Sunday, December 15, 2019
Links - 15th December 2019 (1)
After Being Killed 23 Times Sean Bean Refuses To Die On Screen Again By Rejecting Some Roles - "Here’s the full list of Sean Bean characters who have died:
Ranuccio “Caravaggio” (1986)
German Soldier “War Requiem” (1989)
Tadgh McCabe “The Field” (1990)
Carver Doone “Lorna Doone” (1990)
[Robert Lovelace “Clarissa” (1991)
Gabriel Lewis “Screen One: Tell Me That You Love Me” (1991)
Sean Miller”Patriot Games” (1992)
Lord Richard Fenton “Scarlett” (1994)
Alec Trevelyan “Goldeneye” (1995)
Dave Toombs “Airborne” (1998)
Jason Locke “Essex Boys” (2000)
Patrick Koster “Don’t Say a Word” (2001)
Boromir “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” (2001)
Cleric Errol Partridge”Equilibrium” (2002)
Robert Aske “Henry VIII” (2003)
Dr. Merrick “The Island” (2005)
John Ryder “The Hitcher” (2007)
Bryant “Outlaw” (2007)
Loki “Far North” (2007)
John Dawson “Red Riding: 1974” (2008)
Pyke Kubic / Reese Kubic “Ca$h” (2010)
Ulrich”Black Death” (2010)
Markus Kane “Death Race 2” (2010)
Jones “Age of Heroes” (2011)
Lord Eddard “Ned” Stark “Game of Thrones: Baelor” (2011)
Harry “Silent Hill: Revelation” (2012)
Frank Stinson “Wicked Blood” (Bad Blood) (2014)
Inspector John Marlott “The Frankenstein Chronicles: Lost and Found” (2015)
Regis Lucis Caelum “Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV” (2016; animated)"
Why Budapest plays so many other cities on the big screen | Financial Times - "Budapest is one of those fin-de-siècle cities that seem to contain bits of many others. It can resemble Paris or Berlin; from the hills it looks a little like Florence; yet it can be made to look like Vienna or Moscow — close enough, that is, for an increasingly global audience for Hollywood films... Of course, Budapest isn’t unique in its chameleon capacity. Vancouver is often used as a stand-in for a generic US city, Montreal as an American stand-in for a generic European city. Canada is easier. Yet none of the others have quite the imaginative variety of Budapest. It’s partly because of Hungary’s movie industry expertise, partly because of the cost. But surely there’s more? The more is, I think, its obscurity. It’s the kind of city most people haven’t been to or, if they have, then only briefly or on a drunken stag-do or a business trip. It was built in an era when other cities were already established as exemplars. In the 1890s Budapest was second only to Chicago as the fastest-growing city in the world and its architects looked around to see what had worked elsewhere. They picked a little from Paris, something from Milan, a lot from Vienna, perhaps a few things from London (including a gothic parliament; Budapest made sure its version was a little bigger) and amalgamated them into a city of bits. This was topped by a layer of interwar modernism and a heavier layer of communist central planning with its socialist realism and bleak but durable late modernism. From this cocktail an extremely particular city arose but one in which memories of other cities are persistently present. It is unfamiliarity too which has led to the weirdly widespread use of the Hungarian language in cinema. As a Hungarian-speaking movie-goer, you’re haunted by snatches of cod Hungarian that crop up in the unlikeliest places, usually where film-makers want to evoke the foreign and sinister... When Edward James Olmos’s cop Gaf approaches Deckard at the noodle stand he speaks a few words of bad Hungarian, including a juicy rendering of the phrase “horse-dick”. In the second film, filmed in Budapest, he refers to Deckard as “Nyugdijas” (“retired”). The derelicts in K’s building speak gibberish Hungarian which is, I suppose, intended to evoke the language of low lives. In The Usual Suspects, the devil incarnate, Keyser Soze, is seen by a Hungarian sailor (a Hungarian sailor? Have these people never looked at a map? Or is the absurdity part of the plan?), who describes him in some of the weirdest Hungarian I’ve ever heard.More unlikely still are the Muslim terrorists in Iron Man, speaking Hungarian in their underground, presumably central Asian, base. In The Mummy, an emaciated and super-creepy character in a fez starts spouting Hungarian. Little spoken, strange-sounding, Hungarian, which doesn’t really sound like anything else on earth, has become a blank linguistic canvas upon which suspicions can be projected. Why not? It’ll do."
