Friday, December 13, 2019
Links - 13th December 2019 (1)
Segments of Random Thoughts - Posts - "Hotel opens with strict 'no men allowed' policy and it's already getting rave reviews"
"Women ban men from an entire hotel -> Stunning and brave!
Men ban women from their personal lives (MGTOW) -> Loser misogynist!"
Thanks, I Hate Australia : TIHI - *Snake and spider entangled in web*
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Snopes fact checks the story that Colonel Sanders stoke his chicken recipe from a black woman. They find that the photo is false, a woman by that name doesn’t exist, and that no evidence exists of the theft.
So they mark the story ‘unproven’ instead of false."
Little Kid Gorgeous on Twitter - "Hey everyone!
I’m available immediately for full time remote work (from US) focusing on:
- tech & ethics, policy, public impact
- high level diversity, inclusion, and equity
- advocacy for marginalized people within the organization
Please RT 🥰"
"I'm a bourgeois white girl excelling in telling other bourgeois white people why they're racist! Hire me."
SJWCentral - Posts - "Reverse sexism is not a thing because sexism is related to power structures. If you can understand that there is a difference between an adult hitting a child and a child hitting an adult, then you get why reverse sexism (or racism) is not a thing #feminism"
Clementine Ford: "This is such a straightforward and clear analogy."
"Today i learned that people of color and women are like children according to some leftist online"
Did natural selection make the Dutch the tallest people on the planet? - "tall Dutch men on average have more children than their shorter counterparts, and that more of their children survive. That suggests genes that help make people tall are becoming more frequent among the Dutch... Genetics has an important effect on body height: Scientists have found at least 180 genes that influence how tall you become. Each one has only a small effect, but together, they may explain up to 80% of the variation in height within a population. Yet environmental factors play a huge role as well. The children of Japanese immigrants to Hawaii, for instance, grew much taller than their parents. Scientists assume that a diet rich in milk and meat played a major role. The Dutch have become so much taller in such a short period that scientists chalk most of it up to their changing environment. As the Netherlands developed, it became one of the world's largest producers and consumers of cheese and milk. An increasingly egalitarian distribution of wealth and universal access to health care may also have helped. Still, scientists wonder whether natural selection has played a role as well. For men, being tall is associated with better health, attractiveness to the opposite sex, a better education, and higher income—all of which could lead to more reproductive success, Stulp says.Yet studies in the United States don't show this. Stulp's own research among Wisconsinites born between 1937 and 1940, for instance, showed that average-sized men had more children than shorter and taller men, and shorter women had more children than those of average height. Taken together, Stulp says, this suggests natural selection in the United States pulls in the opposite direction of environmental factors like diet, making people shorter instead of taller. That may explain why the growth in average American height has leveled off."
Our Chinese-born population is set to overtake the English-born population - "There will soon be more Chinese-born people than English-born people in Australia.The Chinese population grew by 50 per cent from 2013 to 2018 to reach 650,000.Meanwhile, the English-born population declined from more than one million to 992,000. If this trajectory continues, the Chinese will outnumber the English by 2023... Australia's Indian-born population is also increasing and hit 592,000 last year, overtaking the number of New Zealanders of which there are 568,000... the number of immigrants from England, Ireland, Germany, Greece Italy and Scandinavia, as well as Singapore, South Korea and Japan is declining"
Japan's jump in foreign tourists pleasing housewives seeking affairs - ""What’s attractive about physical relationships with foreign men is just how different the whole process is depending on the country.”... Standing over 170 centimeters, Kurosu has a strikingly attractive appearance — just not, as she says, to the typical Japanese man.“Your average guy would get cold feet if they saw me,” Kurosu laughed. “My husband is all about height, so he proposed to me saying he loved tall women. But you know, if you look at Japanese men, you’ll see how they like small, cute girls who are thin and young. So I’d always end up on the sidelines. But foreigners aren’t like that. There are Germans and Australians who like big and strong women. Then there are French and Spanish ones who won’t turn down whoever comes their way. This is just my view, but I think you can pick to your heart’s content when it comes to your plaything.”Kurosu says she was involved with men from over 18 countries so far... Kurosu said that foreign men usually take the initiative and put on condoms for her, a sentiment shared by another woman who identified herself as Noriko Nakamura, 45... “Foreigners will admire the body of even a 45-year-old woman, and they put on condoms, too,” Nakamura said. “How do I find people? Well, I use a dating app called Happn, which has a location service. It’s a pretty recent app made in France, and it shows you the details of anyone you cross paths with on your timeline.”... Both women said interactions in bed prompted them to start learning English, which even came in handy for them at work."
