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Monday, April 20, 2020

Links - 20th April 2020 (1)

Why the Space Force logo looks like Star Trek, and Star Trek looks like NASA - "The Starfleet Command seal was first seen ‘Homefront’ (DS9) and later in ‘In the Flesh’ (VGR), although the agency itself, of course, dates back to the original Star Trek series. The symbol was intended to be somewhat reminiscent of the NASA emblem"

Tiina Wiik 🇫🇮 on Twitter - "Young woman has an arab asylum seeker boyfriend and writes social media posts about how shitty white men are. Any guesses on how this turned out? (Answer in comments)... The girl was murdered by the boyfriend she was trying to leave. Not the first such case in Finland. One Afghan raped and burned his girlfriend, one Iraqi decapitated a middle-age woman who was trying to leave him."
On Sanni Ovaska

Strength Of Grip Declines In Young Adults - "Millennials, the thoroughbreds of texting, may lag behind previous generations when it comes to old-fashioned hand strength.In a study of Americans ages 20-34, occupational therapists found that men younger than 30 have significantly weaker hand grips than their counterparts in 1985 did. The same was true of women ages 20-24"
Given that grip strength is an indicator of health...

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "*Ilhan Omar and Joe Rogan* Both these people say they'll vote for Bernie. One of them wrote a letter to a judge urging lenience for an ISIS recruit, routinely engages in anti-Semitic outbursts, and blames America for Venezuela's collapse. The Woke Police are angry with Bernie over the other one."

ZeroHavens Deux - Posts - "The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won't Date 'Woke' Women"
"If you're a guy, and you're upset women won't date you, you're an incel, and a danger to society. But if you're a woman, who works in media and you're upset men won't date you, then the men who refuse to date you are dangerous.🤡"

Mark Hughes - "The female equivalent of the unsolicited dick pic is the inappropriate long trauma dump text."

Kate Elysia on Twitter - "When I wrote my book on #GroomingGangs this is the email I got back from the Publishers telling me I couldn't use the word #Racism to describe what happened to me."
"A few times *** describes the outlook/actions of her abusers as 'racist'. There's quite a lot of discussion at the moment about whether or not white people can be victims of racism, the argument being that racism is a social issue based on the systemic oppression of a race, tied up in social and economic issues, so facing discrimination for being white isn't the same as facing racism."
I guess Jews can't be victims of racism either

Venezuela's Murderous Regime - "A new United Nations investigation underscores the brutal nature of Nicolas Maduro’s government in Venezuela. As reported in the July 4 edition of the New York Times, UN investigators found that Venezuelan Special Action Forces “have carried out thousands of extrajudicial killings in the past 18 months and then manipulated crime scenes to make it look as if the victims had been resisting arrest.” In essence, government security units acted as death squads to eliminate regime opponents.The death toll is shockingly large. Security forces “killed 5,287 people in 2018 and another 1,569 by mid‐May of this year, in what are officially termed by the Venezuelan government ‘Operations for the Liberation of the People.’” The campaign of cold‐blooded mass murder is made worse by the government’s cynical, Orwellian euphemism.The UN document concludes that the actual number of killings may be even larger, noting that some independent reports put the total extrajudicial executions for “resistance to authority,” at well over 9,000. That higher number would come as no surprise to opponents of Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chavez. Critics have alleged for years that forces loyal to Maduro and Chavez have kidnapped, tortured, and murdered political adversaries"
Damn US sanctions, forcing Venezuela to murder their own people!

"The Initial Problem Which Caused This Issue Is Never Addressed"

Seattle Schools knew these teachers abused kids — and let them keep teaching - "A KUOW investigation found that Seattle Public Schools often allows teachers who harm students to stay in the classroom. Some are allowed to keep teaching even after multiple offenses.The district has also, on at least one occasion, removed evidence of misconduct from a teacher’s personnel file after forcing them out of the district...
1 Districts are reluctant to fire teachers.
2 Teachers get hired despite inadequate reference checks.
3 Settlement agreements can hide abuse allegations."

