Saturday, April 25, 2020
Links - 25th April 2020 (1)
Religious leader sells meth to students, claims it’s halal - "A religious leader in Indonesia was arrested for selling methamphetamine to students, claiming it was halal or permissible under Islamic law.Ahmad Marzuki, from Madura, Northeast Java, sold the substance to his pupils at an Islamic boarding school, as per Vice Indonesia/Vice yesterday, Jan 29. He told them that the illegal drug would increase their drive to study and recite the Quran... Marzuki explained that he knew methamphetamine is illegal under Indonesia’s laws, but that he found “no evidence against it in the Quran.”"
Dank Detective Memes - Posts - "It's not that I don't know how to use the metric system, it's that I choose not to utilize measurement designed to be used by people who have trouble counting without taking off their socks.
Imperial is a flex on the third world."
Weird flex, but ok. I guess that's why Americans are so great at maths. Oh wait.
Meme - "How Big Are Deer? Adult Deer Are as Tall as a Bicycle They Weigh as Much as 800 Hamburgers"
The fabled superior American Imperial system
Meme - "To remember how many feet there are in a mile, u just gotta use 5 tomatoes. five to-mate-oes sounds like five, two, eight, 0 and there's 5280 feet in a mile"
"To remember how many meters there are in a kilometre you just remember "1000” because the system of measurement in the rest of the world wasn‘t invented by a drunk mathematician rolling dice."
Meme - "Today we asked my three year old cousin how much he weighs and he said, "uhhh, like fifty squirrels”"
Strange how the Imperial system is superior because it uses units people can relate to
Meme - "4 PERSONS MAX 1000 KG OR
What's this in normal people measurements? - "The number of cricket chirps in 14 seconds plus 40 equals the temperature in Fahrenheit."
"Americans be measuring temperature in crickets but avoid Celcius at all cost"
Mohubedu on Twitter - "A sinkhole roughly the size of six to seven washing machines has closed the northbound lanes of State Line Road near 100th Street in Kansas City, Missouri."
"Americans will measure with anything but the metric system"
Quote by Josh Bazell - "In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities"
Heraclitean Fire on Twitter - "Populism is what the establishment elites call democracy when they don't like the outcome."
Susan Brown's answer to Why do a lot of Fly Emirates crew quit within 3 years of joining the airline? - Quora - "Fatigue. The rosters the Emirates crew have are a lot...
Rules. When you sign your Emirates cabin crew contract you also sign up to follow 10000 rules. There are various strict rules the crew have to follow both on duty and off duty. Example: the female crew are not allowed to have any male friends sleep over at their house. The same for the male crew. Example: if the crew wish to have family over to their accommodation, they have to sign forms and have it approved. This is in regards to having family over to stay for a long period of time. There is also a curfew in place for all crew. The strict rules can feel suffocating for some. Example: the crew are not allowed to have alcohol in their houses without a liquor license. If the company finds out the crew have alcohol in their accommodation without having a liquor license then the crew is fired. Having all these rules makes the crew feel very controlled by the company. The crew feel like kids having a ‘’big brother’’ watching them at all times, etc...
Working environment... There are a lot of back stabbing happening among the crew. A lot of crew reporting each other. A lot of crew getting fired for silly reasons, etc. The crew feel they don’t have any support from the managers. Example: if a crew member ends up having a argument with a passenger, then the passenger have the right to get that crew member fired. The crew really have no voice... When the crew have no voice, no support from managers and have difficult passengers then sometimes it feels like they are ‘’modern day’’ slaves on board.
Roommates. The crew share the accommodation with one or two other crew. The crew are not allowed to change accommodation until after they have completed their probation period. The probation period is 6 months"
Captain America has more dialogue spoken in Spider-Man: Homecoming than all of Infinity War. : marvelstudios
People who understand Chinese/Japanese, what's the dumbest thing you've seen tattooed on someone? : AskReddit - "Korean tattoos, which You rarely ever see. They were written vertically on his each of his calves. One said left leg, the other said right leg."