Man Accused Of Shoplifting Reveals 'Bulge' Was Just His 10-Inch Penis - "Window fitter Steve Whitehurst, 47, was out shopping at Scotts Menswear in Stoke-on-Trent with girlfriend Mandy Shenton, 46, and her 18-month-old grandson... "The manager started arguing with me. She wouldn't let it go. I just kept telling her that it was my penis."Eventually I dropped my trousers in front of everyone and just stood there in my boxer shorts and said, 'See, I've got nothing to hide'."But that didn't satisfy her. She kept saying, 'What's that bulge?'" Steve, who claims he often has to roll up his manhood, said he had to go into a cubicle with a male security guard to prove what was behind the mysterious mound in his jeans... Staff claimed the manager who accused Steve of shoplifting was 'on holiday', with sources saying they never asked Steve to expose himself, accusing him of becoming 'aggressive'"
Kermit and His Droogs Are on the Prowl for a Little Bit of the Old in and Out After a Bout of Ultra Violence
Inmates built computers hidden in ceiling, connected them to prison network - "Inmates at a medium-security Ohio prison secretly assembled two functioning computers, hid them in the ceiling, and connected them to the Marion Correctional Institution's network. The hard drives were loaded with pornography, a Windows proxy server, VPN, VOIP and anti-virus software, the Tor browser, password hacking and e-mail spamming tools, and the open source packet analyzer Wireshark... the geeky inmates obtained the parts from an onsite computer skills and electronics recycling program... A forensic analysis of the hard drives found that they were loaded with "malicious" software and that inmates used the computers to apply for credit cards, research tax-refund fraud, search inmate records, and obtain prison access passes for restricted areas. "Additionally, articles about making home-made drugs, plastics, explosives, and credit cards were discovered""
Muslim of the Year nominee is probed by police after saying 'jihad is the only solution' - "A prominent activist once nominated for a ‘British Muslim of the Year’ award is being investigated by police after she was filmed saying ‘jihad is the only solution’.Sumaira Farrukh, 38, who has rubbed shoulders with Chancellor Sajid Javid and been pictured with Prince Charles, was filmed using the inflammatory word at a rally in Birmingham.Mrs Farrukh, a businesswoman and journalist, spoke at a demonstration attended by hundreds demanding action over India’s plans to strip Kashmir of self-rule... Asked if it was wise to use the word in the current climate, she said: ‘The people who are criticising me are the ones who don’t want a woman to speak out."
Naturally, she was talking about inner jihad and how everyone should just pray
NYC bans calling someone an 'illegal alien' out of hate - "It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate... The directive goes on to list several examples of acts and comments that would run afoul of the restrictions, including harassing people over their accents or grasp of English, or wielding the threat of a call to Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a tool of hate.“A hotel prohibits its housekeepers from speaking Spanish while cleaning because it would ‘offend’ hotel guests or make them uncomfortable,” reads one hypothetical."
It's racist to enforce the law
Transgender woman silences creep who sent her a penis pic - by sending one back - "A transgender woman humiliated a pervert who sent her a picture of his manhood - by replying with a photo of her own larger penis.Faye Kinley, 20, was disgusted to receive the message out of the blue after the creep allegedly found her number on Facebook ."
Lady jealous of son raping foster daughter, strangled her & had sex with sons next to corpse - "A 39-year-old woman and her two sons aged 14 and 16 years old were arrested in Jakarta for the rape and murder of a five-year-old girl.The victim happened to be the woman’s foster daughter and the boys’ foster sister... It was revealed that the victim had been raped by both her foster brothers.The two brothers were taking turns having sex with their foster sister.When their mother caught the older brother taking advantage of the young girl, she was shocked and furious.Not, however, for the obvious reason.She was apparently jealous of the young girl. The three of them have been in an incestuous relationship for the past two months.The relationship was discovered when the police found some sperm stains on the younger brother’s pants.They would partake in sexual activities only when the woman’s husband was away.The three of them have also apparently had a threesome together... the older brother began to strangle the girl after he was caught having sex with her. The mother also assisted in strangling the child until she passed out. To make matters worse, the three of them went on to have sex near the girl’s corpse."
Aditya Mukerjee, the Otterrific ️ on Twitter - "As a parent of young kids I believe rampant access to pornography is a real problem. We need to empower families to be able to moderate what our kids see and when."