British teenager jailed for trolling herself on social media to frame ex - "A British teenager who trolled herself on social media in a bid to frame her ex-boyfriend in a revenge plot has been jailed.Clarice Crothers, 18, reported her former partner to police claiming he was harassing her and her family with threatening messages... she was jailed for eight months"
Malaysia's top supermarket chain bans 'palm-oil-free' products, government urges others to follow - "Malaysia's biggest supermarket chain Mydin has removed products labelled palm-oil-free from its stores, its top executive said on Thursday (Sep 5), as part of a campaign by the world's second-largest producer of the oil to protect the commodity's image at home and abroad.The US$60 billion world palm oil trade has been the target of environmentalists because of the vast areas of tropical rainforest they say have been cleared to grow the commodity... Malaysia, which together with neighbour Indonesia produce about 85 per cent of the world's palm, is considering a law banning all products flaunting non-use of the oil... Teresa Kok, Malaysia's minister of primary industries, welcomed Mydin's move and told reporters she hoped other supermarkets and shops in the country would follow suit. In July, the Malaysian government promised action against an international school for spreading "anti-palm oil propaganda""
When False Claims Are Repeated, We Start To Believe They Are True — Here’s How Behaving Like A Fact-Checker Can Help
What's the biggest turn-off in a Singapore man's dating profile? - "members of the public were asked, via a social media poll, to describe their impression of Singaporean men in one or two words.
The top words submitted were revealing, to say the least:
I found myself gaping open-mouthed at the screen as these words were flashed across it. Wait – even the positive adjectives were backhanded compliments? Not a single unequivocally flattering adjective for Singaporean men?... I decided to get some answers from the dating experts: Specifically, the folks at dating app Coffee Meets Bagel, which has made more than 200 million introductions in Singapore since it launched here in 2015. “What’s the top turn-off for people scrolling through the profiles of men here in Singapore?” I wanted to know.The answer, I’m afraid to say, is that if you’re a gaming nerd, you might be condemned to an eternity of forever-alone-ness. Singaporeans looking for a mate are not impressed by you: The most-liked men here are 57 per cent less likely to include the word “anime” in their profiles, and 45 per cent less likely to include the word “gaming”, a Coffee Meets Bagel spokesperson shared. This is not great news, seeing as a survey released earlier this year found that Singaporeans came in a noteworthy third globally when it comes to amount of time spent playing video games...
the top 25 per cent of most-liked male Coffee Meets Bagel users in Singapore have rather a lot in common. For one thing, they are 124 per cent more likely to include the word “spontaneity” in their profile, making that the No 1 turn-on for Singaporeans looking for their ideal man. And they are also 88 per cent more likely to describe themselves as “fun-loving”. But how do you prove that you’re “spontaneous”, “fun-loving” and definitely not “boring”?Well, you make yourself out to be fit, athletic and adventurous... popular users were 207 per cent more likely to have the word “skiing” in their profile, and 151 per cent more likely to include “snowboarding”.Seeing as you can’t really develop a skiing hobby even if you visit Snow City every weekend, is "skiing" code for "I am able to afford regular vacations in mountainous countries"? After all, it can't just be about being athletic. Sepak takraw, silat and wushu are also sports – how come they’re not as sexy? Or are skiing and snowboarding seen as desirable because they signal un-Singaporean-ness in the most obvious of ways, screaming, “I’m about as far away from your typical Singaporean man as a snowstorm is from Yishun!”?...
What about Singaporean women? Are we all paragons of virtue, spontaneity and fertility? Are we really awesome skiers?I can’t be the arbiter here, but I am pretty sure that if there is a Problem With Singaporean Men, then there’s bound to be a Problem With Singaporean Women, too. To start with, my male friends commonly tell me that the women they meet in romantic contexts can often be difficult to approach, on the sensitive side and possessive and/or controlling (yikes)."
