Thursday, December 12, 2019
Links - 12th December 2019 (Labour UK)
Diane Abbott Fumes After Being Branded A Racist on TV by This Week Host Andrew Neill - "Labour leadership contender Diane Abbott was seething after being branded a ‘racist’ and an expenses cheat by political pundit Andrew Neil.Left-winger Ms Abbott was savaged by Mr Neil on his late-night BBC show This Week over her decision to send her son James to the £12,700-a-year City of London School. Ms Abbott, who earned £36,000 a year as a regular guest on the show alongside Michael Portillo until stepping down to fight for the Labour leadership, had defended her stance, saying: ‘West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.’... ‘Supposing Michael said white mums will go to the wall for their children. Why did you say that? Isn’t it a racist remark? ‘If West Indian mums are as wonderful as you say, why are there so many dysfunctional West Indian families in this country? And why do so many young West Indian men end up in a life of crime and gangs? ‘You didn’t want your son to go to a school full of kids who have been brought up by West Indian mums.’ As Ms Abbott repeatedly refused to reply, Mr Neil asked: ‘Would you like to make it clear that West Indian mums are no better than white mums or Asian mums?’ When Ms Abbott, squirming in her seat, replied, ‘I have nothing to say,’ Mr Neil taunted her: ‘You don’t want to do that–you still think West Indian mums are the best?’ The clash came after Ms Abbott said last week: ‘I knew what could happen if my son went to the wrong school and got in with the wrong crowd. They are subjected to peer pressure and when that happens it’s very hard for a mother to save her son. Once a black boy is lost to the world of gangs it’s very hard to get them back.’ Mr Neil also confronted her over the £142,000 she claimed last year in Commons expenses. He said: ‘We _discovered you claimed £1,100 on taxis, including an individual claim for £192. Is that acceptable for an inner London MP?’ Ms Abbott stumbled: ‘The £192 _figure is, I think, a dozen taxi bills.’ Mr Neil replied: ‘You put in one claim, you didn’t designate each one.’"
Diane Abbott's son charged for alleged attack on police officers - "James Abbott-Thompson, 28, was arrested on Friday afternoon last week after police were called to the Foreign Office in Westminster, where he used to work. He was later charged with two counts of assault by beating an emergency services worker and a public order offence... He was at the centre of a political row in 2003 when his left-wing mother was accused of hypocrisy for sending him to the £10,000-a-year City of London School"
Guess the private school didn't work
Trump: US doesn't want Britain's National Health Service - "President Trump on Tuesday said the US has no interest in Britain’s National Health Service — and wouldn’t want it “even if you handed it to us on a silver platter.”... Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, says Johnson wants to sell parts of the publicly funded system to US companies... In the past, Trump has also denied he’s interested in getting involved in the NHS"
Tim Dawson on Twitter - "Trump: We want nothing to do with the NHS.
The Left: Yes, you do - you do.
Trump: We don't, we have no interest in it.
The Left: You do.
Trump: No.
The Left: Here, take it.
Trump: Whut?
The Left: Go on, take it, here have it. Go on it, it's yours! Take our NHS, go on. PLEASE."
I saw someone quoting The Art of the Deal: "The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it". So I guess since Trump fawns over Putin, this proves he's not trying to make a deal with him
Corbyn adviser calls Dawn Butler 'homophobic' over gay giraffe row - "A “gay giraffe row” has reportedly split senior Labour figures, after Dawn Butler MP defended LGBT+ inclusive education in schools by using the example of gay giraffes.Butler, Labour’s shadow women and equalities secretary, said that people think children can be “taught to be gay” but that “giraffes are gay… you cannot teach it”.“If you can teach gayness, who speaks giraffe?” she said at the PinkNews Awards on October 16.Lachlan Stuart, a senior adviser on domestic policy to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, said that this was a “homophobic claim” and that male giraffes have sex with each other to assert dominance, which is “not gay behaviour”.A Natural History Museum researcher disputed this, telling PinkNews: “Like humans, animals use sex for multiple purposes, which can include dominance.”"
Labour for Free Movement on Twitter - "THIS IS REAL. Labour just voted to:
Defend & extend free movement
Close all detention centres
End "no recourse to public funds"
Give migrants free access to the NHS
Give migrants equal voting rights
Amazing! Now let's elect Labour government and make this reality ️"
"This effectively abolishes borders and the concept of citizenship."
Looks like there is a new longest suicide note in history
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Labour battle over Brexit stance - "[On Labour planning to destroy private schools, including those for special needs children] I'd like to hope that it was a starting position from the far left, that they're hoping there might be a negotiation later down the line because, for me, it seems quite incredulous that in 2019, I’m coming on to a radio program, to discuss whether or not my private land will be seized and then redistributed, it seems, it doesn't feel like I'm living in the UK anymore. I think you know… Let's look at this as an individual. I was a state educated young man who worked hard, saw an opportunity to get into education and business by becoming a school proprietor. So my life's work to create a family-run, loving, successful prep school, where the children, the parents and staff are particularly happy will then be seized and redistributed for what positive purpose when our motto is that we teach young children about character and kindness... [On withdrawing charitable status] over half of the Independent Schools Association schools are not charitable trusts. So actually, we’re already paying our business rates...
‘It seemed unthinkable in the 1920s, 30s and early 40s, that private hospitals would be taken into the National Health Service, almost no one would suggest reversing that now. So why isn't it perfectly possible to do it with private schools?’
‘Well, I think actually, I would flip that around and say that there's an equally viable NHS and… private health care system’"
Why are some on left and right still seduced by the ‘noble savage’ myth? - "You learn much about people by the company they keep. The regressive left justified its name last week when Jeremy Corbyn sat down with one Shraga Stern in Westminster. In that convivial moment, he showed that the insults Labour hisses at its opponents – “homophobia”, “misogyny”, “exploitation” – were as nothing when set against the opportunity for its leader to counter the testimonies of the 30 whistleblowers who have gone to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to detail Labour’s racism. What did they matter when he could pose with an actual Jew?... The Labour leadership’s embrace of reactionary elements provides cover for the racism of the white right. It ignores Jews and Muslims who want to live ordinary lives without experiencing prejudice. For what thrills do such “normies” offer? Better to latch on to the exotic “other” and treat them as modern versions of Rousseau’s noble savage. Hence Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah, who will slaughter for their beliefs, are preferred to Arab liberals and socialists, the Muslim Brotherhood to tolerant British Muslims, and reactionary Jews to the mass of British Jewry whose main struggle with the post-Enlightenment world is with the racists who harry them."