"Dude was so proud of his grandson that he had a tattoo that said “I love my grandson”Except I’m guessing everyone just googled “I love my grand son” because it came out reading “I love fat boys.”"
"I have the characters for Shrimp Dumpling (Har Gow) tattooed on me. I knowingly did this, because I'm half Chinese and fucking love shrimp dumplings.I had a chinese girl ask me if I knew what it meant and I laughed and said of course, I love dumplings.My chinese mother was not impressed but then laughed and said it was very me."
"Once when I was in university, working at a shop, a very fat lady came in with the kanji for "large" tattooed on her shoulder blade. I politely complimented her tattoo and asked what it meant. She said it meant "sassy"."
"The four elements tattoo with "Dirt, hot, blow, wet" was pretty funny."
"Japanese speaker here. Guy had one that read "トン勝" Someone told him that トン (Ton) means pig and 勝 (katsu) means to win. He thought that putting them together means to win against pigs (police?) とんかつ Tonkatsu means pork cutlet. I didn't have the heart to tell him."
"Seen a few over the years but one that I remember most was when I first started learning Mandarin.The guy had a tattoo on the back of his leg that proudly said 牛肉 which means beef."
"Sort of a reverse semi-related answer to this question, my cousin was in Japan trying to land a business deal with some auto manufacturers, taking them out to dinner and such, and during dinner a girl walked by wearing a shirt that said "I want to berry my head in your chest" (misspelling the fault of the shirt, not of me). He laughed like a donkey breathing Joker gas, and had to fumble trying to explain to these old Japanese dudes what was so funny.Eventually, when his Japanese wasn't up to snuff enough to explain either the act or the misspelling, he settled for miming the action with a pair of invisible breasts. The Japanese dudes instantly understood that, and thought it was hilarious. It apparently made the rest of the business negotiations run much more smoothly."
"I met a girl when I was backpacking in China who knowingly had the characters for "prostitute" tattooed on her hip - she thought it was funny, and the only people who saw it would be ones she chose to show it to.The Chinese guy who was drinking with us in the hostel was horrified, and suggested that she get another tattoo underneath which said "only joking"."
"Guy had "変態外人" on his arm, said it meant "Lover of Asian Beauty" when in fact it means "Foreign Pervert""
Cartier Rose's answer to Why does Canada refuse to recognize foreign education degrees or credentials? - Quora - "One time, I was asked to teach Management in this college which is located in a country outside Canada. At the end of the semester, we had an open book exam.On the day of the exam, we sat students apart from each other. But shortly after the exam, the students starting exchanging papers and talking to each other. I tried to stop them, and it got to a point where one student, stood up. Towering over me, he pointed his fingers at me and said: “ This is my friend. I have to help him and I have right to let him copy my answers. What do you want? The other local invigilators immediately came to my assistance. They pulled me aside and told me that I was new and didn’t understand their practice. They allowed students to copy from elementary school on, so this was not an issue.I’ve many more of such cases, having lived in many countries."
"It is our Canadian policies of being ‘fair’ and ‘non-discriminatory’ that reduce everyone to the lowest denominator. The Canadian government cannot say that one graduating from Harvard is accepted while another from Bogabogaland is not.Therefore, if we have to give an exception to someone graduating from Harvard medical school, we have to give an exception to someone graduating from Bogabogaland. Now, do you want someone with a medical degree from Bogabogaland to operate on you? I can assure you, you wouldn’t want that."
Chlorine - "Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in the home. It is also disinfectant used by the water industry to maintain hygienic conditions within the public water supply network of pipes... Water is safe when it leaves the treatment works and the trace of chlorine is there only to preserve the high quality of the water as it passes through the miles of pipes used to convey water to homes and workplaces. Chlorine has a long history of about 100 years of safe use for hygiene purposes worldwide."