Shower, sleep or study? Singaporeans would rather game - "Singaporeans spend the most time playing video games compared with other gamers in Asia.At the global level, they also spend a huge amount of time gaming, coming behind only the Americans and Germans"
Android phones already have all of the new iPhone 11 features, but do Apple fans care? - "Some features available on Android phones that have existed for a while now are still not found in Apple’s latest device.For example, the current iPhone 11 can be charged with an 18w charger, but Samsung has already made available a 45w charger.Reverse wireless charging — where a phone can charge another phone or device, is also not available in the new iPhone as yet."
Upon return to Twitter, Permaisuri Agong says to ‘chill’, asks cops to stop arresting people | Malaysia | Malay Mail - "Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah has reactivated her Twitter account in an attempt to dissuade the police from acting against those accused of insulting her.Tunku Azizah had deleted her @cheminahsayang account on Wednesday and triggered the #AmpunTuanku movement to convince her to return to the social media platform she had left due to suspected online harrassment.The Raja Permaisuri reiterated today that she did not leave the platform because she was angered by comments about her but added that her return was motivated by her displeasure with police action against those accused of insulting her. "As I said, I deactivated not because I was upset by comments made but for personal reasons... but today I am truly upset that police have detained those people... through the years my husband and I have never made any police report on the bad things said about us... it’s a free country”... “Although the whole time I and my husband have been demeaned, accused, mocked, and insulted in, we both have not lodged any police reports... and I have never been sad when I read this — in fact, I laugh — because Allah knows who I am!”Yesterday, Tunku Azizah’s daughter, Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafizatullah Al-Sultan Abdullah, shared a social media post in which she said the Raja Permaisuri had not deleted her Twitter account due to alleged online harassment.Instead, she said Tunku Azizah told her that she had done it for “personal reasons” and appealed for the public not to lodge police reports against those that other online users have identified as responsible for her departure.The appeal came too late, however, as the police have already opened several sedition investigations in response to reports lodged about remarks against the Raja Permaisuri, including Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activist Khalid Mohd Ismath who was arrested yesterday."
"Women ban men from an entire hotel -> Stunning and brave!
Men ban women from their personal lives (MGTOW) -> Loser misogynist!"
Thanks, I Hate Australia : TIHI - *Snake and spider entangled in web*
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Snopes fact checks the story that Colonel Sanders stoke his chicken recipe from a black woman. They find that the photo is false, a woman by that name doesn’t exist, and that no evidence exists of the theft.
So they mark the story ‘unproven’ instead of false."
Little Kid Gorgeous on Twitter - "Hey everyone!
I’m available immediately for full time remote work (from US) focusing on:
- tech & ethics, policy, public impact
- high level diversity, inclusion, and equity
- advocacy for marginalized people within the organization
Please RT 🥰"
"I'm a bourgeois white girl excelling in telling other bourgeois white people why they're racist! Hire me."
SJWCentral - Posts - "Reverse sexism is not a thing because sexism is related to power structures. If you can understand that there is a difference between an adult hitting a child and a child hitting an adult, then you get why reverse sexism (or racism) is not a thing #feminism"
Clementine Ford: "This is such a straightforward and clear analogy."
"Today i learned that people of color and women are like children according to some leftist online"
Did natural selection make the Dutch the tallest people on the planet? - "tall Dutch men on average have more children than their shorter counterparts, and that more of their children survive. That suggests genes that help make people tall are becoming more frequent among the Dutch... Genetics has an important effect on body height: Scientists have found at least 180 genes that influence how tall you become. Each one has only a small effect, but together, they may explain up to 80% of the variation in height within a population. Yet environmental factors play a huge role as well. The children of Japanese immigrants to Hawaii, for instance, grew much taller than their parents. Scientists assume that a diet rich in milk and meat played a major role. The Dutch have become so much taller in such a short period that scientists chalk most of it up to their changing environment. As the Netherlands developed, it became one of the world's largest producers and consumers of cheese and milk. An increasingly egalitarian distribution of wealth and universal access to health care may also have helped. Still, scientists wonder whether natural selection has played a role as well. For men, being tall is associated with better health, attractiveness to the opposite sex, a better education, and higher income—all of which could lead to more reproductive success, Stulp says.Yet studies in the United States don't show this. Stulp's own research among Wisconsinites born between 1937 and 1940, for instance, showed that average-sized men had more children than shorter and taller men, and shorter women had more children than those of average height. Taken together, Stulp says, this suggests natural selection in the United States pulls in the opposite direction of environmental factors like diet, making people shorter instead of taller. That may explain why the growth in average American height has leveled off."
