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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Links - 10th December 2019 (1) (Trans Mania)

Survey: Younger Americans Are Becoming More “Uncomfortable” Around LGBTQ People - "The report asked adults how they felt about things like seeing a gay couple holding hands, or finding out a relative is lesbian, or knowing that their child had an LGBTQ teacher. The results focused on what non-LGBTQ Americans said in those situations...
'non-LGBTQ adults who said they felt “very” or “somewhat” comfortable in all of those scenarios was 49%, reflecting no change from 2018. For the 18 to 34 demographic, however, that percentage fell from 53% to 45%.As GLAAD representatives pointed out, 2019 marks the second year in a row that LGBTQ acceptance among Americans aged 18 to 34 has dropped'
So much for the right side of history
When you have trans mania and other LGBTQ overreach
Tellingly, support for 'equal rights' is stable even as discomfort with children having LGBT teachers, having LGBT family members and children having LGBT history lessons has risen for all age groups as a whole

LGBTQ acceptance among young people is on the decline: GLAAD survey - "Ellis is confident the younger generation can rise again as beacons of unbiased values. When numbers dipped a year ago for young males, GLAAD went to where male audiences consume content: video games. The advocacy group worked with the industry to introduce diverse characters and help shape attitudes.The group has similar outreach plans for targeting young women in a popular female venue, country music concerts, she said."
No wonder video games nowadays are so preachy

Julián Castro: My Healthcare Plan Would Cover 'Trans Female' Abortions - "2020 presidential candidate former HUD Secretary and former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro (D) stated that his government healthcare plan would cover abortion."
Since the NHS is inviting biological men to have pap smears...

Man who 'never felt human' now lives his life as a dog in £2,000 fur suit - "A 'human pup' who says he has never felt like a man eats his meals out of a dog bowl, wears a dog mask and often barks at, licks and bites friends.Kaz James, 37, claims he's felt like a dog since childhood and says he always felt 'weird' and unable to relate to others before finally allowing his pup persona to shine through in his late teens.The store manager, from Salford, Greater Manchetster, has had help from an online 'pup play' community and open-minded friends to transition from part-time pooch to confident canine."
I was told that unlike trans people, people who identify as animals do not exist. How ironic that trans activists claim that 'TERFs' 'deny' their 'existence' - but themselves literally deny others' existences

4thWaveNow on Twitter - "1. Have to point out again that, in contrast to the UK, prescribing cross-sex hormones to young teens occurs regularly in the US. In fact, a large taxpayer-funded grant is paying for x-hormone & mastectomy research that includes girls as young as 12/13. See below.
2. Cross-sex hormone study by Johanna Olson-Kennedy et al (incidentally with 40% dropout). Youngest subject = 12. 22% on hormones under age 16.
3. Double mastectomy ("top surgery") study, youngest subject 13."

Could social transition increase persistence rates in “trans” kids? - "The constant media and activist drumbeat that very young children must be socially transitioned ASAP; must be called by the correct pronouns; must have their “wrong bodies” fixed prior to the “wrong puberty”– or they will kill themselves–is the most irresponsible thing the mass media and medical profession could possibly do. It is a form of emotional blackmail which has terrorized countless parents into handing their kids over to gender clinics and activist-run “charities” for transition to the opposite sex. And the media, by running breathless stories implying that the only way to support gender-defiant and gender dysphoric children is to  “transition” them, may be contributing to suicide contagion, a phenomenon that has been well known for decades. As far as evidence that social transition is “reversible,” which of these children is actually “reversing”? Certainly, the ones who have continued on to puberty blockers are not"

Detransitioned man blasts “transworld” - "in 1999, WPATH (formerly called the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association) advised clinicians to proceed with caution when treating adolescents because of the changeability of “gender identity.”"

