Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Links - 17th December 2019 (2) ("Male Privilege")
Baby batterer who left tot brain damaged then moaned about missing haircut appointment dodges jail - "A woman who left a baby brain damaged then moaned about missing a haircut appointment has been spared jail.Shannon Soutter walked free after a judge said it “neither appropriate or necessary” to lock her up.The 23-year-old attacked the wee girl over a two month period while apparently looking after her at a house in Arbroath, Angus .The child had brain injuries in April 2018 as well as fractures to her skull, ribs and ankle.She may also have permanent blindness with medics describing her prognosis as “poor”."
UK: Judge Releases Mother Who Went Clubbing With Infant Who Died While She Was Partying - "Marina Tilby, 26, from Aberaeron, Ceredigion, Wales, had been seen out nightclubbing with her baby boy before returning to a caravan with two men she had met on that night... Tilby was jailed for two years and four months by Swansea Crown Court... Judges later released Tilby at a London court of appeals after reducing the sentence to 16 months suspended."
Orwell & Goode on Twitter - "Men have no friends and women bear the burden" - Harpers Bazaar
"Men have no friends; women most affected"
After all, women are the primary victims of war even though men are the ones who die
Woman who said she was too pretty for jail gets no time - "Lauren Cutshaw went viral last year when she said she was too pretty to go to jail after she was arrested for DUI. The judge in her case seems to agree as Cutshaw, 34, is being given a sweet deal, including no time behind bars. She even gets to keep her driver's license. Cutshaw, a real estate agent from South Carolina, was pulled over after blowing through a stop sign at more than twice the speed limit on Aug. 5, 2018"
Brooke Skylar Richardson is found NOT GUILTY of murder or manslaughter - "The cheerleader who buried her baby in her backyard after giving birth in secret was found not guilty of murder, manslaughter and child endangerment on Thursday.Skylar Richardson, 20, had been facing life in prison if convicted of all the charges.They included aggravated murder, manslaughter, gross abuse of a corpse and child endangerment. She has also been charged with tampering with evidence but the judge removed that count during the trial... She was convicted of gross abuse of a corpse and now faces a maximum of one year behind bars... Skylar said she gave birth to a stillborn on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom of her family home in Carlisle, Ohio. She buried the baby afterwards in her backyard and was caught two months later when she tearfully confessed to a gynecologist what she had done.Prosecutors believe the baby was born alive and that Skylar killed her because she did not want her to intervene with her 'perfect life'.They also claimed that she set fire to it, initially basing the allegation on the finding from a pathologist who said the bones - once they had been excavated - looked burned.The pathologist later recanted her claim but before she did, detectives interviewed Skylar for a second time.During that interview she confessed to 'trying to cremate her a little' after being told by them repeatedly that they 'knew she did something with fire'... They also referred back to a text message Skylar sent her mother in the hours after she delivered the baby where she said she was happy to have her 'belly back'.The message read: 'I'm literally speachless (sic) with how happy am... I am literally so excited now just for dinner to wear something cute yayyyy my belly is back and now I'm takin(sic) this opportunity to make it amazing.'... they called on a psychologist who had treated Skylar when she was younger to testify.He said that she had been sexually abused... Prosecutors objected to the testimony, claiming it was irrelevant.Other witnesses called to the stand were high school teachers at her school who said she often sat with autistic children at lunch so that they did not have to eat alone, and her classmates who say she was so meek at school that they had to defend her from bullies... Her younger brother, Jackson, also testified.He described her as his 'best friend' and recalled how she would sneak food, like donuts, while her parents were not home. Skylar cried as he spoke.The defense's final witness was a marketing expert who had made a virtual design of the family's home.It is unclear why they called him beyond trying to humanize Skylar and show the bathroom where she gave birth and her bedroom."
Sydney Watson on Twitter - "Male privilege nutshelled - When a woman cannot pay child support, they get public housing. When a man cannot do the same, they get prison time."
FAQ: Do Women Have to Pay Child Support? - Mitchell & Crunk - "shocking is that non-custodial mothers are less likely to pay child support than non-custodial fathers. One-quarter of custodial mothers have not received child support payments from the father, while 32 percent of custodial fathers have not received payments from the mother, according to data provided by the U.S Census Bureau. Not only is nonpayment of child support common among both genders, non-payment tends to be more common among mothers mandated to pay it to their ex-spouses."
