebrate losers *Bernie cap, Soviet T-shirt"

Fordham Student Sanctioned for “Hate Crime” After Supporting 2A and Police on Instagram - "A Fordham University student has been sanctioned by the school for posting photos of his support for the Second Amendment and law enforcement, as the school claims he violated “university regulations relating to bias and/or hate crimes” and “threats/intimidation.”... “For too long, students have simply accepted being silenced by their schools and leftist mobs,” Tong told YAF exclusively. “I think this says that students of all backgrounds and beliefs need to rally together to protect everyone’s right to speak, because it will only get worse if we remain indifferent.” Tong also noted that if the school does not retract the sanctions by July 23, he will take legal action against the school... This university’s targeting of someone who holds a patriotic viewpoint is disturbing–and students everywhere should wake up and realize that anyone can become the next target of cancel culture."

Jeremy Wayne Tate on Twitter - "I graduated college a diehard Democrat - voted for Obama. But three years teaching in inner-city New York convinced me of two things;
A) There is nothing more important than the family for academic success
B) Leftist policy had been very bad for the family"

Are Gummy Bear Flavors Just Fooling Our Brains? - " the impact color on taste is something candy companies definitely know."And while I don't usually talk about gummy bears, what I like to talk about is Skittles," Katz says. "The Skittles people, being much smarter than most of us, recognized that it is cheaper to make things smell and look different than it is to make them actually taste different."Katz continues: "So, Skittles have different fragrances and different colors — but they all taste exactly the same." Katz says this works because our brains are used to processing certain sensory cues together. For example, our brains associate the color yellow, a lemon smell and a slightly acidic taste with each other. When you're offered two of these three sensory cues, your brain will fill in the blanks."There are some fruity candies in which they do specific flavorings in different ones; higher-end gummy bears actually do taste different," Katz says. "But yeah, a lot of candy companies have figured out this is just a way to save money.""

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