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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Links - 18th December 2019 (2)

California Is Set to Require Public Universities Offer On-Campus Abortions - "Advocates say the program ensures California students can actually get abortions without having to make an onerous journey off-campus. “It’s about access. Just because you have a constitutional right, if you don’t have access to that constitutional right, then it’s really no right at all,” said California state Sen. Connie Levya, a Democrat and main sponsor of the bill. “I’m tired of women being shamed.” A 2017 report on students’ access to abortion found that the average distances student must travel from a California public university to an abortion clinic is about five miles and takes just under 40 minutes, one way, via public transportation. Medication abortions in California require two visits. The California state legislature managed to pass Levya’s bill, then known as “SB 320,” last year. But in a move that shocked advocates and opponents alike, the state’s Democratic, abortion rights-supporting then-governor vetoed it. In a message at the time, Gov. Jerry Brown said that average distance is “not an unreasonable distance.”“Because the services required by this bill are widely available off-campus, this bill is not necessary,” he added.“What went through my head was, ‘Here’s another old white guy telling students what to do with their bodies’”... implementing the legislation could, over time, far exceed its projected cost.“The cost has to be burdened — shouldered — by somebody and that somebody will be the students and/or taxpayers”"
Presumably California is going to require public universities to have gun shops on campus too
Apparently needing to take a bus to get an abortion is telling people what to do with their bodies

Bulk download images · Issue #1382 · telegramdesktop/tdesktop · GitHub - "I know this is a dumb workaround, but:
    Set "Default download path" to the folder you want your photos to be downloaded.
    Open the most recent photo in a batch.
    Hover mouse over "Download" icon.
    Now repedeately press "Left" (or "Right", I don't remember) on keyboard and click left mouse button.
This is the fastest (IMO) method (~2 photos per second) to bulk download images.
Or setup an IFTTT integration..."

Schizophrenia and violent crime: a population-based study - "Patients with schizophrenia were at increased risk for violent crimes compared with controls [odds ratio (OR) 4.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.8–4.9], especially women (OR 9.9, 95% CI 6.2–15.7). Risk for violent crimes was higher among patients with co-morbid substance misuse than in patients without such co-morbidity (OR 5.1, 95% CI 4.2–6.3)."

Make Men Men Again - Posts - "GM becomes first major auto company in history to have a female CEO and a female CFO"
*Several months later*
"GM to Lay Off More Than 10,000 Workers, Close Five North American Plants"

The Satiety Index - "Susanna Holt, PhD, has developed the Satiety Index, a system to measure different foods' ability to satisfy hunger. A fixed amount (240 calories) of different foods was fed to participants who then ranked their feelings of hunger every fifteen minutes and were allowed to eat freely for the next two hours. Of all the foods tested, potatoes were the most satisfying."

Turkey is now a haven for terrorists and an enabler of terrorism - "Turkish law enforcement is known to turn a blind eye to jihadists, while the country’s courts treat them leniently, often releasing them pending trial or granting them parole — in stark contrast to harsh treatment meted out to secular and pro-democracy dissidents.After their ouster from Egypt in 2013, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood established new institutions in Turkey. In addition to Islamist propaganda, the movement’s television stations have broadcast death threats against Egyptian officials and foreign nationals in Egypt. Ironically, the Turkish government defends the Muslim Brotherhood’s “freedom of expression” even as Erdogan has silenced Turkey’s domestic opposition. Turkey stalks and prosecutes dissident groups with zeal, branding them terrorists, while allowing actual terrorists from Hamas to operate freely on Turkish soil"
The "mildly Islamist" government strikes again

Dating project for NUS & Yale-NUS students uses Nobel Prize-winning algorithm to find 1 ideal match - "the Aphrodite Project asks you 60 questions and uses an economic nobel prize-wininning algorithm (plus some other math stuff) to present you with the most ideal partner among all participating students."

Najib calls Malaysians his ‘cronies,' says all should be jailed with him since they gained from BN’s policies

IBM fired up to 100,000 employees to attract millennials - "former VP of Human Resources Alan Wild said IBM had "laid off 50,000 to 100,000 employees in just the last several years" in order to make itself seem like "[a] cool, trendy organization," like Google or Amazon, and not like "an old fuddy duddy organization."...
[IBM]     Converted job cuts into retirements and took steps to boost resignations and firings. The moves reduced the number of employees counted as layoffs, where high numbers can trigger public disclosure requirements.
    Encouraged employees targeted for layoff to apply for other IBM positions, while quietly advising managers not to hire them and requiring many of the workers to train their replacements.
    Told some older employees being laid off that their skills were out of date, but then brought them back as contract workers, often for the same work at lower pay and fewer benefits...
"I doubt IBM lays off its older workers solely to appeal to millen[n]ials. . . It's more likely that older workers are laid off because they are more expensive due to higher pay, have more paid time off, use more healthcare, and are more politically calibrated to their organizations than younger workers.""