Some women have penises. If you won’t sleep with them you’re transphobic | Spectator USA - "You might not be completely flabbergasted to learn that 87.5 percent of the respondents said they would only consider ‘cis’ people as potential sexual partners... Toleration doesn’t just mean treating transgender people fairly and equally, ensuring they have the same rights, freedoms and entitlements as anyone else. It means being willing to have sex with people, not on the basis of the body and genitals they have, but because of the gender they say they are.It means that straight men who exclusively seek sexual partners with vaginas should instead expand their ‘prospective dating pool’ to include people who describe themselves as women and just happen to have penises. It means that lesbians who incline towards sex with people who have vaginas, also need to widen their horizons and be open to sex with women who have penises.And if you’re not prepared to have sex with a transgender person, you’re contributing to a transphobic social climate that causes real mental and physical harm to trans people. If you want to be really progressive and inclusive, you know what to do... Is one short, silly blog by a non-famous junior academic worthy of attention? I think so. Blair’s blog was published by Cambridge University Press, an offshoot of one of the world’s great universities. Blair has made similar points in Psychology Today too. Like it or not, that matters. It lends weight, legitimacy. If it’s OK to say this stuff at Cambridge University Press or in Psychology Today, it’s OK to say it in other places too. This is how the window of what is acceptable to discuss moves. This is normalization.I recently spoke to a lesbian friend who is active in the UK Labour party who said that she routinely comes under social, and sometimes quite explicit, pressure from ‘progressive’ friends to sleep with trans women. ‘I’m sick of being told I should like penis. I don’t like penis. That’s why I’m a lesbian. That’s the whole point,’ she said. Since I started writing about sex and gender last year, I’ve had a lot of conversations with women – and a few men – who say they worry that some of the people promoting transgenderism are advocates of ‘queer theory’, and are engaged in a quite deliberate attempt to break down societal norms and barriers in order to make it a lot easier for people with penises to put those penises into a much greater range of people than is currently permitted."

Man 'breaches order banning him from dressing like a schoolgirl in public' - "Peter Trigger, 62, was given a five-year ASBO in December 2008 banning him from wearing a skirt or showing bare legs on school days between 8.30am and 10am and between 2.45pm and 4pm... Trigger is also prohibited from acting in a manner likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress."
From 2011

Faith Naff🦋 on Twitter - "Cis women, if you ever see a trans woman in her 30s, 40s etc. wearing something that looks too juvenile for her, leave her alone about it. She literally never got to be the age you were when you wore it. Let her have this, please."
From 2018

Academic freedom is not freedom to discriminate - "Lawford-Smith defended the idea that women-exclusive spaces should have the right to exclude people of different biological sex, regardless of their gender, aiming to exclude people who are transgender from participating in women-only spaces. This conflicted with my own stance, as well as the general view in the student community, that transgender women have a right to participate in women’s spaces, and that Lawford-Smith’s speech amounted to defending discrimination."
This is hilarious: the trans lobby is trying to force women-only spaces to include biological men, claiming that to do otherwise is discrimination - while ignoring the fact that women-only spaces are inherently discriminatory

Parents are encouraging children as young as three to change gender without consulting specialists - "Parents are pushing children as young as three to change gender without consulting a specialist first, experts have warned.Some children are starting school with a new name and gender identity after 'socially transitioning' – without teachers having been told.The NHS's top psychologist for transgender children warned yesterday of a major increase in the trend, saying parents are researching the subject online and taking advice from internet forums and transgender lobby groups.The warning comes as the latest figures show the number of referrals to England's only specialist clinic for children has almost doubled in four years. Last year 2,590 children were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service. Ten were aged three and four, and dozens more were of primary school age... Dr Wren cited the example of a five-year-old whose name was changed from Billy to Ellie by his parents because 'he was always at his happiest when he could wear a dress'.Billy insisted his body was wrong wanted it 'fixed'. Dr Wren said: 'He was deeply unhappy and asked his mother to take him to the doctors to cut his willy off.' The clinic proposed a 'watchful waiting process' during which the parents were encouraged to help Ellie 'tolerate the reality of the body'.But the parents acted 'more affirmatively' and the child is formally known as Ellie at school and in other settings and is now 'unequivocally related to as a girl'.The parents are now waiting for Ellie to turn 12 when they expect the clinic to provide hormone blockers, believing that anything less would be 'unthinkable and cruel'... Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the Gender Identity Development Service, added: 'There are some families where they will talk about it being a hate crime if you get the pronoun wrong with a very young child who has made a social transition."

Scots transgender family trolled after revealing daughter, 5, born a boy wants to live as girl - "A Scots couple who were named as Britain’s first transgender family say they’ve been subjected to a campaign of online abuse.Greg Rogers, who was born a woman, and Jody say trolls have plagued them since they revealed their daughter Jayden, five – who was born a boy – has decided she wants to be a girl."
What are the odds?