How a vegan diet could affect your intelligence - "anthropologists have been arguing about what our ancestors ate for decades, but many scientists think that there was a lot of bone-crunching and brain-slurping on the road to evolving these remarkable 1.4kg (3lb) organs. Some have even gone so far as to say that meat made us human.One reason is that intelligence is expensive – the brain devours about 20% of our daily calories, though it accounts for just 2% of our body weight – and what better way to find the enormous array of fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals these fastidious organs require, than by feasting on animals which have already painstakingly collected or made them... recent concern about the nutritional gaps in plant-based diets has led to a number of alarming headlines, including a warning that they can stunt brain development and cause irreversible damage to a person’s nervous system. Back in 2016, the German Society for Nutrition went so far as to categorically state that – for children, pregnant or nursing women, and adolescents – vegan diets are not recommended, which has been backed up by a 2018 review of the research. In Belgium, forcing a vegan diet on your offspring could land you a spell in prison... the children who were given the soup containing meat each day seemed to have a significant edge. By the end of the study, they outperformed all the other children on a test for non-verbal reasoning. Along with the children who received soup with added oil, they also did the best on a test of arithmetic ability... there are several important brain nutrients that simply do not exist in plants or fungi. Creatine, carnosine, taurine, omega-3, haem iron and vitamins B12 and D3 generally only occur naturally in foods derived from animal products, though they can be synthesised in the lab or extracted from non-animal sources such as algae, bacteria or lichen, and added to supplements.Others are found in vegan foods, but only in meagre amounts; to get the minimum amount of vitamin B6 required each day (1.3 mg) from one of the richest plant sources, potatoes, you’d have to eat about five cups’ worth (equivalent to roughly 750g or 1.6lb). Delicious, but not particularly practical... For all of the nutrients listed above, vegetarians and vegans have been shown to have lower quantities in their bodies. In some cases, deficiency isn’t the exception – it’s completely normal... Later in life, the amount of B12 in a person’s blood has been directly correlated with their IQ. In the elderly, one study found that the brains of those with lower B12 were six times more likely to be shrinking.Even so, low B12 is widespread in vegans. One British study found that half of the vegans in their sample were deficient. In some parts of India, the problem is endemic – possibly as a consequence of the popularity of meat-free diets.Another nutrient that’s scarce in the typical vegan diet is iron... the holes in our current understanding of what the brain needs to be healthy could potentially be a major problem for vegans, since it’s hard to artificially add a nutrient to your diet, if scientists haven’t discovered its worth yet... researchers tested how the intelligence of vegetarians and omnivores changed after five days on supplements. “We found that the vegetarians seemed to benefit particularly,” says David Benton from Swansea University, who led the research.In contrast, the omnivores were relatively unaffected. This hints that, unlike the vegetarians, they already had the appropriate amount of creatine in their brains."

FBI reviewing claims Ilhan Omar married her brother: source - "When Omar and Elmi separated in 2011, the congresswoman claimed she couldn’t get in touch with him because he’d moved to the UK and she didn’t know where he was.In divorce papers asking to dissolve their marriage by alternate means in 2017, Omar swore under penalty of perjury that she had no way of contacting Elmi and said his last known location was London in June 2011.But lease and eviction records and traffic violations reviewed by The Post suggest Elmi was in the US the whole time — living just 2.6 miles away from her at an apartment in downtown Minneapolis. Omar launched her re-election bid on Thursday after a turbulent term where she was criticized for her anti-Semitic remarks, showed reluctance to sanction Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and was slapped with multiple campaign finance complaints after her alleged lover received more than $370,000 from her campaign."

A while ago I commissioned some art from an artist on this sub. Very happy! : lotr - "Gandalf tells the party to run so he can kill the final boss and get all the XP. Then he shows up next session all leveled up and with new robes and a new staff.
Scumbag Gandalf."

Gastronaut: The Jumping Table – Masterchef Sin Leong Cooks - "I met Masterchef Sin Leong. I asked him to cook the ‘classic dishes’ of his kitchen. He gamely obliged and immediately wrote up a menu drawn from his famous repertoire. But I wanted to take it a step further, and asked Sin Leong to cook his master’s recipes instead.  The four heavenly kings began their careers at the Cathay Restaurant in the 1950s, studying under the China-born, Hong Kong-trained Grand Masterchef Luo Chen. The Cathay Restaurant, which belonged to Mr. Loke Wan Tho, a HK-based businessman who also owned the Cathay Film Organization, was one of the most popular and prestigious fine dining restaurants of that era. Masterchef Sin Leong, today in his 80s, paused for a moment, pondering my request, then said yes.  He told me that he would need to cook the dishes himself, with the help of Masterchef Hooi, as his chefs were not familiar with the recipes...
This dinner was one of the highlights of my eating life, as both Masterchefs Sin Leong and Hooi Kok Wai successfully recreated the outstanding standards of Chinese cooking that I remembered from the golden 60s. I was also touched to see Masterchef Sin Leong filled with such high spirits and enthusiasm. He wore a perpetual child-like grin the entire night, and was clearly thrilled when we all queued up for his autograph! He was wistful when he said that the dishes he cooked for us that night were no longer appreciated by the young, and therefore, he hardly cooks for the public anymore"

Chef Sin Leong (冼良) x The Jumping Tables – urbanarchiver - "Google his restaurant “Red Star (红心酒家), the queues for Dim Sum on the weekends has crazy queues which even his 50 odd tables restaurant cannot fulfill. You have to queue outside the restaurant and even to the next floor below. Yet, you will find many bloggers and customers, especially the young ones complaining about the dim sum he serves. Yeah, Dim Sum is in fashion now, everyone serves Dim Sum with updated recipes or even fusion stuffs, but we have totally forgotten that Sin Leong’s strengths are not his Dim Sum but his amazing repertoire of recipes for a grand 10 course Chinese dinner."
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