Elsevier: "It's illegal to Sci-Hub." Also Elsevier: "We link to Sci-Hub all the time." - "the researchers who write the papers that Elsevier publishes are scientists, not private-equity-backed looter/profiteers, so they are more interested in science and scholarship than ensuring that Elsevier continues to rake in billions. And since Elsevier doesn't pay for any of the work it publishes, it's hard for them to exert pressure to end this practice.Now, in theory, the referees, peer reviewers, editorial boards and advisors for each journal could lay down the law on this stuff and ban links -- but they're also all volunteers who are not paid a dime by Elsevier.The reality is that scholarly publishing corporations contribute virtually nothing to scholarship (that's a peer-reviewed, empirical finding -- not a statement of opinion)."

Veterinary tech training video starring man as pissed-off, unruly, and frightened cat

What I learned about leadership when I interviewed the biggest drug dealer in history - "A) TRY TO GET THE PEOPLE WORKING FOR YOU TO BE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU

Google Thinks I’m Dead - The New York Times - "Google had mashed my picture from The New York Times’s website with the Wikipedia entry for a better-known writer with the same name, who died in 2013... My picture, however, appeared inaccurately only in Google search results, so it seems reasonable to assume that a company with thousands of employees, whose parent company, Alphabet, has a market capitalization of about $740 billion, would be able to help. But like many technology companies, Google doesn’t really put a lot of emphasis on human technical support, something anyone who has had a problem with Gmail already knows. There’s no customer service hotline, and it’s unclear which of the various “feedback” options is appropriate... more than one friend has mentioned to me the 1985 movie “Brazil,” which I Google during my 20 minutes on hold. Apparently, “Brazil” is about a much worse bureaucratic nightmare set in a “consumer-driven dystopian world in which there is an overreliance on poorly maintained” machines ... The website says I should keep submitting feedback, over and over again from different IP addresses. If possible, I should also enlist the help of other people. I surmise that this will help push my query to the top of Google’s to-do pile. Or it won’t do anything. One thing’s for sure — there’s no way to know!"

N.Y. venue cancels screening of Jordan Peterson movie that left staff ‘uncomfortable’ - "This is the second time a public venue has cancelled a screening of the movie. In September, the Carleton Cinema in Toronto cancelled what was supposed to be a weeklong run of the documentary due to complaints brought forward by theatre employees."
Of course, if someone with a sincere objection to abortion felt uncomfortable about a movie featuring abortion, liberals would say that person should be fired instead

Toronto ranked the 13th best city in the world for work-life balance - "The average Toronto office employee gets to work around 9:13 a.m., spends just over 40 hours on the job per week, takes 15 paid vacation days per year and spends roughly 80 minutes of every day commuting... A total of 40 cities were chosen for the ranking, all of them "in-demand metropolises" with an abundance of reliable data available to researchers... Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa are all represented on the list in terms of Canadian cities, all of them with remarkably similar scores across many of the 20 factors used by Kisi to determine "work-life balance."  With a total score of 72.55 out of 100, Vancouver edged out both Ottawa and Toronto, which boasted scores of 72.11 and 63.55 respectively.  Much of this has to do with Toronto's longer commute times, high "city stress" score and lower rates of access to outdoor spaces... Helsinki, Finland, Munich, Germany and Oslo, Norway round out the top three, while Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tokyo, Japan, and Buenes Aires, Argentina are ranked the worst three cities for work-life balance. Not a single U.S. city cracked the top 15. The closest was San Diego, where unemployment is low, but so too are the average number of vacation days taken at 9.7."
Singapore is the second most overworked city