I wonder whether the British people triggered by chlorinated chicken know their water is chlorinated, and their salads and vegetables are washed in chlorinated water
Chlorinated chicken: How safe is it? - "Chlorine-rinsed bagged salads are common in the UK and other countries in the EU"
Barq's - Wikipedia - "Barq's /ˈbɑːrks/ is an American soft drink. Its brand of root beer is notable for having caffeine"
The only root beer which can match A&W
Dank Detective Memes - Posts - "It's not that I don't know how to use the metric system, it's that I choose not to utilize measurement designed to be used by people who have trouble counting without taking off their socks.
Imperial is a flex on the third world."
Weird flex, but ok. I guess that's why Americans are so great at maths. Oh wait.
Meme - "How Big Are Deer? Adult Deer Are as Tall as a Bicycle They Weigh as Much as 800 Hamburgers"
The fabled superior American Imperial system
Meme - "To remember how many feet there are in a mile, u just gotta use 5 tomatoes. five to-mate-oes sounds like five, two, eight, 0 and there's 5280 feet in a mile"
"To remember how many meters there are in a kilometre you just remember "1000” because the system of measurement in the rest of the world wasn‘t invented by a drunk mathematician rolling dice."
Meme - "Today we asked my three year old cousin how much he weighs and he said, "uhhh, like fifty squirrels”"
Strange how the Imperial system is superior because it uses units people can relate to
Meme - "4 PERSONS MAX 1000 KG OR
What's this in normal people measurements? - "The number of cricket chirps in 14 seconds plus 40 equals the temperature in Fahrenheit."
"Americans be measuring temperature in crickets but avoid Celcius at all cost"
Mohubedu on Twitter - "A sinkhole roughly the size of six to seven washing machines has closed the northbound lanes of State Line Road near 100th Street in Kansas City, Missouri."
"Americans will measure with anything but the metric system"
Quote by Josh Bazell - "In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities"
Heraclitean Fire on Twitter - "Populism is what the establishment elites call democracy when they don't like the outcome."
Susan Brown's answer to Why do a lot of Fly Emirates crew quit within 3 years of joining the airline? - Quora - "Fatigue. The rosters the Emirates crew have are a lot...
Rules. When you sign your Emirates cabin crew contract you also sign up to follow 10000 rules. There are various strict rules the crew have to follow both on duty and off duty. Example: the female crew are not allowed to have any male friends sleep over at their house. The same for the male crew. Example: if the crew wish to have family over to their accommodation, they have to sign forms and have it approved. This is in regards to having family over to stay for a long period of time. There is also a curfew in place for all crew. The strict rules can feel suffocating for some. Example: the crew are not allowed to have alcohol in their houses without a liquor license. If the company finds out the crew have alcohol in their accommodation without having a liquor license then the crew is fired. Having all these rules makes the crew feel very controlled by the company. The crew feel like kids having a ‘’big brother’’ watching them at all times, etc...
Working environment... There are a lot of back stabbing happening among the crew. A lot of crew reporting each other. A lot of crew getting fired for silly reasons, etc. The crew feel they don’t have any support from the managers. Example: if a crew member ends up having a argument with a passenger, then the passenger have the right to get that crew member fired. The crew really have no voice... When the crew have no voice, no support from managers and have difficult passengers then sometimes it feels like they are ‘’modern day’’ slaves on board.
Roommates. The crew share the accommodation with one or two other crew. The crew are not allowed to change accommodation until after they have completed their probation period. The probation period is 6 months"
Captain America has more dialogue spoken in Spider-Man: Homecoming than all of Infinity War. : marvelstudios
People who understand Chinese/Japanese, what's the dumbest thing you've seen tattooed on someone? : AskReddit - "Korean tattoos, which You rarely ever see. They were written vertically on his each of his calves. One said left leg, the other said right leg."
"Dude was so proud of his grandson that he had a tattoo that said “I love my grandson”Except I’m guessing everyone just googled “I love my grand son” because it came out reading “I love fat boys.”"
