Ad: "- the house occupants are females and they want a single female ONLY, no couples or married.
- a house occupant is allergic to pets, so we can not have any.
- someone who is NOT using curry when cooking is preferred."
"Not sure why someone would hate curry this much :("
"Maybe its a small space and the curry smell stains all the furniture and shit lol"
"It’s really difficult to get rid of the curry smell after the tenants leave. Difficult to rent out in the future."
"very strong smell that needs a lot of ventilation"
"yeh it's pretty potent when it stays in your wall hangings and curtains lol"
"You wouldn’t understand until you’ve had to live with it"
"If you're not used to it, it definitely smells unpleasant. My pre-India nose hated it. Now I love it."
"I’d put whatever the hell I want on the ad, especially if I’ve had a bad experience before. So if someone stank my house up with Brussels sprouts and curry, you can be damn sure both are going onto whatever advertising I put out 🙄"
"that cursed 48-hour spice scent from that shop butter chicken"
"I grew up with Pakistani family...I freaking love Indian food. But, quote frankly, white people houses are set up to where your cooking smell goes everywhere. It doesn't bother them because most of the time their food isn't pungent or rich. But I dislike having everything smell like my.onioms and garlic and spices. I wish I had a detached kitchen"
"maybe some of you are too sensitive to understand that curry has a strong and pungent smell? It could even seep into some woods which can damage them"
"1) Curry is fkng Amazing
2) The smell lingers and it spreads throughout the neighbourhood so I understand"
"What kind of curry tho? Japanese curry is not as strong"
"Technically strong spices and oil, typically used in curry and similar Indian ethnic recipes tend to seep into woodworks, resulting in the need to replace fittings (or even flooring/roofing) after the tenancy. So some landlords insist on minimal cooking / limited cooking of heavy scented foods. Sounds racist, but there is some economic sense there. Could have been better phrased though.
Side note: doesn’t say anything about eating curry take out, just no cooking."
"The strong curry smell and spices used in Indian cooking tend to linger long after the tenants are gone. This is the reason why some home owners are hesitant to rent out to Indian tenants"
"Because it stinks up the whole house and it doesn't leave no matter how much Glen 20 ya use 🙄🙄"
"because the smells are strong and get on everything? it's obvious and I wouldn't want it either despite how much I love curry. great taste/flavor comes with a cost 🤷. it was always a huge pain trying not to smell like curry when I lived with my parents since the kitchen was small and didn't have a door and they cooked every day. modern homes with open concepts only make this a lot worse."
"Have you ever cooked a curry before or even used curry powder? I put a couple of small teaspoons of curry powder into minced meat for a sausage roll mix, not even a curry, and it stunk up the entire house for days. The smell lingers for ages... It's the same deal with fish sauce, cooking oil and frying fish.. 🙄🤦🏻♂️"
"Lol people are so sensitive. I'm Vietnamese and I am keenly aware of how bad fish sauce can smell when we cook traditional food that uses it. It also lingers for a while. If you're not used to it, it can be nauseating. It is an objective fact, and I accept that can cause discomfort for others and try and be mindful of it and do not take offence if others make a comment. Same goes for curry 🤷🏻♂️... you have NEVER seen it linger on clothes or room? So everytime Ive been over to some of my mates houses back in highschool days I must have imagined it, have I? One of us is definitely exaggerating, that's for sure 🙂"
"you know the scent of certain spices are so strong that they secrete through your body right? Maybe you're so used to the scent that you don't notice it as much."
"it's like Durian , in Singapore a lot of public places have signs No Durians but it is delicious! sorry OP"
"keep your sophisticated curry smell to yourself. We are allowed to have a preference and curry smells disgusting to me. Hate how it sticks to walls and everything too"
"maybe people can have a dislike for curry 🙄 I’m not gonna drag you if you say you don’t like durians or whalesperm"
"I know a lot of places don’t want you to cook anything with a pungent smell. It’s honestly not just Indian food."