How Labour party's own report lays bare its members' vile anti-Semetic slurs - "Activist Mariatu Conteh was accused of telling a councillor at a party meeting that he was 'licking the bum of Jews for money'.The nurse, from Peckham, south London, also shared a post with a fabricated quote from Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu which read: 'Our Jewish agenda is to employ the tools of chaos magic – to use deception, lies, craft and magic – to obtain the conquest of the gentile world and establish our Jewish new world order.'Labour took four months to process her case and in the end merely issued her with a formal warning – a sanction that has no ramifications... Posts which appeared to incite racial hatred – a criminal offence – were on the Facebook page of a former sea captain. David Cooper, 71, from Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, was suspended and finally expelled ten months later. Posts on his account are alleged to have read: 'I call for the complete annihilation and extermination of every Jew on the planet. The Jew is worse than Black Death, worse than ebola virus. The Jew represents pure evil. We need to eliminate this infection.' A Labour committee noted that his words 'would not be out of place in the Third Reich'. Mr Cooper told the Sunday Times he had not written the posts and blamed Israeli intelligence... A Labour member from Birmingham was subject to a complaint after posting on Facebook that the Red Sea was the 'ideal destination' to get rid of the Jews 'who are a cancer on us all' before adding, 'no need for gas chambers anyway – gas is so expensive and we need it in England'"
Nothing to see here. Just "anti-Zionism" and legitimate criticism of Israel
Seventy Labour staffers give statements to antisemitism inquiry - "The final submissions on behalf of the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) to the inquiry, which were leaked to the media on Thursday, include 70 sworn testimonies from current and former staffers, and concludes that “the Labour party is no longer a safe space for Jewish people”... One respondent who listed 22 examples of antisemitic abuse at party meetings where he was called “child killer”, “Zio scum”, and “Tory Jew” as well as being told “Hitler was right” and that he was “good with money”.
Another who witnessed a comment at a ward meeting that “the only reason we have prostitutes in Seven Sisters is because of the Jews”...
The submission also alleges political interference in the disciplinary process by Jeremy Corbyn’s office, despite Labour’s insistence that the leadership has not got involved... a narrative had taken hold among staffers that complaints about antisemitism were part of a “Jewish conspiracy” against the leadership... James Libson, a lawyer representing the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) and a partner at the law firm Mishcon de Reya, said interference in cases had become institutional."
Jeremy Corbyn's Labour would crush civil society - "The war on civil society is the essence of the communist project. Appointed as home minister after the communist takeover of Hungary in 1948, Janos Kádar abolished 5,000 associations in the space of a year, from brass bands to knitting clubs, from scout troupes to shooting parties, from church charities to private schools. He made it a criminal offence to gather money for charitable purposes, and made all schools and youth organisations into the property of the state. Similar policies were undertaken in Czechoslovakia. All free associations were seen by the communists as places of danger, where hierarchies, distinctions, privileges and deals could challenge the role of the Vanguard Party in its fight for equality and “social justice”. Reflecting on this, I came to see why freedom of association belongs with freedom of speech in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Those two freedoms are the foundation of civil society, and the necessary shield against the abuse of political power.Take them away and all power ends up in the hands of the state. The result is what we know as “totalitarianism”. Communism vanished from Europe 30 years ago — but the totalitarian impulse remains. Freedom of association has no sacrosanct status on the Left; in our country we see this in the matter of country sports which are, and will always be, the targets of leftist disapproval.The Labour Party does not see certain laws forbidding free association as an assault on legitimate freedoms but as a moral duty of the state. After the ban on fox hunting, the Party has likewise set its sights on grouse shooting, not from any concern for the grouse, which are well cared for only because we shoot them, but out of hostility to the kind of people who congregate with guns on grouse moors. But the associations that most need protecting, now in Britain as then in Central Europe, are not those devoted to the leisure of country people but those in which people associate for the sake of knowledge.At the recent Labour Party conference Left-wing activists called for private education to be criminalised, as it was by the communists, and the funds of private schools to be confiscated and used for the “common good”. Meanwhile leftists in universities are mounting effective campaigns to prevent free discussion and to expel those professors whose views they dislike. Politicised subjects like Gender Studies, which forbid ideological disagreement and have doctrine and dogma as their goal, are driving free discussion from the curriculum. It is not clear, yet, how far this will go. But the arguments given and the tactics adopted are exactly those of the communists in 1948. The state is seen as the guardian of public morality; it must therefore forbid the misuse of our freedoms."