"I have the characters for Shrimp Dumpling (Har Gow) tattooed on me. I knowingly did this, because I'm half Chinese and fucking love shrimp dumplings.I had a chinese girl ask me if I knew what it meant and I laughed and said of course, I love dumplings.My chinese mother was not impressed but then laughed and said it was very me."
"Once when I was in university, working at a shop, a very fat lady came in with the kanji for "large" tattooed on her shoulder blade. I politely complimented her tattoo and asked what it meant. She said it meant "sassy"."
"The four elements tattoo with "Dirt, hot, blow, wet" was pretty funny."
"Japanese speaker here. Guy had one that read "トン勝" Someone told him that トン (Ton) means pig and 勝 (katsu) means to win. He thought that putting them together means to win against pigs (police?) とんかつ Tonkatsu means pork cutlet. I didn't have the heart to tell him."
"Seen a few over the years but one that I remember most was when I first started learning Mandarin.The guy had a tattoo on the back of his leg that proudly said 牛肉 which means beef."
"Sort of a reverse semi-related answer to this question, my cousin was in Japan trying to land a business deal with some auto manufacturers, taking them out to dinner and such, and during dinner a girl walked by wearing a shirt that said "I want to berry my head in your chest" (misspelling the fault of the shirt, not of me). He laughed like a donkey breathing Joker gas, and had to fumble trying to explain to these old Japanese dudes what was so funny.Eventually, when his Japanese wasn't up to snuff enough to explain either the act or the misspelling, he settled for miming the action with a pair of invisible breasts. The Japanese dudes instantly understood that, and thought it was hilarious. It apparently made the rest of the business negotiations run much more smoothly."
"I met a girl when I was backpacking in China who knowingly had the characters for "prostitute" tattooed on her hip - she thought it was funny, and the only people who saw it would be ones she chose to show it to.The Chinese guy who was drinking with us in the hostel was horrified, and suggested that she get another tattoo underneath which said "only joking"."
"Guy had "変態外人" on his arm, said it meant "Lover of Asian Beauty" when in fact it means "Foreign Pervert""
Cartier Rose's answer to Why does Canada refuse to recognize foreign education degrees or credentials? - Quora - "One time, I was asked to teach Management in this college which is located in a country outside Canada. At the end of the semester, we had an open book exam.On the day of the exam, we sat students apart from each other. But shortly after the exam, the students starting exchanging papers and talking to each other. I tried to stop them, and it got to a point where one student, stood up. Towering over me, he pointed his fingers at me and said: “ This is my friend. I have to help him and I have right to let him copy my answers. What do you want? The other local invigilators immediately came to my assistance. They pulled me aside and told me that I was new and didn’t understand their practice. They allowed students to copy from elementary school on, so this was not an issue.I’ve many more of such cases, having lived in many countries."
"It is our Canadian policies of being ‘fair’ and ‘non-discriminatory’ that reduce everyone to the lowest denominator. The Canadian government cannot say that one graduating from Harvard is accepted while another from Bogabogaland is not.Therefore, if we have to give an exception to someone graduating from Harvard medical school, we have to give an exception to someone graduating from Bogabogaland. Now, do you want someone with a medical degree from Bogabogaland to operate on you? I can assure you, you wouldn’t want that."
Chlorine - "Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in the home. It is also disinfectant used by the water industry to maintain hygienic conditions within the public water supply network of pipes... Water is safe when it leaves the treatment works and the trace of chlorine is there only to preserve the high quality of the water as it passes through the miles of pipes used to convey water to homes and workplaces. Chlorine has a long history of about 100 years of safe use for hygiene purposes worldwide."
I wonder whether the British people triggered by chlorinated chicken know their water is chlorinated, and their salads and vegetables are washed in chlorinated water
Chlorinated chicken: How safe is it? - "Chlorine-rinsed bagged salads are common in the UK and other countries in the EU"
Barq's - Wikipedia - "Barq's /ˈbɑːrks/ is an American soft drink. Its brand of root beer is notable for having caffeine"
The only root beer which can match A&W
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