"I live in an apartment and when I moved in it smelled like curry. I get it."
"The problem is not when you eat but when you go to your office and everyone thinks you use Nivea - Chicken Masala to moisturise your suit"
"You gonna attack people for not liking certain foods?"
"Same reasons why some people HATE those who stink of alcohol, dairy , coffee and tobacco. https://www.thedailymeal.com/10-foods-make-you-smell-slideshow/slide-2"
"I can smell it from the neighbours who live downstairs, on another level and it freaking sucks everytime I walk down the hallway. Like, other people live in this apartment complex too."
"Curry ruins your psychological nose. I still like it when it's cooking, but I had a dorm experience when I came home to friends cooking late-night Japanese curry in the rice cooker. The smell went way out into the hallway. Funny at first, but room smelled like curry for days. To this day, I recoil at the people who love to hype Japanese curry lol. I'm meh about it, I cannot eat more than 1 bowl when it's freshly cooked, and I dread leftovers :/"
"As much as i love curry and cooking curry, being a curry, the smell coriander and cumin powder leaves its very potent tbh. Not the smell of the food but the smell we are left with specially in your clothes. I can't stand curry smell in a public transport and I'm a curry myself. Makes sense to me. Not everything is about race ffs."
[On someone bashing Singaporean Chinese] "isnt putting a blanket ban on a whole group of people because of their personal experiences with a few, like, the definition of racist overgeneralization"
"We have separate spice and wok kitchens here for this reason, in the more wealthier/fancier homes but its actually a thing 🤷🏻♀️"
"No offense to curry lovers but Sometimes I cant differentiate the after smell of curry and armpits odor."
"I used to work in an office that forbade anyone from bringing curry, durian and dried fish into the air-conditioned rooms because the smell doesn't go away and it lingers on stuff like curtains and pillows"
"every time I open the sliding door of our balcony to try and get some fresh air and all we can smell is the curry that would make our living room smell and clothes hanging on the balcony too"
"In case you guys don’t get it, there’s a whole airbnb thread about landlords and cooking curry. Some do say they love it, but it’s the residual smell that is near impossible to remove (especially if it’s been cooked on a regular basis) How to get rid of the smell of curry? - Airbnb Community"
"Sorry. No. Curry lingers. My family likes, cooks and the smell lingers longer than it should.
My parents complains about it, that is why we reduce the frequency of cooking it as the cleaning is taxing."
"That's the reason why Indians have separate detached kitchen. Best solution."
"True story, I've heard from real estate agents that cooking curry apparently stains the house walls and causes a lingering smell. They often recommend landlords repaint after the tenants leave to fix it.
I do admit my house had a particular smell to it (I'm Indian) from curry but all houses have a particular smell based on what families eat."
"my neighbour in my small apartment complex cooks it often and you can smell it throughout the whole building. Whether it smells nice or not, it is overpowering, and can come in through the gaps of your doors, or around the corner from your open windows. Sometimes they even cook with the doors open, and even from inside my place the fumes are strong enough to get right up into my nose and throat and make me hack. Also, strong and oily cooking often attracts more insects, like cockroaches.
For owners renting out their places, there is a known issue that the smell gets into the walls and the carpet etc and is ridiculously hard to remove, and makes it harder for them to rent out their property in the future"
"The smell lingers and permeates like durian. It is very nice if you are the one cooking and eating it . But has to be in an open air kitchen which isn’t usually in a cooler country. Malay curries usually don’t smell as strong as we don’t use so much cumin and cardamom and fennel."
"I love sambal and curry but they aren’t the best things to cook indoors, even with an exhaust fan.
When you eat curry, (and sambal too especially for Malaysians) y’all will find it delicious but I swear the process of cooking it is painful. Especially sambal. You sneeze non stop, feel like gagging and throwing up, but damn the end product is good."
"Curry, durian, jengkol, petay, tempoyak their smell can linger longer. And tumeric tend to stain.