"Andrew Yang is the most homophobic Democrat in the entire 2020 race, and that's a *really* high bar. #LGBTQforum"
Your Navigation App Is Making Traffic Unmanageable - "City planners around the world have predicted traffic on the basis of residential density, anticipating that a certain amount of real-time changes will be necessary in particular circumstances. To handle those changes, they have installed tools like stoplights and metering lights, embedded loop sensors, variable message signs, radio transmissions, and dial-in messaging systems. For particularly tricky situations—an obstruction, event, or emergency—city managers sometimes dispatch a human being to direct traffic.But now online navigation apps are in charge, and they’re causing more problems than they solve. The apps are typically optimized to keep an individual driver’s travel time as short as possible; they don’t care whether the residential streets can absorb the traffic or whether motorists who show up in unexpected places may compromise safety"
A Silly But Accurate Guide On How To Recognize Famous Painters By Their Art (19 Pics) - "#1 If Everyone – Including The Women – Looks Like Putin, Then It’s Van Eyck
#2 If It’s Something You Saw On Your Acid Trip Last Night, It’s Dali
#3 If Everyone Looks Like Hobos Illuminated Only By A Dim Streetlamp, It’s Rembrandt
#4 If The Paintings Have Lots Of Little People In Them But Also Have A Ton Of Crazy Bulls#%t, It’s Bosch
#5 If Everybody Has Some Sort Of Body Malfunction, Then It’s Picasso
#6 Lord Of The Rings Landscapes With Weird Blue Mist And The Same Wavy-Haired Aristocratic-Nose Madonna, It’s Da Vinci
#7 If You See A Ballerina, It’s Degas
#8 Dappled Light And Unhappy Party-Time People, Then It’s Manet
#9 Dappled Light But No Figures, It’s Monet
#10 Dappled Light And Happy Party-Time People, It’s Renoir
#11 If Everyone Is Beautiful, Naked, And Stacked, It’s Michelangelo
#12 Excel Sheet With Coloured Squares, It’s Mondrian
#13 If The Images Have A Dark Background And Everyone Has Tortured Expressions On Their Faces, It’s Titian
#14 If The Paintings Have Tons Of Little People In Them But Otherwise Seem Normal, It’s Bruegel
#15 If All The Men Look Like Cow-Eyed Curly-Haired Women, It’s Caravaggio
#16 If Everyone In The Paintings Has Enormous Asses, Then It’s Rubens
#17 If Every Painting Is The Face Of A Uni-Browed Woman, It’s Frida
#18 If Everything Is Highly-Contrasted And Sharp, Sort Of Bluish, And Everyone Has Gaunt Bearded Faces, It’s El Greco
#19 If The Painting Could Easily Have A Few Chubby Cupids Or Sheep Added (Or Already Has Them), It’s Boucher"
Ranuccio “Caravaggio” (1986)
German Soldier “War Requiem” (1989)
Tadgh McCabe “The Field” (1990)
Carver Doone “Lorna Doone” (1990)
[Robert Lovelace “Clarissa” (1991)
Gabriel Lewis “Screen One: Tell Me That You Love Me” (1991)
Sean Miller”Patriot Games” (1992)
Lord Richard Fenton “Scarlett” (1994)
Alec Trevelyan “Goldeneye” (1995)
Dave Toombs “Airborne” (1998)
Jason Locke “Essex Boys” (2000)
Patrick Koster “Don’t Say a Word” (2001)
Boromir “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” (2001)
Cleric Errol Partridge”Equilibrium” (2002)
Robert Aske “Henry VIII” (2003)
Dr. Merrick “The Island” (2005)
John Ryder “The Hitcher” (2007)
Bryant “Outlaw” (2007)
Loki “Far North” (2007)
John Dawson “Red Riding: 1974” (2008)
Pyke Kubic / Reese Kubic “Ca$h” (2010)
Ulrich”Black Death” (2010)
Markus Kane “Death Race 2” (2010)
Jones “Age of Heroes” (2011)
Lord Eddard “Ned” Stark “Game of Thrones: Baelor” (2011)
Harry “Silent Hill: Revelation” (2012)
Frank Stinson “Wicked Blood” (Bad Blood) (2014)
Inspector John Marlott “The Frankenstein Chronicles: Lost and Found” (2015)
Regis Lucis Caelum “Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV” (2016; animated)"
Why Budapest plays so many other cities on the big screen | Financial Times - "Budapest is one of those fin-de-siècle cities that seem to contain bits of many others. It can resemble Paris or Berlin; from the hills it looks a little like Florence; yet it can be made to look like Vienna or Moscow — close enough, that is, for an increasingly global audience for Hollywood films... Of course, Budapest isn’t unique in its chameleon capacity. Vancouver is often used as a stand-in for a generic US city, Montreal as an American stand-in for a generic European city. Canada is easier. Yet none of the others have quite the imaginative variety of Budapest. It’s partly because of Hungary’s movie industry expertise, partly because of the cost. But surely there’s more? The more is, I think, its obscurity. It’s the kind of city most people haven’t been to or, if they have, then only briefly or on a drunken stag-do or a business trip. It was built in an era when other cities were already