Our Chinese-born population is set to overtake the English-born population - "There will soon be more Chinese-born people than English-born people in Australia.The Chinese population grew by 50 per cent from 2013 to 2018 to reach 650,000.Meanwhile, the English-born population declined from more than one million to 992,000. If this trajectory continues, the Chinese will outnumber the English by 2023... Australia's Indian-born population is also increasing and hit 592,000 last year, overtaking the number of New Zealanders of which there are 568,000... the number of immigrants from England, Ireland, Germany, Greece Italy and Scandinavia, as well as Singapore, South Korea and Japan is declining"
Japan's jump in foreign tourists pleasing housewives seeking affairs - ""What’s attractive about physical relationships with foreign men is just how different the whole process is depending on the country.”... Standing over 170 centimeters, Kurosu has a strikingly attractive appearance — just not, as she says, to the typical Japanese man.“Your average guy would get cold feet if they saw me,” Kurosu laughed. “My husband is all about height, so he proposed to me saying he loved tall women. But you know, if you look at Japanese men, you’ll see how they like small, cute girls who are thin and young. So I’d always end up on the sidelines. But foreigners aren’t like that. There are Germans and Australians who like big and strong women. Then there are French and Spanish ones who won’t turn down whoever comes their way. This is just my view, but I think you can pick to your heart’s content when it comes to your plaything.”Kurosu says she was involved with men from over 18 countries so far... Kurosu said that foreign men usually take the initiative and put on condoms for her, a sentiment shared by another woman who identified herself as Noriko Nakamura, 45... “Foreigners will admire the body of even a 45-year-old woman, and they put on condoms, too,” Nakamura said. “How do I find people? Well, I use a dating app called Happn, which has a location service. It’s a pretty recent app made in France, and it shows you the details of anyone you cross paths with on your timeline.”... Both women said interactions in bed prompted them to start learning English, which even came in handy for them at work."
British teenager jailed for trolling herself on social media to frame ex - "A British teenager who trolled herself on social media in a bid to frame her ex-boyfriend in a revenge plot has been jailed.Clarice Crothers, 18, reported her former partner to police claiming he was harassing her and her family with threatening messages... she was jailed for eight months"
Malaysia's top supermarket chain bans 'palm-oil-free' products, government urges others to follow - "Malaysia's biggest supermarket chain Mydin has removed products labelled palm-oil-free from its stores, its top executive said on Thursday (Sep 5), as part of a campaign by the world's second-largest producer of the oil to protect the commodity's image at home and abroad.The US$60 billion world palm oil trade has been the target of environmentalists because of the vast areas of tropical rainforest they say have been cleared to grow the commodity... Malaysia, which together with neighbour Indonesia produce about 85 per cent of the world's palm, is considering a law banning all products flaunting non-use of the oil... Teresa Kok, Malaysia's minister of primary industries, welcomed Mydin's move and told reporters she hoped other supermarkets and shops in the country would follow suit. In July, the Malaysian government promised action against an international school for spreading "anti-palm oil propaganda""
When False Claims Are Repeated, We Start To Believe They Are True — Here’s How Behaving Like A Fact-Checker Can Help
What's the biggest turn-off in a Singapore man's dating profile? - "members of the public were asked, via a social media poll, to describe their impression of Singaporean men in one or two words.