John McDonnell apologises for Labour anti-semitism | News | The Sunday Times - "John McDonnell has apologised to the Jewish community “for the suffering we have inflicted on them” after Labour’s failure to stamp out rampant anti-semitism in the party was exposed in a massive leak of documents from its own disciplinary department.The secret files, seen by The Sunday Times, reveal the party is still overwhelmed with complaints about anti-Jewish racism that have been left unresolved for months or years. Most have resulted in lenient punishments or no sanctions, according to the documents, despite Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign claims of zero tolerance.McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, also admitted for the first time that the party’s handling of the issue has damaged its prospects in Thursday’s general election... a Labour official complains that more than 130 cases remain outstanding even though the “vast majority” were reported to the party 18 months ago. One unresolved case had been on Labour’s books for more than three years... Some of the cases in the files are disturbing, with Labour members likening Jewish people to killer viruses, labelling them “bent nose manipulative liars” and calling for the “extermination of every Jew on the planet”.One Labour member from Nottingham wrote that “Jews represent a viral infection that need to be completely eliminated” and said he wanted the “complete extinction of all Jews”. It took more than 10 months for the party to expel him after his case was first reported in 2018. Lord Macdonald, a former director of public prosecutions, said the member in question had clearly committed a racial hate crime. Labour refused to say whether it had referred him to police... McDonnell said there were only “a small number” of anti-semites in Labour. “It wasn’t so many people, it was a small number, but I don’t care how many people, one anti-semite in our party is too many, and what we’re doing is we’ve started kicking them out in numbers.” The secret files show half of 100 anti-semitism cases between last summer and this May involved a warning or no action at all. Some members were told to attend “diversity training” although Labour has not set up such a scheme despite promising to do so. Other members were let off without punishment this year despite posting comments about Holocaust denial and distortion, sharing articles about “a Jewish agenda to obtain the conquest of the gentile world” and saying it was justified to “have a dim view of the Jews”. The disclosures blow apart claims made during the election campaign by Corbyn that anyone responsible for anti-semitism was “suspended or expelled” from the party. The leaks paint a picture of the party’s disciplinary process in disarray... Dyer said the lack of communication from the party leadership about the changes was “surreal”.The evidence in the files shows the severity of some of the anti-semitism in the party.A Labour member from Birmingham was subject to a complaint after posting on Facebook that the Red Sea was the “ideal destination” to get rid of the Jews “who are a cancer on us all” before adding, “no need for gas chambers anyway gas is so expensive and we need it in England”. It took eight months for him to be expelled from the party after he was suspended by Labour last year... Dame Louise Ellman, the former Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside, described the evidence as “disturbing” and said: “This reduces to rubble my party’s claim that anti-semitism in the party is being dealt with."
If even the Shadow Chancellor admits it, can Corbynistas still pretend this is not an issue?
So much for "a decent, honest man"
Jeremy Corbyn is the most smeared politician in history - "Corbyn hasn’t even been safe from the ‘bastion of independent journalism’ the BBC. The London Economic reported news that one of Britain’s leading barristers has evidence of BBC bias against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Jolyon Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project alleged that the BBC has indulged in showing “coded negative imagery” of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn since his election in 2015. Even this week, BBC Panorama produced what is widely regarded as a hatchet job on Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism within the Labour party... The problem for the newspapers is that Corbyn is actually pretty boring (in news terms). There really isn’t much dirt to dig up... Most people, even those who don’t like Corbyn are baffled, if not bored by the continual headlines."
I guess impugning the media, even the BBC, is only wrong when it hurts leftists
Maybe Corbyn is the worst polling ever opposition leader because people are "bored" about the "smears"
The question for Labour: why are you sticking with Jeremy Corbyn? - "The Labour leader has the lowest poll numbers of any leader of the opposition since records began. His net satisfaction rating is minus 60, outstripping the previous negative record held since 1982 by Michael Foot. He is less popular than Boris Johnson among both men and women, in every socioeconomic category, whether richer or poorer, in London and Scotland as well as the Midlands and Wales and, remarkably, in every age group. Perhaps it’s no surprise that the over-65s prefer Johnson to Corbyn by 62% to 8%, but it’s arresting that even among the youngest voters, aged 18 to 24, those once seen as the Labour leader’s base, Corbyn is less popular than the prime minister, albeit by three points... They believe that the lightning of 2017 will strike twice, that once “Jeremy” has equal time on TV and is back on the campaign trail, the magic will happen all over again. Never mind that Theresa May was a truly awful candidate tied to a voter-repellent manifesto, and that Johnson will be a much wilier opponent. Or that whatever novelty and freshness Corbyn represented in 2017 will have faded this time round. Or that Corbyn is far more unpopular now than he was back then, when even at his lowest ebb his net satisfaction rating was a mere minus 41. Or that Labour benefited in 2017 from remainers lending their votes to the party to stop Brexit, a move not all of them will be willing to repeat. Never mind all that, the faith of the true believers is intact"
Jeremy Corbyn is neither nice nor decent – he is a nasty bully and an embarrassment to the country - "Enter Comrade Corbyn who, as leader, couldn’t even bring himself to mention the word “Israel” when he attended the [Labour for Israel] reception at annual conference... an event intended to draw a line under Labour’s “Jewish problem”, ends up allowing a bully to publicly smear a Jewish MP for some sort of media conspiracy (mercifully, he didn’t mention “Rothschilds” but it was hanging in the air) and has the Labour leader suggesting that Israel’s actions to defend itself and Isil’s mass torture, rape and murder can be compared."
Jeremy Corbyn Is Like Donald Trump, Not Boris Johnson - The Atlantic - "Take away Brexit, and Johnson is a run-of-the-mill conservative whose policy agenda, instincts, and world view, as opposed to his personality, verge on the dull; a member and defender of the establishment whose wish is to climb atop it, not rip it down. Corbyn is the opposite: a populist who believes in the inherent corruption of the established order, at home and abroad; a man who sees conspiracy and injustice everywhere. Only one of these descriptions comes close to the U.S. president... One incident stands out as the clearest example of Corbyn’s instinctive Trumpism. When The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed from a White House official who revealed how “the resistance” inside was working to keep Trump from making decisions that members felt were dangerous or against the national interest, the reaction among those close to Corbyn was horror—not at the decisions Trump wanted to make, but at the system that was trying to stop him. To Corbyn’s people the report only confirmed the inherently conservative power of the state and the challenges they too would face should they win power... Corbyn’s open sympathies with Hamas, Hezbollah, the IRA, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, and with Russia’s hostility toward NATO, are already proving concerning for Britain’s Five Eyes security partners, just as some have claimed that Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin has concerned Western intelligence agencies... Corbyn would, by a distance, be the most anti-American prime minister since World War II... Like Trump, Corbyn has also cast doubt or sought to shift the blame for Russian acts of aggression, whether the attempted assassination of the former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury last year or the invasion of east Ukraine, which the Labour leader said was “not unprovoked.” In the same article, for the Communist daily newspaper The Morning Star, he described the EU and NATO as “tools of US policy in Europe.” Corbyn, like Trump, is also partial to a conspiracy theory. In 2004, he signed a parliamentary motion claiming NATO 1999 intervention in Kosovo to stop the Serbian slaughter of ethnic Albanians was based on “fraudulent justifications for intervening in a ‘genocide’ that never really existed in Kosovo.”... Corbyn is prickly and reacts badly to criticism, utterly convinced of his own righteousness—unwilling to bend or bow (a trait that earns him the admiration of his supporters who have grown to loathe “weather vane” politicians). Johnson in contrast, according to those who know him and whom I’ve spoken with, is much more affected by criticism, unsure of his own convictions, even aware that he might not really have many."