Thread by @DigitalLawyer - "Oooof. Was just subjected to the most credible phishing attempt I've experienced to date. Here were the steps:
1) "Hi, this is your bank. There was an attempt to use your card in Miami, Florida. Was this you?"
Me: no.
2) "Ok. We've blocked the transaction. To verify that I am speaking to Pieter, what is your member number?"
Me: (that number, by itself, is useless).
3) "We've sent a verification pin to your phone."
~ Gets verification pin text from bank's regular number ~
4) "Ok. I am going to read some other transactions, tell me if these are yours. ~ Reads transactions ~"
Me: Yes. These are all legitimate transactions I made
5) "Thank you! We now want to block the pin on your account, so you get a fraud alert when it is used again. What is your pin?"...
--> Once I gave my member number, the attacker used the password reset flow to trigger a text message from the bank.
--> They used this to gain access to the account.
--> Then read some of my transactions to give the call more credibility
--> Needed the pin to send money, failed at that step.
--> Everything before the "what is your pin" seemed totally legitimate. English was perfect. The bank verification code, sent by the expected number, tricked me.
--> The asking for my pin over the phone... not so much."

Love lives of Hong Kong teens laid bare in survey - "One in four Hong Kong teenagers had their first relationship before the age of 13, and some were as young as nine... After a break-up, 50.6 per cent said they hid their emotions, while 15.5 per cent admitted self-harming as a result. One in 10 said they bad-mouthed their ex online."Parents told us that they really wanted to know if their children were in a relationship. But the children said they definitely would not tell their parents, because the parents would have forbidden that"... "Some parents have made it clear their children can only get into a relationship when they are at university."Lam said she knew of a case where a mother had followed her daughter after school to check if she had a boyfriend. Though the daughter left the school with a male classmate, he was not her boyfriend... when teenagers go through a break-up, 15.1 per cent jump into another relationship as soon as possible, while only 36 per cent seek help from someone else... 14.3 per cent said they argued with their other half once or twice a week, while 34.6 per cent did so between one and three times a month, underlying the need for them to learn how to get along with the opposite sex... "There was a Form Three girl who lived in North district, and her boyfriend lived on Hong Kong Island. The boy was so clingy and required her to send him WhatsApp messages the moment she left school," Lam said.Ivy Tam Wing-sze, a third-year student at Shue Yan University, said she wanted her boyfriend to know what was on her mind even if she did not spell everything out. "I have been with him for about a year," she said. "In the beginning we argued about three times a month. Later on, it became around once every two months."I am not good at expressing my feelings. I hope I only have to say a few words and my boyfriend understands I am upset.""

Blackface Controversy Splits Cosplay Scene Over League Of Legends Outfit - "For the upcoming EuroCosplay Championships, taking place in London later this month, French cosplayer Livanart decided to create an elaborate costume based on Pyke from League of Legends. Livanart is a white French woman, while Pyke is “a black guy from Bilgewater.”Livanart had obviously worked on the outfit for a long time (she even won the French Cosplay Cup earlier this year with it), and had impressed judges enough that she was selected as one of 25 finalists for the competition. Yet last week, with the championships only two weeks away, Livanart was told by organizers that, following complaints, her cosplay would not not be allowed to participate... While Livanart is dressed as a black character with black skin, she hasn’t applied make-up or paint; her transformation into Pyke is achieved through the wearing of a prosthetic suit. Critics see this as a loophole and believe that the same intent as blackface—to alter your skin color to match that of a black person, a practice with a terrible past—is still present in the cosplay. Those rushing to Livanart’s defense, meanwhile, say that because her suit is a faithful recreation of the character’s likeness, it’s an act of tribute, not caricature. They also argue that because it’s a suit it’s not blackface, and that as the popular cosplay refrain goes, everyone should be free to cosplay as whoever they want, regardless of the color of their skin... In support of Livanart’s position, another finalist, JustJay from the Czech Republic, has withdrawn from the competition."
Obviously someone from a country where people aren't as obsessed about blackface as Americans pretending to be someone in an imaginary universe is meant to mock black people in the real world

Someone Spent Over $220,000 In Microtransactions On A Transformers Game - "Yodo1 developers created a machine learning neural network that analysed player behaviour and session times to predict what players would become high spenders.The bot could spot "potential whales" with about 87 percent accuracy, but "we think we can get it up to about 95 percent," Fong said. The model was trained with around two and a half years of player monetisation data, and Fong explained that it was even technically possible to build in logic that would target different players with different monetisation packages.  But such a model would ultimately backfire. When asked to clarify the capabilities of the tech that, Fong explained it would be a net loss for the studio, since the backlash from players would be disastrous. "We don't want to create a situation whereby different people pay different prices for the same thing""
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