Lesbian Vet Slams Liz Warren for Transgender Pronoun Games - "Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a leading contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, added the pronouns "she/her" to her Twitter bio. She was pandering to transgender activists, who insist that Americans should not assume one another's gender identity. The pandering did not go unnoticed. Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to be reinstated to the U.S. Army after getting kicked out for being lesbian, wrote an open letter to Warren urging her to "stop with the pronoun silliness.""With civility and no ill-will: Please. Stop with the pronoun silliness," Ben-Shalom wrote. "We know you are a woman. Perhaps a million trans-humans will not elect you. But common sense women could." Ben-Shalom brought up real concerns that transgender activism is harming women across America."Instead of pandering to the trans lobby, may I respectfully request that you look at what women are losing in terms of sports, safety, medical services, parental rights, and basic human rights, such as the right to privacy, not to mention the horrors of medical experimentation on children by trans-supporting Big Pharma and Big Medicine"... When President Trump reversed Obama's policy on transgender identity in the military, many far-left groups compared Trump's policy to "Don't Ask Don't Tell," the policy allowing homosexuals to serve so long as they kept their homosexuality secret. Ben-Shalom spoke out against comparison, saying that she, as a lesbian targeted by "Don't Ask Don't Tell," found the comparison offensive. Warren is not the only 2020 candidate to engage in transgender virtue signaling. Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro — notorious for making an absurd comment on transgender issues during the first Democratic debate — lists himself as "He/Him/Él," including the Spanish word for "he" and "him." New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also features pronouns on his Twitter bio, listing "He/him."These Democrats may think they are only alienating conservatives by endorsing transgender activism, but Kara Dansky and Miriam Ben-Shalom are not conservatives, and they're not alone in pushing back against transgender activism"

Lesbian Veteran Miriam Ben-Shalom Finds It Offensive for Activists to Compare the Transgender Military Ban to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Biological Sex Is More Real Than Gender Identity - "Ben-Shalom noted that there are many reasons why potential recruits can be turned away from the military. At least seven of the disqualifying conditions apply to transgender people.According to Department of Defense (DOD) policy, people with "major abnormalities and defects of genitalia such as change of sex" are excluded, as are men with an "absence of both testicles either congenital or surgical," and people with "neurotic, anxiety, mood" or other disorders resulting in "admission to a hospital." Other disqualifying conditions include "psychosexual conditions" such as "transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism," and more... The veteran noted statistics from the pro-transgender group Human Rights Campaign, finding that "29.9 percent of females identifying as trans have tried to commit suicide, 41.8 percent of non-binary youth have tried to commit suicide, and 'over half' of males identifying as trans have tried.""That's terrible. These people need help!" Ben-Shalom declared. "But they don't belong in the military. Who is willing to take a chance and place a gun in the hands of a person who might want to commit suicide?"... "When it was suggested that lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals might be allowed to serve, studies were done and even service members were asked about their opinion on that. But no one has asked servicemembers about [transgender identity,]" she noted."Could this place military women at further risk of assault, since studies indicate that males identifying as trans commit violent acts at the same rate as other males? What if a female identifying as trans were to be raped? What then?" Ben-Shalom asked. Opening the military to transgender identity could have serious unintended consequences. "No person should face discrimination, but service to country is not a right," the veteran said. While she admitted that some transgender people could serve, "the question of making sure which ones are fit is a quagmire." "It is also a problem if some join to get the surgery paid for by the military and taxpayers in order to force their bodies to fit the sex they think they are, as opposed to wanting to serve the country," Ben-Shalom warned. "I find it disingenuous when women servicemembers and veterans cannot get the healthcare and medical service they need, but it is just fine to spend over eight million dollars on what is cosmetic surgery and provide people with hormones and other medications because of a 'feeling'""

Sixth grader dragged out of class for saying gender-confused boy ‘is a boy’ - "an Ohio school district backed down after the religious liberty law firm warned that it could not punish a sixth grader for disagreeing with classmates who said a boy with gender dysphoria was actually a girl... the girls claimed that “taking girl hormones” and eventually getting his “male private parts removed” would turn Boy A into a girl. John “disagreed as a factual matter” and said he was “not a girl.” Another boy agreed that sex is “what you’re born with,” and cannot be changed by hormones and surgery, and a third boy “may have said something to a similar effect”... Liberty Counsel told the school district it was not legally allowed to “silence students who respectfully disagree” with their classmates that “castration is a good thing” for Boy A. It can’t force John to “encourage” Boy A in his gender identity, because that could play a role in the gender-confused student taking “harmful cross-sex hormones” and seeking “non-medically necessary” surgery.Citing the Supreme Court’s Tinker ruling, which bans schools from suppressing the peacefully expressed beliefs of students, Liberty Counsel told the school district it was singling out John for participating “in conversation during school time where students may talk” about “otherwise permissible subjects of discussion.” It emphasized that John was “repeatedly subjected” to these conversations in art class, with the teacher apparently allowing students to affirm Boy A’s gender identity but not disagree with it. To punish John is to “turn classrooms into enclaves of totalitarianism” that censor the “commonly-held, mainstream, factual view” that sex is biologically determined. Liberty Counsel cited “more than 6,500 unique differences at the DNA level” between the sexes that do not change based on hormones or surgery.Not only did the school district botch its own anti-harassment policy, but it’s violating a “student rights” policy that protects the constitutional rights of students to express themselves “as appropriate for the school environment.” Since informal transgender discussion has already been approved in the classroom, the school district can’t censor one view"