Jeremy Corbyn Reminds Us Why Israel Exists - "This insinuation — that Corbynite animosity towards British Jewry is predicated on the existence of a “right-wing Israeli government” — is a myth.For one thing, despite public perception, the right-center coalition run by Benjamin Netanyahu hasn’t altered Israeli policy governing the West Bank and Gaza in any significant way from its predecessors (other than, perhaps, by offering Palestinians more autonomy)... The link the Post draws is nonsensical. Are we to believe that the Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition referred to anti-Semitic terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends” in a speech in front of Parliament because he was worried about final status negotiations? Did Corbyn appear multiple times on the Holocaust-denying Hamas-backing Iranian regime’s propaganda channel because he misses Yitzhak Rabin? The man who participates in a 2014 wreath-laying ceremony for the terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics and prevaricates when asked whether it is “anti-Semitic to say that Rothschild Zionists run world governments” is no friend of the Jews... Muslims in Western Europe are anti-Semitic at almost three times the rate of the general population. Thus far, Corbyn has appeased, rather than tried to extinguish, this hatred."
Labour candidate called Prince William a ‘horse-faced t**t’ in yet another blow for Jeremy Corbyn - "Ian Byrne called the Prince a “horse faced t***" and sent misogynistic messages about Baroness Michelle Mone calling to “hit the c*** where it hurts”... In another vile attack the candidate for Liverpool West Derby, a Labour safe seat, slammed Tory housing minister Esther McVey calling her a “b******”.Mr Byrne, a Liverpool Councillor, was forced to apologise for making sick comments about Boris Johnson's mum being "raped" in 2012... His abusive Prince William post is also not the first time a Corbynite has taken aim at the Royal family.In 2017 Labour MP Emma Dent Coad wrongly told an anti-monarchy event at the party’s conference that Prince Harry could not fly an Apache helicopter, adding: “He just sits there going, ‘Vroom vroom’.”The leftie politician, who has previously compared Wills and Kate to the Kardashians, was MP for Kensington at the time. Mr Byrne is now clinging onto his chances of running in the December 12 election - while three other Labour candidates were exposed for spouting slurs.Gideon Bull in Clapton and Kate Ramsden in Edinburgh have both dropped out of the race – a day after two other Labour MP hopefuls were facing calls to pull out over anti-Semitic comments. While just the day before, Jane Aitcheson was blasted after she defended fellow candidate Zarah Sultana who said she would celebrate the death of Tony Blair... Mr Bull has stepped aside after he was accused of using the term “shylock” when speaking to a Jewish colleague on Hackney Council."... Mr Bull claimed he did not know it was an anti-Semitic slur and denied abusing Zena Brabazon, the deputy leader of the council.He told the Braintree and Witham Times: “I used an analogy when referring to a housing decision being called in by backbenchers.“I was not referring to the councillor, who was not part of the call in.“When she politely informed me that this saying was offensive, I immediately apologised and explained that I did not know that Shylock was Jewish and I would never have mentioned Shylock if I had known this.“I grew up in a working class area in Ilford where this was a common saying, but I didn't know it was offensive.”... former Labour MPs John Woodcock and Ian Austin on Thursday urged the public not to vote for the party. Mr Austin, who quit the party over its anti-semitism scandal, branded Mr Corbyn “unfit” to be PM and backed Boris Johnson to win the election.He told The Times: “Jeremy Corbyn is an extremist. He’s allowed the Labour Party to be poisoned by extremism and racism, he supported terrorism, he can’t be trusted with our defence and he always picks the wrong side.” Mr Austin's comments came hours after deputy leader Tom Watson resigned from Labour... He made the shock move after finding himself in a vulnerable position after repeated clashes with hard-left supporters of Mr Corbyn.It culminated with the cabal trying to remove him in an attempted coup - which he described as a "drive-by shooting"."
Alexander Kruel - "Who is Jeremy Corbyn?
1. A person who has been present at a wreath-laying ceremony honoring the perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympics terror attack.[1] Someone who shared a platform with a senior official from a terrorist group that murdered a British rabbi in a Synagogue attack.[2] Someone who stood in honor of dead IRA terrorists.[3][4] Someone who spent more than a decade campaigning for two convicted terrorists who were jailed for their part in the car bombing of the Israeli embassy in London and a Jewish charity building.[5] Someone who called Hamas and Hezbollah his friends.[6] Someone who is making the Muslim Brotherhood salute.[7] Someone who gave a speech at the wedding of a Holocaust 'denying' PLO man.[8] Someone enjoying pizza with a controversial pro-Assad campaigner who denied the genocide in Srebrenica.[9] Someone who attends terror conferences.[10][11]
2. A person who literally took money from and worked for an enemy propaganda channel.[12] Someone who advertises the Russian propaganda channel RT.[13] Someone who went on Iran's Press TV when jihadi terrorists murdered 16 Egyptian policemen in 2012 and without any evidence whatsoever suggested the attack was actually carried out by Israel.[14]
3. A person who praised communist China for "collectivising its economy, its efforts and its energy" which led to "immeasurably better" conditions under communist control and attacks "the appalling social conditions in Hong Kong" which he blamed on "capitalism".[15] Someone who claimed that NATO was founded in order to promote a Cold War with the Soviet Union.[16] Someone who called for European Union to be 'defeated' in explosive rally speech.[17] Someone who praised Hugo Chavez.[18] Someone who wrote a foreword to John Atkinson Hobson's 'Imperialism', a book which blamed imperialism on financial houses controlled by a "single and peculiar race." In this foreword, Corbyn also claims that NATO represents a US military occupation of Europe.[19]
4. A person who has been deeply involved in antisemitism scandals.[20] [21][22] Someone who called for Holocaust Memorial Day to be renamed to remove the word 'holocaust'.[23] Someone who is saying that it's biased to say "Israel has a right to exist".[24] Someone who has been part of at least 3 antisemitic Facebook groups.[25][26][27][28] Someone who signed a document accusing Israel of genocide.[29]
Note: The above is a small selection of what Corbyn stands for. For example, he also believes in homeopathy.[30] But given the above, that doesn't make much of a difference, does it?"