established as exemplars. In the 1890s Budapest was second only to Chicago as the fastest-growing city in the world and its architects looked around to see what had worked elsewhere. They picked a little from Paris, something from Milan, a lot from Vienna, perhaps a few things from London (including a gothic parliament; Budapest made sure its version was a little bigger) and amalgamated them into a city of bits. This was topped by a layer of interwar modernism and a heavier layer of communist central planning with its socialist realism and bleak but durable late modernism. From this cocktail an extremely particular city arose but one in which memories of other cities are persistently present. It is unfamiliarity too which has led to the weirdly widespread use of the Hungarian language in cinema. As a Hungarian-speaking movie-goer, you’re haunted by snatches of cod Hungarian that crop up in the unlikeliest places, usually where film-makers want to evoke the foreign and sinister... When Edward James Olmos’s cop Gaf approaches Deckard at the noodle stand he speaks a few words of bad Hungarian, including a juicy rendering of the phrase “horse-dick”. In the second film, filmed in Budapest, he refers to Deckard as “Nyugdijas” (“retired”). The derelicts in K’s building speak gibberish Hungarian which is, I suppose, intended to evoke the language of low lives. In The Usual Suspects, the devil incarnate, Keyser Soze, is seen by a Hungarian sailor (a Hungarian sailor? Have these people never looked at a map? Or is the absurdity part of the plan?), who describes him in some of the weirdest Hungarian I’ve ever heard.More unlikely still are the Muslim terrorists in Iron Man, speaking Hungarian in their underground, presumably central Asian, base. In The Mummy, an emaciated and super-creepy character in a fez starts spouting Hungarian. Little spoken, strange-sounding, Hungarian, which doesn’t really sound like anything else on earth, has become a blank linguistic canvas upon which suspicions can be projected. Why not? It’ll do."
Man Accused Of Shoplifting Reveals 'Bulge' Was Just His 10-Inch Penis - "Window fitter Steve Whitehurst, 47, was out shopping at Scotts Menswear in Stoke-on-Trent with girlfriend Mandy Shenton, 46, and her 18-month-old grandson... "The manager started arguing with me. She wouldn't let it go. I just kept telling her that it was my penis."Eventually I dropped my trousers in front of everyone and just stood there in my boxer shorts and said, 'See, I've got nothing to hide'."But that didn't satisfy her. She kept saying, 'What's that bulge?'" Steve, who claims he often has to roll up his manhood, said he had to go into a cubicle with a male security guard to prove what was behind the mysterious mound in his jeans... Staff claimed the manager who accused Steve of shoplifting was 'on holiday', with sources saying they never asked Steve to expose himself, accusing him of becoming 'aggressive'"
Kermit and His Droogs Are on the Prowl for a Little Bit of the Old in and Out After a Bout of Ultra Violence
Inmates built computers hidden in ceiling, connected them to prison network - "Inmates at a medium-security Ohio prison secretly assembled two functioning computers, hid them in the ceiling, and connected them to the Marion Correctional Institution's network. The hard drives were loaded with pornography, a Windows proxy server, VPN, VOIP and anti-virus software, the Tor browser, password hacking and e-mail spamming tools, and the open source packet analyzer Wireshark... the geeky inmates obtained the parts from an onsite computer skills and electronics recycling program... A forensic analysis of the hard drives found that they were loaded with "malicious" software and that inmates used the computers to apply for credit cards, research tax-refund fraud, search inmate records, and obtain prison access passes for restricted areas. "Additionally, articles about making home-made drugs, plastics, explosives, and credit cards were discovered""
Muslim of the Year nominee is probed by police after saying 'jihad is the only solution' - "A prominent activist once nominated for a ‘British Muslim of the Year’ award is being investigated by police after she was filmed saying ‘jihad is the only solution’.Sumaira Farrukh, 38, who has rubbed shoulders with Chancellor Sajid Javid and been pictured with Prince Charles, was filmed using the inflammatory word at a rally in Birmingham.Mrs Farrukh, a businesswoman and journalist, spoke at a demonstration attended by hundreds demanding action over India’s plans to strip Kashmir of self-rule... Asked if it was wise to use the word in the current climate, she said: ‘The people who are criticising me are the ones who don’t want a woman to speak out."
