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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

My first Latin spam comment

It's not every day you get blog comment spam. In Latin.

I'm impressed Disqus flagged it:

Name: theresa goodluck (Guest):

Message: die enim bona amici ego iustus volo ut participes mea testimonia quam ego got programmed detruncati card, ego eram quondam in platea quia ego Eversa a me officium propter quod ego eram posse reddere mea bills quod esset quam ego invenerunt me ipso viventium in via, vidi societatem inscriptio haec erat brainhackers@aol.com in pasco penitus cum ego participatur, sicut dicitur quod homo est testimonium eius in vias novas ad pecuniam, quae erat velox ad quomodo ego contingi turba auxilium postulans hoc card.

Google Translate translation: good day my friend and I just want to share my testimony that I got programmed hacked card, I was once in the street because I was sacked from my job because I was not able to pay my bills and to which I found myself living on the road, I saw society this was to address brainhackers@aol.com When I shared browsing the internet, as it is called as a witness for new ways to make money, which was quick to be dependent on how the company will help the card.
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