Corbyn in The Times on Twitter - "Can we trust Corbyn to keep us safe when he has a voting record on terrorism like this (2005-09)?Corbyn (& Abbott & McDonnell) was one of 16 Labour MP's which voted against Labour's Terrorism Bill (2nd Reading). 1/17"
Corbyn in The Times on Twitter - ""We have got to be realistic that NATO is a major problem, and a major difficulty and we have to campaign against NATO's power and influence and its global reach because it is a a danger to world peace and a danger to world security"We are not safe under Labour."
Labour’s ‘chilling’ video about supporting minority groups leaves out Jewish community - "The Labour Party has been criticised for producing a video about minority groups being valued by the party that leaves out any mention of the Jewish community.The promotional video which claims “diversity is our greatest strength” is over a minute long and features a speech made by Dawn Butler, the shadow equalities secretary, in which she says Labour will support people who wear “a hijab, turban,” or a “cross.”Jonathan Goldstein, who is chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, described the notable lack of mention of the Jewish community as “extraordinary and chilling.”... "If this is what they are like in opposition imagine what they would be like in government.""
BBC World Service - The World This Week, The rich countries where people are dying younger - "[On accusations of Labour’s anti-Semtism] For a man suffering the worst ratings for any opposition leader since this kind of polling began in the 1970s, this was hardly going to help. And neither were Mr. Corbyn’s struggles to explain how Labour would fund the vast increase in the size of the state it's promising in the face of hostile questioning from the BBC’s toughest Inquisitor Andrew Neil. An ordeal, by the way, Mr. Johnson has so far avoided. So if, as the polls are suggesting, Mr. Johnson is on his way to victory, it'll be thanks to a sometimes overlapping coalition of Leave voters and those who simply think Mr. Corbin is too dangerously left wing to be let anywhere near power. Just how fragile however that coalition might prove if Boris Johnson does win, and Brexit has to become more than a slogan, is another question."
BBC World Service - The World This Week, Why the prince left public life - "There’s no doubting the most telling moment or should I say moments of the campaign this last week. It was when a studio audience repeatedly laughed at both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn during the first TV debate of the election. Not, you should understand, the laughter of amusement but of derision and disbelief. If you want to know what provoked such hilarity, it was the moment Mr. Johnson answered, yes, when asked whether he thought the truth was important, and when Mr Corbyn insisted Labour's policy on Brexit was clear. The studio audience’s reaction was a reminder of a grim underlying truth about this election, born out repeatedly in national opinion polls, namely that this is a contest not to select the most popular person and party as prime minister and governments, but rather the least unpopular... the main opposition Labour Party led by the avowedly and proudly socialist Jeremy Corbyn, also, not surprisingly, promised the most radical left wing agenda since 1945, of greater state involvement in every aspect of British life"
Tories more popular among working class than rich, new general election poll shows - "The Conservative Party now has more support among working-class voters than the upper classes, according to a new poll which predicts that Boris Johnson will win a 110-seat majority at the general election... The findings come after research by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) last week found that support for Jeremy Corbyn had plummeted by 10 per cent since April among those with a household income of below £17,000... only a third of voters (34 per cent) understand Labour’s Brexit policy compared to 53 per cent who know where the Conservatives stand on the EU and 49 per cent who know what the Liberal Democrats are proposing. Asked if Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to tackle anti-Semitism within his own party shows he is unfit to be Prime Minister, 55 per cent agreed and 21 per cent disagreed."
It is interesting that no matter how much elites hate Boris Johnson, Conservative support has surged since he was elected
UK’s Labour would seize £300bn of company shares | Financial Times - "A Labour government would confiscate about £300bn of shares in 7,000 large companies and hand them to workers in one of the biggest state raids on the private sector to take place in a western democracy, according to analysis by the Financial Times and Clifford Chance.The UK’s 2.6m landlords would also face a moment of reckoning if Labour won the next general election after shadow chancellor John McDonnell said he wanted a “right to buy” scheme for private tenants as well as higher taxes on landlords... [it] would be the most leftwing in modern history... The £300bn share seizure would be the consequence of Mr McDonnell’s plans for “inclusive ownership funds”, where every company with more than 250 staff would have to gradually transfer 10 per cent of their shares to workers... Shares would be held and managed by workers, who would receive dividends up to £500 each per year. Any income beyond that level would be redistributed to the Exchequer, representing a stealth tax by the state... “There is no historic precedent for this,” said Dan Neidle, a partner at Clifford Chance. “We are in completely uncharted territory.” Mr Neidle predicted litigation from aggrieved companies and shareholders, challenges from other countries, including the US and China, potential WTO complaints and perhaps “retaliation in kind”. Matt Kilcoyne, of the Adam Smith Institute, called the share move “expropriation”. He added: “Our largest investors are pension funds and they’ll see billions of pounds wiped off their books. So we’ll all see the value of our pensions fall. It’s the biggest raid of all our nest eggs in living memory.”"
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise to Jews over racism …but praises anti-Semitic poet - "Jeremy Corbyn was condemned last night after he used his conference speech to praise an anti-Semitic poet and an activist who compared a top Israeli politician to Hitler.After a week dominated by rows over anti-Semitism in the party, the Labour leader declined to use the opportunity to apologise for the hurt it had caused the Jewish community.Instead he hit out at ‘Tory hypocrisy’ and spoke about his plans to recognise unilaterally a Palestinian state if he enters No 10. He also quoted the 19th century poet and Chartist protest leader Ernest Jones, whose biographer describes him as anti-Semitic... The row came a day after Labour deputy leader Tom Watson said a failure to tackle the anti-Semitism crisis risks ‘eternal shame’ for the party... The Labour leader mentioned the anti-Semitism crisis in his speech but declined to apologise. He told supporters: ‘Being anti-racist means we must listen to those communities suffering discrimination and abuse. I believe we are all stronger from listening and learning from each other... Euan Philipps, of Labour Against Anti-Semitism, said: ‘This year the anti-Semitism is no longer on the fringes but at the core of the conference itself.’"