WATCH: Rape accuser 'attacks Neymar in Paris hotel' - "Footage reportedly showing Brazilian football star Neymar being attacked by the woman who has accused him of rape in a Paris hotel room has been shared online.The video is said to have been filmed in May, the day after the alleged sexual assault, and reportedly shows Neymar lying on a bed with accuser Najila Trindade Mendes de Souza before she begins to lash out at him. "But I'm going to hit you, you know why? Because you attacked me yesterday and left me here alone," she is heard shouting as the man said to be Neymar is seen attempting to defend himself."
Now they can prosecute him for filming her without consent
Moment teacher is seen kicking student's chair - as judge OVERTURNS her conviction for assault - "Kimberley Peschi, 42, of Galloway, was originally found guilty of simple assault after she was accused of pulling a 12-year-old student’s chair backwards at Belhaven Middle School in Linwood in 2017.The sixth-grader, whom she was supervising during lunch in the cafeteria, had been leaning back in the chair when Peschi kicked the legs out from the chair, causing him to fall and hit his head on the floor... Peschi can be seen walking across the room towards the student, wearing a lilac cardigan. She lifts her right leg and kicks out at his chair.The child can be seen toppling over before getting back up. The teacher walks away... Superior Court Judge John Rauh overturned the guilty verdict on May 3 this year and took the order requiring her to forfeit her teaching license off the table.Rauh said that, after looking at the video, Peschi’s claim that she was trying to stabilize the chair was 'plausible'"
Northwest Arkansas woman gets probation for framing husband with child porn, rape - "A Northwest Arkansas woman will serve six years of probation after admitting to framing her husband by putting child pornography on his phone and falsely telling police he sexually assaulted a girl."
Serial drink driver who crashed car after downing bottle of wine is spared jailed because she's a WOMAN - "Victoria Parry was told by a female judge if she was a man "it would be straight down the stairs" to prison but was instead handed a suspended sentence and a driving ban...
MEN are more likely to be jailed than women, Ministry of Justice figures have revealed.Ten per cent of male defendants were immediately sent to prison in 2017 - but just two per cent of women were.Men are also more likely to be hit with suspended sentences, with 6 per cent of defendants being handed one at court.But just three per cent of women get one.A massive 89 per cent of women were handed fines or community sentences - compared to a mere 78 per cent of men"
Meanwhile feminists are saying we shouldn't send women to prison - equality!
Male childcare worker: 'I face discrimination every day' - "I was working in a prep centre, in the kindy with 2-4 year olds. The kids were all having a nap, all was peaceful, and it seemed like an average day. A pair of parents walked past and clocked me, just sitting there.The next thing I knew, they’d reported me to the police for touching their child inappropriately.It hit me like a bus.They started an active campaign against me, even though I’d done nothing wrong.They put posters of my face with my name and where I worked, saying I was a child molester.It was plastered everywhere around traffic lights and in the streets. They spread lies about me throughout the community.I had to go for an interview with child protection services. I was terrified. I knew I’d done absolutely nothing wrong, but if I were found guilty of something it would affect my entire life... I had to be moved to another childcare centre. They said the claims had been proven to be false. They’d interviewed the parents and it turned out they’d put words in the little girl’s mouth.I asked why, and was told, “Because the parents don’t believe men should be working in childcare.”... I had a huge moment of clarity; this is the way society is now.Men are judged and the prejudice is fierce.The truth was, if I stayed in this line of work, every time I would move to a new centre I’d have to prove myself to be trustworthy. I’d have to start all over again.Ultimately, it would be just a matter of time before something awful like that happened again. And, it would only get more difficult as I got older. I saw a woman on the news recently who doesn’t let men babysit her kids. That’s the kind of discrimination I’m talking about.Children need men around in their life too. We’re not all monsters; some of us just love kids and want to be a positive influence.It’s a really negative side effect of feminist ideology - and it’s getting worse. We need to stop and think about what we’re teaching our children because they do pick up on it... Male teachers tell me, ‘Be very careful, anything you say can be used against you. You need to protect yourself.’... That’s it for me, I’ve decided to pursue a career in a different field.”"