And dont forget Balacan."
"Don't you go and make this about race.
I would make no curry cooking a requirement too, the same way I'd make no pets rule if I was allergic. It's just fair.
I had Indian roommates. When they made curry I had to go take refuge in the library or somewhere I could breathe. The smell is that strong and it never went away. For a whole semester I hated my life... You can't talk about the smell curry without mentioning the Indian because theirs smell the strongest. Japanese or Thai curry can't even compare."
"When my parents bought a new house from an East Indian family, they had an outdoor kitchen, along with indoor, but it took almost a year to get the smell of curry out of the house. It was so bad 🙅🏻♀️. I would ban it too if I was renting out a place or looking for roommates."
"let me be honest as a chinese, i friggin hates the curry smells. It lingers too long. I love the taste tho especially thai curry and chinese curry... i cant stand the smell of any curry. Especially japanese curry, does that makes me racist towards japanese too?... i grew up in singapore. I used to lived in HDB and one of my neighbour cooks curry every single day. I smells like fucking curry everyday even after i shower. Does that makes one racist? Does that makes me racist? I simply hates the lingering smells, and it is a strong smell indeed. Just like the banh mi place beside my shop, i love the food they sell but i always complain about how smelly i am if i come in there. Does that makes me racist ?"
"😂 if someone doesn't like the smell of the dish it must be racist to the country of origin"
"If i am a landlady i won't allow durian inside the house now does that make me racist toward everyone who eats durian? My parents love durian man! 🤣🤣🤣"
"I lived in the wider SW London Area before. Due to my ex’s stupidity and lack of proper planing our first place was a room for 900pounds in a house with 3 other rooms and 6 other Indians. It was spicy curry smell EVERY night. So bad that we would cough from the front door till we walked in our room. Did we not appreciate the curry? No. We just wanted the chance to walk-in the house and not cough till we almost puked every other day"
"I would also like to take this moment to call out all those who say "Vegetarians only" or "no cooking meat" when advertising flats.."
"Maybe allergies. My friend is allergic to curry and cant be near it"
"It does stick to everything. Forever."
"From my experience jamaican curry and Japanese curry do not linger. But indian curry does. I wonder why that is.."
"I live in an area that has a large Indian population. They like to cook with their apartment doors open. You would think it smells nice. Nope. Curry, garlic, onions.. It does stink."
"It's also body odor from curry. People who live with it don't smell it due to olfactory saturation."
"Lmao tadka be smelling let’s not lie here"
"The smell of curry can be strong and disruptive to people from other cultures who are not used to it. I think the landlord is just being upfront about what is not wanted from the tenant. I don't think its necessarily racism. If a white tenant cooked curry inside the house, it would most likely still be a problem to the landlord. My mom sometimes cooked spicy Asian dishes in her apartment, and neighbors complained to management because of the pungent smell invading their apts. So she would close the windows whenever she cooked any spicy dishes. Can't really blame the neighbors if the smell is really disturbing their peaceful households."
"My uncle would not allow curry in the house when living with him. My aunt and i would eat in thr backyard patio when we ordered take out. We would lysol the house like mad. He would come out and still smell it! So i guess it really is that strong :/"
"2) Some commenters have never been a landlord/roommate or shopped on the real estate market and it shows. Curry smells LINGER for a long time like cigarette smoke if someone makes aromatic curry frequently. And it MAKES YOUR CLOTHES AND FURNITURE SMELL SPICY. I’m certain if you walked into a property and it smelled like curry, it’s an instant ‘con’ on your list.
3) The ad said it would be ‘preferred’ if someone didn’t cook with curry, it’s not a hard no.
4) Some people are actually very sensitive to curry, like my sister. Her eyes would water and she’d start sneezing when I make strong curry at home."
"Ever try to get indian curry smell out of a rental house/apartment? I have. Replaced carpet, painted the whole house and you can still smell it."