‘Nineteen Eighty-Four is now a policing manual’ - "Harry Miller was investigated by the police for retweeting a limerick on Twitter. The police said the limerick – and 30 other tweets – constituted transphobic hate speech... Social-media posts, usually intended as jokes or political arguments, are increasingly being criminalised if they convey the ‘wrong’ opinions about certain topics. Posts on trans issues are considered particularly toxic and are zealously investigated by police. Miller, alongside barristers, police officers and other victims of police overreach, have started the Fair Cop campaign to defend free speech...
I asked the officer, ‘Have I committed any crime?’. He said, ‘No, you have not committed a crime’.The police had 30 tweets of mine. I asked the officer, ‘What’s the worst one you’ve got? Which one comes closest to the edge of being dangerously criminal?’ He said, ‘Well, there is this limerick’. I replied to say that I hadn’t written any limericks. He said, ‘No, but you have retweeted a limerick’. He read it to me, and I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’. It wasn’t even a limerick. It was a lyric from a feminist song. He told me I had to stop doing this. I asked again if I had done anything wrong. And that is when he said the immortal line: ‘I need to check your thinking.’ I told him all about George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four was supposed to be a dystopian novel, not a policing manual. He had never heard of George Orwell so that flew totally over his head. Then he said to me, ‘What you have to understand, Mr Miller, is that sometimes a female brain grows with the wrong body parts and that is what being trans is’. And I thought, just fucking roll that one back a second, will you? I asked if that was the official definition of trans? And he said, ‘Yes, I’ve been on a course’... The assistant chief constable went public to explain the decision to investigate me. He said that the police were ‘in possession of more than 30 transphobic tweets and we’ve had to intervene to stop it escalating’. I was thinking, how can a non-crime escalate to a crime? They had already said that nothing I did was criminal. So what is the formula for escalation? We put a complaint in and all the police did was double down. They said they had to intervene on these things because of Stephen Lawrence. I said I wasn’t entirely sure how my tweets could possibly be linked to a stabbing of a black kid at a bus stop by a bunch of white racist thugs. They said, ‘We are not saying you can’t tweet. We are just saying we would rather you didn’t.’ I then asked Humberside police to remove me from their hate-crime statistics. They said they couldn’t because they were following the policing guidelines. Bizarrely, the College of Policing’s guidelines say that ‘a hate incident is any incident that a police officer or another member of the public considers to be motivated by hate’. It also says, ‘no evidence of hate is required’... It took me from January until June to get a copy of the tweets the police were investigatng. One of them simply said, ‘When did transgender day of remembrance become a thing?’. Just asking the question. Another one – and I have no idea who I’m saying this to because they’ve redacted it – was me retweeting something with a comment and all I’ve put is, ‘Huh?’. ‘Huh’ is now hate speech. Seriously, ‘huh’ is hate speech... My friend Margaret Nelson, who is in her 70s, is also part of the Fair Cop campaign. She wrote a blog that talked about the archaeological sexing of bones. She had a phone call from the police because sexing bones is transphobic. Seriously? She was investigated for the crime of misgendering by the West Yorkshire police"

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Hate speech & transgenderism - "'It had lines like your breasts are made of silicone, your vagina goes nowhere, your hormones are synthetic'...
‘I know a whole bunch of people who are offended by the notion of Brexit. Are we supposed to not have Brexit? Are we supposed to have police ringing people up and saying you're offending people who want to remain by putting up a Brexit poster?’...
'Another hate tweet was me mentioning, and get this, Jenni Murray. I just mentioned in the tweet, Jenni Murray, that's it. I just say the anti Jenni Murray mob are out at Oxford, protesting Steve Bannon and the police have said that by mentioning Jenni Murray, that I am conducting hateful speech designed to upset the transgender community. Another tweet says, Can anybody tell me when the idea that trans women are women became a thing? It's a simple question'"
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