Boy 15, made to sign sex offenders register after he and girl 15, swapped nudes - "The unnamed youngster got chatting to two girls – aged 15 and 17, while visiting the Future Farmers of America conference in 2012.Both girls believed they were in a relationship with the boy. The youngster, from Colorado, sent both a photo of his erect penis and asked them to send a naked selfie in return.After initially resisting, both girls sent the nude photo of themselves... A 2018 survey found that one in four teenagers polled had received a sext, with one in seven respondents admitting sending one themselves."
Yet even the older girl didn't have to register as a sex offender
Men need not apply: university set to open jobs just to women - "A Dutch engineering university is taking radical action to increase its share of female academics by opening job vacancies to women only.Starting on 1 July, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) in the Netherlands will not allow men to apply for permanent academic jobs for the first 6 months of the recruitment process under a new fellowship program... Dutch and EU laws allow policies to recruit underrepresented groups"
So since men are underrepresented in universities, can universities open places just to them?
Ex-dinner lady who had sex with 14-year-old boy spared prison spell because it would have put her four children into foster care - "A FORMER dinner lady who had sex with a 14-year-old boy has been spared a prison term because it would have meant her four children would be put into foster care. Terri Spragg, 35, had sex with the young lad on several occasions – including on the kitchen floor – warned him not tell anyone because it was illegal."
Mother who killed her toddler twins will NOT face murder trial - "A mother who killed her 23-month-old twin son and daughter will no longer face a murder trial, a court heard today.Samantha Ford, 38, admitted manslaughter by diminished responsibility following the deaths of toddlers Jake and Chloe and the prosecution accepted her plea today... Ford, of Westwood, later admitted she had drowned the children after the breakdown of her marriage"
VIDEO: Woman Avoids Being Charged With Sexual Assault On Officer Despite Video - "“Oh yeah?” she yelled out seductively, as she rubbed her rear end against the officer’s thigh and pelvis. “You like that? You like that?”"
Drunk woman who had sex with 14-year-old at party is cleared of abuse - "Kimberly Abell, 33, seduced the 14-year-old in front of his friend after getting drunk at a teenager’s birthday party. A court heard she drank half a bottle of vodka, half a bottle of Disaronno liqueur and shots before asking the schoolboy: “Aren’t you going to f*** me?”... “She had previously had a conversation with the boy’s mother about their respective children, and would know roughly how old he was.”"
Judges told: 'be more lenient to women criminals' - ""It is now well recognised that a misplaced conception of equality has resulted in some very unequal treatment for women and girls.""
Apparently equality means being lenient to female criminals
UK: Judge Releases Mother Who Went Clubbing With Infant Who Died While She Was Partying - "Marina Tilby, 26, from Aberaeron, Ceredigion, Wales, had been seen out nightclubbing with her baby boy before returning to a caravan with two men she had met on that night... Tilby was jailed for two years and four months by Swansea Crown Court... Judges later released Tilby at a London court of appeals after reducing the sentence to 16 months suspended."
Orwell & Goode on Twitter - "Men have no friends and women bear the burden" - Harpers Bazaar
"Men have no friends; women most affected"
After all, women are the primary victims of war even though men are the ones who die
Woman who said she was too pretty for jail gets no time - "Lauren Cutshaw went viral last year when she said she was too pretty to go to jail after she was arrested for DUI. The judge in her case seems to agree as Cutshaw, 34, is being given a sweet deal, including no time behind bars. She even gets to keep her driver's license. Cutshaw, a real estate agent from South Carolina, was pulled over after blowing through a stop sign at more than twice the speed limit on Aug. 5, 2018"
Brooke Skylar Richardson is found NOT GUILTY of murder or manslaughter - "The cheerleader who buried her baby in her backyard after giving birth in secret was found not guilty of murder, manslaughter and child endangerment on Thursday.Skylar Richardson, 20, had been facing life in prison if convicted of all the charges.They included aggravated murder, manslaughter, gross abuse of a corpse and child endangerment. She has also been charged with tampering with evidence but the judge removed that count during the trial... She was convicted of gross abuse of a corpse and now faces a maximum of one year behind bars... Skylar said she gave birth to a stillborn on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom of her family home in Carlisle, Ohio. She buried the baby afterwards in her backyard and was caught two months later when she tearfully confessed to a gynecologist what she had done.Prosecutors believe the baby was born alive and that Skylar killed her because she did not want her to