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise four times for anti-Semitism allegations - "Jeremy Corbyn declined to apologise four times to the Jewish community under questioning from veteran journalist Andrew Neil... The Labour leader was grilled in a BBC interview about allegations of anti-Semitism within his party following concerns raised by the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis... Mr Corbyn also denied that the blight increased after he took over the party... Rabbi Mirvis wrote in The Times that Labour’s handling of the issue that has dogged the party under Mr Corbyn’s leadership was “incompatible” with British values. He said the overwhelming majority of Britain’s Jews were “gripped with anxiety” ahead of the General Election on December 12, warning “the very soul of our nation is at stake”... He also refused to say if he would take out the leader of ISIS, just days after he argued Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi should have been arrested."
So much for listening to those communities suffering discrimination and abuse
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise over Labour anti-Semitism - "Mr Corbyn was also pressed over his plan to broker a ‘credible’ Leave deal with the EU and then be neutral in a referendum between it and remaining in the EU within six months of taking power.He explained: ‘I will be the honest broker that will make sure the referendum is fair and make sure that the Leave deal is a credible one.‘That seems to me actually an adult and sensible way to go forward.’But Mr Corbyn was again unable to say who would campaign for his Brexit deal, with much of his shadow cabinet eager to campaign for Remain."
The lesser racism - "Mirvis said Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was ‘unfit for high office’ due to his past associations with anti-Semites and his party’s inability to get a handle on cases of Jew-hatred among its membership. The piece offers a grim reminder of the growing charge sheet against Corbyn’s Labour. Mirvis references the reported 130 outstanding cases cases of anti-Semitism being investigated by the party, as well as the Jewish MPs who have effectively been driven out by vile racist abuse... The Equality and Human Rights Commission is currently investigating Labour over anti-Semitism. (The only other party to be investigated by the EHRC was the fascist BNP.)... As Mirvis reminds us in his piece, this isn’t just a case of poor party processes: Corbyn himself is a big part of the problem. He has associated with groups, like Hamas and Hezbollah, who have ‘endorse[d] the murder of Jews’. ‘How complicit in prejudice would a leader of Her Majesty’s opposition have to be to be considered unfit for office?’, he asks. The piece is damning, but also full of regret. Rarely does a faith leader enter the political fray so explicitly. Worse still, Mirvis seems to know full well that his concerns, shared widely across Britain’s Jewish community, will fall on deaf ears among those who need to hear them most. ‘We have learned the hard way that speaking out means that we will be demonised by faceless social-media trolls and accused of being partisan or acting in bad faith by those who still think of this as an orchestrated political smear’, he writes. As it turns out, he was only half-right: Corbynistas have dismissed him, but many haven’t bothered hiding behind an avatar. In a since-deleted tweet, Labour activist Holly Rigby dismissed Mirvis as a ‘Boris Johnson supporter’ and ‘uncritical supporter of Netanyahu’. ‘His comments must be taken in this context’... The proof for this seems to be that Mirvis congratulated Johnson when he became PM in July, and that he has met Netanyahu, as you’d imagine he would have. (Incidentally, in 2015, the Israeli PM rebuffed Mirvis’s concerns about settlements.)... Johnson once wrote a column mocking misogynistic religious dress while defending women’s right to wear it. Corbyn once invited Raed Salah – a man convicted in Israel for repeating the blood libel – to tea in the House of Commons. Spot the difference... Countdown star Rachel Riley caught flak from Corbynistas for putting out a photoshopped image of Corbyn, replacing the words on an anti-Apartheid placard with the words ‘Jeremy Corbyn is a racist endeavour’. For this, she was accused of being a racist, because she was ‘erasing’ the anti-Apartheid struggle. Whatever you think about Riley’s tactics, she was clearly making a point about what she sees as the hypocrisy of Corbyn: that this ‘lifelong anti-racist’ has a seemingly different attitude when it comes to Jews. It should be obvious to anyone. But in response to the photo, Corbynistas demanded she be sacked. A few days ago, actress Maureen Lipman was hit with a similar backlash, when she made a video attacking Labour over anti-Semitism. The mere fact that she decided to talk about the video with the Sun was used to tar her as a bigot... Then there’s Ian Austin. He is the adopted son of Holocaust survivors and he left Labour over anti-Semitism in February. Earlier this month, he urged voters to back Boris Johnson rather than risk putting Corbyn in No10. In response, shadow chancellor John McDonnell (wrongly) accused him of being employed by the Tories, and Owen Jones accused him of being a xenophobe. It’s disgusting. Imagine Labourites acting like this towards any other minority group. They are PC to a fault in almost every other respect. This is a party whose equalities spokesperson denounced Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ as cultural appropriation. And yet so many Labourites are completely dismissive of – almost irritated by – British Jews’ completely legitimate fears."
It's amazing to see all the Corbyn supporters online trying to deny and deflect
The chief rabbi’s Labour warning reveals major shifts in UK politics - "“During the past few years, on my travels through the UK and further afield, one concern has been expressed to me more than any other,” Mirvis wrote. “Of course the threats of the far right and violent jihadism never go away, but the question I am now most frequently asked is: What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government?”... The word “unprecedented” was used to describe the intervention itself, but it is also an apt descriptor of this political moment in the history of Britain’s Jewish community. In the past, chief rabbis have called on people to serve their country, in the First and Second World Wars for instance, and even in the politically controversial Boer war, says Professor David Feldman, director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism. What seems unprecedented, however, is such overt criticism of a particular party, and indeed a particular party leader. Mirvis, who took office in 2013 as spiritual leader of the UK’s orthodox Jews, does not tend to political intervention. He is not a very well-known figure outside the Jewish community. The fact that he took this step at such a fraught time, during a particularly tense election, points to major shifts in the UK’s political landscape.The first is the fact that Jews are now so often in the headlines. It is hard to remember what it was like before the words “Labour” and “anti-Semitism” appeared so regularly on our front pages, but this state of affairs has only been normal since the crisis started nearly four years ago. The Jewish community “has always had a reputation...of keeping its head down and not wanting to make a fuss, and certainly not wanting to rock the boat politically,” says Dave Rich, author of The Left’s Jewish Problem... 87 per cent of Jews believe Corbyn is anti-Semitic... The broader response to Mirvis’ intervention has also been telling. In some quarters it has been seen as a move to sabotage Labour’s chances at winning the election, with Mirvis painted as right wing. The understanding that Mirvis leans to the right seems based on rather tenuous premises, including the fact that, as chief rabbi, he congratulated Boris Johnson on becoming prime minister. This was very much a formality, and something that Jewish leaders on the left did, too. But this assumption has also been based on his being an Orthodox rabbi, and therefore not liberal. Keith Kahn-Harris, author of Strange Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and the Limits of Diversity, notes that Mirvis has done some relatively liberal things for a chief rabbi. He also points out that this does not tend to happen when other minority leaders of strict religious backgrounds draw attention to racism against them."