"the smell tends to stick to everything? Where's the lie? It's the same with deep fat fryers but if someone posted an ad saying they don't want a roommate who uses deep fat fryers I wouldn't have a melt down about it"
"When i was pregnant... japanese curry made me run for the hills... so yeah. Also to be specific.. i would just say.. the frying of cumin as a no instead. Its cumin that smells like BO when fried.. not the curry"
"I don't blame him. It's like saying you don't want to live with a smoker. One might make you sick, but the other can also make you sick haha"
"would you want to live with a landlord who would treat you poorly based on your race but allowed you to live there because they can't discriminate? I certainly would rather be told not to live there than be treated poorly."
"Literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. “If you don’t like curry you’re racist”. Are people not allowed to not like certain smells? I like durian but I know my family doesn’t so I would never bring it into the house. You need to chill."
"As someone who lived with Sri Lankans for a while, the scent of curry lingers, and the shared bathroom always has a yellow hue to it since the turmeric seeps through pores... At least I hope that's the reason."
"I own a condo that i rent out. If the last person can’t clean up so that it doesn’t stink then i have an issue renting it out to the next person. Like the time i had an idiot smoke. Do you know how hard it is to get that smell out? I’m not about to smoke to expand my horizons haha"
"As somebody who lived in an Indian household for 3 years (and not Indian), all my belongings continued to smell like Curry for an additional 2 years after I moved out"
"I had a nose bleed from my friends house the moment I walked into his home. His mom was making authentic Indian curry"
"these are definitely racist people."
"crazy how thats the conclusion you came up with, without even meeting these people or knowing what they look like. The word racist has cheapy meaning to it now since everyone is uses for whatever reason"
"you grew up eating curries all the time so the smell doesn’t bother you. Like the smell of shrimp paste doesn’t bother me but I’m pretty sure other people wouldn’t be happy if their clothes will smell like shrimp paste if I cook it everyday."
"you grew up with it. I can't smell durian, fish sauce, or shrimp paste, but I have enough perspective to know that they have smells a hood can't get rid of."
"I bought a sofa from an indian guy and my house smelled like curry for weeks while I scrubbed it everyday."
"I can smell it in the hallway and it stays on my clothes when I hang it on the balcony. Lol and this is a brand new building I’m living in with good ventilation system. If the ventilation system is the problem then why do my neighbours open their sliding doors when they’re cooking?"
"goods in general can linger. Heck I deep fry spring rolls and the house smells oh cooked oil. Even when it’s clean"
"Koreans have potent food as well (Kimchi). As a Korean who grew up with it, I cant smell it but new visitors definitely do. Plus, while I enjoy eating it and smelling it when its there to eat, I still would hate it if the entire place stunk of it. It doesnt make me narrow minded."
"lots of stuff have strong smells, much stronger than curry, but very few get stuck in as stubbornly as curry."
"You don't smell it because you used to it. Just like me and Garlic"
"but what about no shoes in the house"
"When I moved into my apartment, the dishwasher was yellow inside and maintenance literally said "it's been curried. It's a thing""
"the people pulling the race card must never had dealt with tenants or tried selling a house, or dealt with renos. Some smells are extremely hard to remove. I like curries, but after cooking it (depending on type) i can smell it in the house for awhile. And yes i have a hood fan and all that. But in an apartment omg thats even worse."
"Similarly I love kbbq and could eat it all day everyday. But I don't want to smell like it"
"Hahaha, the only time indians call themselves asians is when they are not included when "asians" are mentioned. But when you just call them asian they go "no, im indian"."
"Once I rented a lovely AirBnB for a week and my wife's mom made crabs with curry on the first day. I did my due diligence and aired out the house every single day, febreezed everything, and still couldn't get the smell out before we left. Needless to say, I felt bad for the next guest."
"i do not need another white man to tell me what is/isnt discrimination 🙄"
"Argues against racism, uses racism in trying to discredit someone's point. Classic."