intervene with her 'perfect life'.They also claimed that she set fire to it, initially basing the allegation on the finding from a pathologist who said the bones - once they had been excavated - looked burned.The pathologist later recanted her claim but before she did, detectives interviewed Skylar for a second time.During that interview she confessed to 'trying to cremate her a little' after being told by them repeatedly that they 'knew she did something with fire'... They also referred back to a text message Skylar sent her mother in the hours after she delivered the baby where she said she was happy to have her 'belly back'.The message read: 'I'm literally speachless (sic) with how happy am... I am literally so excited now just for dinner to wear something cute yayyyy my belly is back and now I'm takin(sic) this opportunity to make it amazing.'... they called on a psychologist who had treated Skylar when she was younger to testify.He said that she had been sexually abused... Prosecutors objected to the testimony, claiming it was irrelevant.Other witnesses called to the stand were high school teachers at her school who said she often sat with autistic children at lunch so that they did not have to eat alone, and her classmates who say she was so meek at school that they had to defend her from bullies... Her younger brother, Jackson, also testified.He described her as his 'best friend' and recalled how she would sneak food, like donuts, while her parents were not home. Skylar cried as he spoke.The defense's final witness was a marketing expert who had made a virtual design of the family's home.It is unclear why they called him beyond trying to humanize Skylar and show the bathroom where she gave birth and her bedroom."
Sydney Watson on Twitter - "Male privilege nutshelled - When a woman cannot pay child support, they get public housing. When a man cannot do the same, they get prison time."
FAQ: Do Women Have to Pay Child Support? - Mitchell & Crunk - "shocking is that non-custodial mothers are less likely to pay child support than non-custodial fathers. One-quarter of custodial mothers have not received child support payments from the father, while 32 percent of custodial fathers have not received payments from the mother, according to data provided by the U.S Census Bureau. Not only is nonpayment of child support common among both genders, non-payment tends to be more common among mothers mandated to pay it to their ex-spouses."
WATCH: Rape accuser 'attacks Neymar in Paris hotel' - "Footage reportedly showing Brazilian football star Neymar being attacked by the woman who has accused him of rape in a Paris hotel room has been shared online.The video is said to have been filmed in May, the day after the alleged sexual assault, and reportedly shows Neymar lying on a bed with accuser Najila Trindade Mendes de Souza before she begins to lash out at him. "But I'm going to hit you, you know why? Because you attacked me yesterday and left me here alone," she is heard shouting as the man said to be Neymar is seen attempting to defend himself."
Now they can prosecute him for filming her without consent
Moment teacher is seen kicking student's chair - as judge OVERTURNS her conviction for assault - "Kimberley Peschi, 42, of Galloway, was originally found guilty of simple assault after she was accused of pulling a 12-year-old student’s chair backwards at Belhaven Middle School in Linwood in 2017.The sixth-grader, whom she was supervising during lunch in the cafeteria, had been leaning back in the chair when Peschi kicked the legs out from the chair, causing him to fall and hit his head on the floor... Peschi can be seen walking across the room towards the student, wearing a lilac cardigan. She lifts her right leg and kicks out at his chair.The child can be seen toppling over before getting back up. The teacher walks away... Superior Court Judge John Rauh overturned the guilty verdict on May 3 this year and took the order requiring her to forfeit her teaching license off the table.Rauh said that, after looking at the video, Peschi’s claim that she was trying to stabilize the chair was 'plausible'"
Northwest Arkansas woman gets probation for framing husband with child porn, rape - "A Northwest Arkansas woman will serve six years of probation after admitting to framing her husband by putting child pornography on his phone and falsely telling police he sexually assaulted a girl."
Serial drink driver who crashed car after downing bottle of wine is spared jailed because she's a WOMAN - "Victoria Parry was told by a female judge if she was a man "it would be straight down the stairs" to prison but was instead handed a suspended sentence and a driving ban...
MEN are more likely to be jailed than women, Ministry of Justice figures have revealed.Ten per cent of male defendants were immediately sent to prison in 2017 - but just two per cent of women were.Men are also more likely to be hit with suspended sentences, with 6 per cent of defendants being handed one at court.But just three per cent of women get one.A massive 89 per cent of women were handed fines or community sentences - compared to a mere 78 per cent of men"
Meanwhile feminists are saying we shouldn't send women to prison - equality!