An open letter to Sir Richard Evans: Labour’s anti-Semitism cannot be disregarded - "on the subject of the Jews, the party has become cruel, malicious, stupid and dishonest. The cruelty has been persistent and extreme – death threats, shouted abuse at branch meetings, online trolling. The malice has been patent, incontinent and pervasive. As with Trump, we are inured to party (and Corbyn) outrages, because they are so frequent. But recall Corbyn\u0027s disparagement of “Zionists who, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony”. My friend David Hirsh got it right: Corbyn was enjoying the old, sneery English view of Jews, and he was doing it to humiliate the Jews he was talking about. They live among us but they’re not really one of us. This wasn’t Corbyn’s usual political anti-Semitism, it was a spillover into ordinary old-fashioned English anti-Semitism... This, from the “lifelong campaigner against anti-Semitism”, as a Labour spokesperson described him... Anti-Semitism is stupid. It makes people stupid. It is not a coincidence that the least accomplished leader of the Labour Party is also its only anti-Semitic one. If you live in a world of conspiracies, if you think the world is divided into the blamelessly good, the victims, and the unqualifiedly evil, the oppressors, then anti-Semitism is for you... As for the dishonesty, look at party equivocations on the number of disciplinary cases against members. The unapologetic Corbyn says that there are none left to resolve (“we’ve investigated every single case”); by contrast, a spokesperson is only able to quibble over the precise number outstanding. Corbyn\u0027s ignominious career in relation to Jews has been recast by a party spokesperson as the career of a “lifelong campaign against anti-Semitism”. Is anybody really fooled by this? Is there anything more threadbare – indeed, Trumpian – in the insouciance of the party\u0027s response to its own anti-Semitism? This is not a party that cares about the concerns of the Jewish community, save insofar as those concerns might have a damaging impact on its electoral fortunes. In response to your second tweet, about individual candidates: Anti-Semitism, long a fugitive, has acquired institutional authority in today\u0027s Labour Party. Within the party itself, compelling evidence exists of extensive spoken and online abuse of Jewish party members; exclusion of Jewish members from participating in party activity; signalling by the party leader that anti-Semitic views are acceptable; the failure to implement processes to protect Jewish members from anti-Semitism; hostile responses to those calling out anti-Semitism; and appointment of anti-Semites to positions of power (indeed, as the Panorama investigation exposed, interfering in disciplinary processes “to let off their mates”, reported a whistle-blower). This anti-Semitism taints the passive enablers in the party – to start with, the whole front bench. This is how the Corbyn period will be remembered. This is his legacy to the party. This anti-Semitism concerns us all, Jews and non-Jews. A party that cannot be trusted in relation to Jews cannot be trusted at all. No party of reform and justice can be trusted if it makes exceptions of a minority community... There is even an implication that it is a little parochial – perhaps even, selfish – of Jews to insist on their own special suffering, their own local fears, in these times of national crisis. So what if the party is contaminated by Jew hatred if it is also the party that will save the country? Of course, formulating the question in this way does more than justice to the capabilities of the Labour Party... injustices towards Jews are precedent-establishing – people who start with the Jews, do not end with the Jews... The driving out of leading Jewish (and non-Jewish) politicians from the party, who cited its anti-Semitism, did not have a substantial impact on party morale, still less commit its officials and elected members to decisive action. We cannot leave the work to the party itself. Supporters have to lend a hand. Depriving the party of a vote is a start."
Toby Young on Twitter - "Labour has held Wrexham since 1935. Our poll now finds the Tories 15 points ahead"
"If Boris wins, this will be the story — areas that have been Labour for 75+ years turning blue. Happening across the Anglosphere, not just the UK. For working class voters, faith, flag and family trumps gender neutral toilets and decolonising the curriculum. Go woke, go broke."
Diane Abbott's son charged for alleged attack on police officers - "James Abbott-Thompson, 28, was arrested on Friday afternoon last week after police were called to the Foreign Office in Westminster, where he used to work. He was later charged with two counts of assault by beating an emergency services worker and a public order offence... He was at the centre of a political row in 2003 when his left-wing mother was accused of hypocrisy for sending him to the £10,000-a-year City of London School"
Guess the private school didn't work
Trump: US doesn't want Britain's National Health Service - "President Trump on Tuesday said the US has no interest in Britain’s National Health Service — and wouldn’t want it “even if you handed it to us on a silver platter.”... Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, says Johnson wants to sell parts of the publicly funded system to US companies... In the past, Trump has also denied he’s interested in getting involved in the NHS"
Tim Dawson on Twitter - "Trump: We want nothing to do with the NHS.
The Left: Yes, you do - you do.
Trump: We don't, we have no interest in it.
The Left: You do.
Trump: No.
The Left: Here, take it.
Trump: Whut?
The Left: Go on, take it, here have it. Go on it, it's yours! Take our NHS, go on. PLEASE."