Naturally, she was talking about inner jihad and how everyone should just pray
NYC bans calling someone an 'illegal alien' out of hate - "It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate... The directive goes on to list several examples of acts and comments that would run afoul of the restrictions, including harassing people over their accents or grasp of English, or wielding the threat of a call to Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a tool of hate.“A hotel prohibits its housekeepers from speaking Spanish while cleaning because it would ‘offend’ hotel guests or make them uncomfortable,” reads one hypothetical."
It's racist to enforce the law
Transgender woman silences creep who sent her a penis pic - by sending one back - "A transgender woman humiliated a pervert who sent her a picture of his manhood - by replying with a photo of her own larger penis.Faye Kinley, 20, was disgusted to receive the message out of the blue after the creep allegedly found her number on Facebook ."
Lady jealous of son raping foster daughter, strangled her & had sex with sons next to corpse - "A 39-year-old woman and her two sons aged 14 and 16 years old were arrested in Jakarta for the rape and murder of a five-year-old girl.The victim happened to be the woman’s foster daughter and the boys’ foster sister... It was revealed that the victim had been raped by both her foster brothers.The two brothers were taking turns having sex with their foster sister.When their mother caught the older brother taking advantage of the young girl, she was shocked and furious.Not, however, for the obvious reason.She was apparently jealous of the young girl. The three of them have been in an incestuous relationship for the past two months.The relationship was discovered when the police found some sperm stains on the younger brother’s pants.They would partake in sexual activities only when the woman’s husband was away.The three of them have also apparently had a threesome together... the older brother began to strangle the girl after he was caught having sex with her. The mother also assisted in strangling the child until she passed out. To make matters worse, the three of them went on to have sex near the girl’s corpse."
Aditya Mukerjee, the Otterrific ️ on Twitter - "As a parent of young kids I believe rampant access to pornography is a real problem. We need to empower families to be able to moderate what our kids see and when."
"Andrew Yang is the most homophobic Democrat in the entire 2020 race, and that's a *really* high bar. #LGBTQforum"
Your Navigation App Is Making Traffic Unmanageable - "City planners around the world have predicted traffic on the basis of residential density, anticipating that a certain amount of real-time changes will be necessary in particular circumstances. To handle those changes, they have installed tools like stoplights and metering lights, embedded loop sensors, variable message signs, radio transmissions, and dial-in messaging systems. For particularly tricky situations—an obstruction, event, or emergency—city managers sometimes dispatch a human being to direct traffic.But now online navigation apps are in charge, and they’re causing more problems than they solve. The apps are typically optimized to keep an individual driver’s travel time as short as possible; they don’t care whether the residential streets can absorb the traffic or whether motorists who show up in unexpected places may compromise safety"
A Silly But Accurate Guide On How To Recognize Famous Painters By Their Art (19 Pics) - "#1 If Everyone – Including The Women – Looks Like Putin, Then It’s Van Eyck
#2 If It’s Something You Saw On Your Acid Trip Last Night, It’s Dali
#3 If Everyone Looks Like Hobos Illuminated Only By A Dim Streetlamp, It’s Rembrandt
#4 If The Paintings Have Lots Of Little People In Them But Also Have A Ton Of Crazy Bulls#%t, It’s Bosch
#5 If Everybody Has Some Sort Of Body Malfunction, Then It’s Picasso
#6 Lord Of The Rings Landscapes With Weird Blue Mist And The Same Wavy-Haired Aristocratic-Nose Madonna, It’s Da Vinci
#7 If You See A Ballerina, It’s Degas
#8 Dappled Light And Unhappy Party-Time People, Then It’s Manet
#9 Dappled Light But No Figures, It’s Monet
#10 Dappled Light And Happy Party-Time People, It’s Renoir
#11 If Everyone Is Beautiful, Naked, And Stacked, It’s Michelangelo
#12 Excel Sheet With Coloured Squares, It’s Mondrian
#13 If The Images Have A Dark Background And Everyone Has Tortured Expressions On Their Faces, It’s Titian
#14 If The Paintings Have Tons Of Little People In Them But Otherwise Seem Normal, It’s Bruegel
#15 If All The Men Look Like Cow-Eyed Curly-Haired Women, It’s Caravaggio
#16 If Everyone In The Paintings Has Enormous Asses, Then It’s Rubens
#17 If Every Painting Is The Face Of A Uni-Browed Woman, It’s Frida
#18 If Everything Is Highly-Contrasted And Sharp, Sort Of Bluish, And Everyone Has Gaunt Bearded Faces, It’s El Greco
#19 If The Painting Could Easily Have A Few Chubby Cupids Or Sheep Added (Or Already Has Them), It’s Boucher"
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