Male childcare worker: 'I face discrimination every day' - "I was working in a prep centre, in the kindy with 2-4 year olds. The kids were all having a nap, all was peaceful, and it seemed like an average day. A pair of parents walked past and clocked me, just sitting there.The next thing I knew, they’d reported me to the police for touching their child inappropriately.It hit me like a bus.They started an active campaign against me, even though I’d done nothing wrong.They put posters of my face with my name and where I worked, saying I was a child molester.It was plastered everywhere around traffic lights and in the streets. They spread lies about me throughout the community.I had to go for an interview with child protection services. I was terrified. I knew I’d done absolutely nothing wrong, but if I were found guilty of something it would affect my entire life... I had to be moved to another childcare centre. They said the claims had been proven to be false. They’d interviewed the parents and it turned out they’d put words in the little girl’s mouth.I asked why, and was told, “Because the parents don’t believe men should be working in childcare.”... I had a huge moment of clarity; this is the way society is now.Men are judged and the prejudice is fierce.The truth was, if I stayed in this line of work, every time I would move to a new centre I’d have to prove myself to be trustworthy. I’d have to start all over again.Ultimately, it would be just a matter of time before something awful like that happened again. And, it would only get more difficult as I got older. I saw a woman on the news recently who doesn’t let men babysit her kids. That’s the kind of discrimination I’m talking about.Children need men around in their life too. We’re not all monsters; some of us just love kids and want to be a positive influence.It’s a really negative side effect of feminist ideology - and it’s getting worse. We need to stop and think about what we’re teaching our children because they do pick up on it... Male teachers tell me, ‘Be very careful, anything you say can be used against you. You need to protect yourself.’... That’s it for me, I’ve decided to pursue a career in a different field.”"
Boy 15, made to sign sex offenders register after he and girl 15, swapped nudes - "The unnamed youngster got chatting to two girls – aged 15 and 17, while visiting the Future Farmers of America conference in 2012.Both girls believed they were in a relationship with the boy. The youngster, from Colorado, sent both a photo of his erect penis and asked them to send a naked selfie in return.After initially resisting, both girls sent the nude photo of themselves... A 2018 survey found that one in four teenagers polled had received a sext, with one in seven respondents admitting sending one themselves."
Yet even the older girl didn't have to register as a sex offender
Men need not apply: university set to open jobs just to women - "A Dutch engineering university is taking radical action to increase its share of female academics by opening job vacancies to women only.Starting on 1 July, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) in the Netherlands will not allow men to apply for permanent academic jobs for the first 6 months of the recruitment process under a new fellowship program... Dutch and EU laws allow policies to recruit underrepresented groups"
So since men are underrepresented in universities, can universities open places just to them?
Ex-dinner lady who had sex with 14-year-old boy spared prison spell because it would have put her four children into foster care - "A FORMER dinner lady who had sex with a 14-year-old boy has been spared a prison term because it would have meant her four children would be put into foster care. Terri Spragg, 35, had sex with the young lad on several occasions – including on the kitchen floor – warned him not tell anyone because it was illegal."
Mother who killed her toddler twins will NOT face murder trial - "A mother who killed her 23-month-old twin son and daughter will no longer face a murder trial, a court heard today.Samantha Ford, 38, admitted manslaughter by diminished responsibility following the deaths of toddlers Jake and Chloe and the prosecution accepted her plea today... Ford, of Westwood, later admitted she had drowned the children after the breakdown of her marriage"
VIDEO: Woman Avoids Being Charged With Sexual Assault On Officer Despite Video - "“Oh yeah?” she yelled out seductively, as she rubbed her rear end against the officer’s thigh and pelvis. “You like that? You like that?”"
Drunk woman who had sex with 14-year-old at party is cleared of abuse - "Kimberly Abell, 33, seduced the 14-year-old in front of his friend after getting drunk at a teenager’s birthday party. A court heard she drank half a bottle of vodka, half a bottle of Disaronno liqueur and shots before asking the schoolboy: “Aren’t you going to f*** me?”... “She had previously had a conversation with the boy’s mother about their respective children, and would know roughly how old he was.”"
Judges told: 'be more lenient to women criminals' - ""It is now well recognised that a misplaced conception of equality has resulted in some very unequal treatment for women and girls.""
Apparently equality means being lenient to female criminals
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