The top words submitted were revealing, to say the least:
I found myself gaping open-mouthed at the screen as these words were flashed across it. Wait – even the positive adjectives were backhanded compliments? Not a single unequivocally flattering adjective for Singaporean men?... I decided to get some answers from the dating experts: Specifically, the folks at dating app Coffee Meets Bagel, which has made more than 200 million introductions in Singapore since it launched here in 2015. “What’s the top turn-off for people scrolling through the profiles of men here in Singapore?” I wanted to know.The answer, I’m afraid to say, is that if you’re a gaming nerd, you might be condemned to an eternity of forever-alone-ness. Singaporeans looking for a mate are not impressed by you: The most-liked men here are 57 per cent less likely to include the word “anime” in their profiles, and 45 per cent less likely to include the word “gaming”, a Coffee Meets Bagel spokesperson shared. This is not great news, seeing as a survey released earlier this year found that Singaporeans came in a noteworthy third globally when it comes to amount of time spent playing video games...
the top 25 per cent of most-liked male Coffee Meets Bagel users in Singapore have rather a lot in common. For one thing, they are 124 per cent more likely to include the word “spontaneity” in their profile, making that the No 1 turn-on for Singaporeans looking for their ideal man. And they are also 88 per cent more likely to describe themselves as “fun-loving”. But how do you prove that you’re “spontaneous”, “fun-loving” and definitely not “boring”?Well, you make yourself out to be fit, athletic and adventurous... popular users were 207 per cent more likely to have the word “skiing” in their profile, and 151 per cent more likely to include “snowboarding”.Seeing as you can’t really develop a skiing hobby even if you visit Snow City every weekend, is "skiing" code for "I am able to afford regular vacations in mountainous countries"? After all, it can't just be about being athletic. Sepak takraw, silat and wushu are also sports – how come they’re not as sexy? Or are skiing and snowboarding seen as desirable because they signal un-Singaporean-ness in the most obvious of ways, screaming, “I’m about as far away from your typical Singaporean man as a snowstorm is from Yishun!”?...
What about Singaporean women? Are we all paragons of virtue, spontaneity and fertility? Are we really awesome skiers?I can’t be the arbiter here, but I am pretty sure that if there is a Problem With Singaporean Men, then there’s bound to be a Problem With Singaporean Women, too. To start with, my male friends commonly tell me that the women they meet in romantic contexts can often be difficult to approach, on the sensitive side and possessive and/or controlling (yikes)."
Shower, sleep or study? Singaporeans would rather game - "Singaporeans spend the most time playing video games compared with other gamers in Asia.At the global level, they also spend a huge amount of time gaming, coming behind only the Americans and Germans"
Android phones already have all of the new iPhone 11 features, but do Apple fans care? - "Some features available on Android phones that have existed for a while now are still not found in Apple’s latest device.For example, the current iPhone 11 can be charged with an 18w charger, but Samsung has already made available a 45w charger.Reverse wireless charging — where a phone can charge another phone or device, is also not available in the new iPhone as yet."
Upon return to Twitter, Permaisuri Agong says to ‘chill’, asks cops to stop arresting people | Malaysia | Malay Mail - "Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah has reactivated her Twitter account in an attempt to dissuade the police from acting against those accused of insulting her.Tunku Azizah had deleted her @cheminahsayang account on Wednesday and triggered the #AmpunTuanku movement to convince her to return to the social media platform she had left due to suspected online harrassment.The Raja Permaisuri reiterated today that she did not leave the platform because she was angered by comments about her but added that her return was motivated by her displeasure with police action against those accused of insulting her. "As I said, I deactivated not because I was upset by comments made but for personal reasons... but today I am truly upset that police have detained those people... through the years my husband and I have never made any police report on the bad things said about us... it’s a free country”... “Although the whole time I and my husband have been demeaned, accused, mocked, and insulted in, we both have not lodged any police reports... and I have never been sad when I read this — in fact, I laugh — because Allah knows who I am!”Yesterday, Tunku Azizah’s daughter, Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafizatullah Al-Sultan Abdullah, shared a social media post in which she said the Raja Permaisuri had not deleted her Twitter account due to alleged online harassment.Instead, she said Tunku Azizah told her that she had done it for “personal reasons” and appealed for the public not to lodge police reports against those that other online users have identified as responsible for her departure.The appeal came too late, however, as the police have already opened several sedition investigations in response to reports lodged about remarks against the Raja Permaisuri, including Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activist Khalid Mohd Ismath who was arrested yesterday."
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