I saw someone quoting The Art of the Deal: "The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it". So I guess since Trump fawns over Putin, this proves he's not trying to make a deal with him
Corbyn adviser calls Dawn Butler 'homophobic' over gay giraffe row - "A “gay giraffe row” has reportedly split senior Labour figures, after Dawn Butler MP defended LGBT+ inclusive education in schools by using the example of gay giraffes.Butler, Labour’s shadow women and equalities secretary, said that people think children can be “taught to be gay” but that “giraffes are gay… you cannot teach it”.“If you can teach gayness, who speaks giraffe?” she said at the PinkNews Awards on October 16.Lachlan Stuart, a senior adviser on domestic policy to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, said that this was a “homophobic claim” and that male giraffes have sex with each other to assert dominance, which is “not gay behaviour”.A Natural History Museum researcher disputed this, telling PinkNews: “Like humans, animals use sex for multiple purposes, which can include dominance.”"
Labour for Free Movement on Twitter - "THIS IS REAL. Labour just voted to:
Defend & extend free movement
Close all detention centres
End "no recourse to public funds"
Give migrants free access to the NHS
Give migrants equal voting rights
Amazing! Now let's elect Labour government and make this reality ️"
"This effectively abolishes borders and the concept of citizenship."
Looks like there is a new longest suicide note in history
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Labour battle over Brexit stance - "[On Labour planning to destroy private schools, including those for special needs children] I'd like to hope that it was a starting position from the far left, that they're hoping there might be a negotiation later down the line because, for me, it seems quite incredulous that in 2019, I’m coming on to a radio program, to discuss whether or not my private land will be seized and then redistributed, it seems, it doesn't feel like I'm living in the UK anymore. I think you know… Let's look at this as an individual. I was a state educated young man who worked hard, saw an opportunity to get into education and business by becoming a school proprietor. So my life's work to create a family-run, loving, successful prep school, where the children, the parents and staff are particularly happy will then be seized and redistributed for what positive purpose when our motto is that we teach young children about character and kindness... [On withdrawing charitable status] over half of the Independent Schools Association schools are not charitable trusts. So actually, we’re already paying our business rates...
‘It seemed unthinkable in the 1920s, 30s and early 40s, that private hospitals would be taken into the National Health Service, almost no one would suggest reversing that now. So why isn't it perfectly possible to do it with private schools?’
‘Well, I think actually, I would flip that around and say that there's an equally viable NHS and… private health care system’"
Why are some on left and right still seduced by the ‘noble savage’ myth? - "You learn much about people by the company they keep. The regressive left justified its name last week when Jeremy Corbyn sat down with one Shraga Stern in Westminster. In that convivial moment, he showed that the insults Labour hisses at its opponents – “homophobia”, “misogyny”, “exploitation” – were as nothing when set against the opportunity for its leader to counter the testimonies of the 30 whistleblowers who have gone to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to detail Labour’s racism. What did they matter when he could pose with an actual Jew?... The Labour leadership’s embrace of reactionary elements provides cover for the racism of the white right. It ignores Jews and Muslims who want to live ordinary lives without experiencing prejudice. For what thrills do such “normies” offer? Better to latch on to the exotic “other” and treat them as modern versions of Rousseau’s noble savage. Hence Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah, who will slaughter for their beliefs, are preferred to Arab liberals and socialists, the Muslim Brotherhood to tolerant British Muslims, and reactionary Jews to the mass of British Jewry whose main struggle with the post-Enlightenment world is with the racists who harry them."
How Labour party's own report lays bare its members' vile anti-Semetic slurs - "Activist Mariatu Conteh was accused of telling a councillor at a party meeting that he was 'licking the bum of Jews for money'.The nurse, from Peckham, south London, also shared a post with a fabricated quote from Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu which read: 'Our Jewish agenda is to employ the tools of chaos magic – to use deception, lies, craft and magic – to obtain the conquest of the gentile world and establish our Jewish new world order.'Labour took four months to process her case and in the end merely issued her with a formal warning – a sanction that has no ramifications... Posts which appeared to incite racial hatred – a criminal offence – were on the Facebook page of a former sea captain. David Cooper, 71, from Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, was suspended and finally expelled ten months later. Posts on his account are alleged to have read: 'I call for the complete annihilation and extermination of every Jew on the planet. The Jew is worse than Black Death, worse than ebola virus. The Jew represents pure evil. We need to eliminate this infection.' A Labour committee noted that his words 'would not be out of place in the Third Reich'. Mr Cooper told the Sunday Times he had not written the posts and blamed Israeli intelligence... A Labour member from Birmingham was subject to a complaint after posting on Facebook that the Red Sea was the 'ideal destination' to get rid of the Jews 'who are a cancer on us all' before adding, 'no need for gas chambers anyway – gas is so expensive and we need it in England'"
Nothing to see here. Just "anti-Zionism" and legitimate criticism of Israel
Seventy Labour staffers give statements to antisemitism inquiry - "The final submissions on behalf of the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) to the inquiry, which were leaked to the media on Thursday, include 70 sworn testimonies from current and former staffers, and concludes that “the Labour party is no longer a safe space for Jewish people”... One respondent who listed 22 examples of antisemitic abuse at party meetings where he was called “child killer”, “Zio scum”, and “Tory Jew” as well as being told “Hitler was right” and that he was “good with money”.
Another who witnessed a comment at a ward meeting that “the only reason we have prostitutes in Seven Sisters is because of the Jews”...
The submission also alleges political interference in the disciplinary process by Jeremy Corbyn’s office, despite Labour’s insistence that the leadership has not got involved... a narrative had taken hold among staffers that complaints about antisemitism were part of a “Jewish conspiracy” against the leadership... James Libson, a lawyer representing the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) and a partner at the law firm Mishcon de Reya, said interference in cases had become institutional."
Jeremy Corbyn's Labour would crush civil society - "The war on civil society is the essence of the communist project. Appointed as home minister after the communist takeover of Hungary in 1948, Janos Kádar abolished 5,000 associations in the space of a year, from brass bands to knitting clubs, from scout troupes to shooting parties, from church charities to private schools. He made it a criminal offence to gather money for charitable purposes, and made all schools and youth organisations into the property of the state. Similar policies were undertaken in Czechoslovakia. All free associations were seen by the communists as places of danger, where hierarchies, distinctions, privileges and deals could challenge the role of the Vanguard Party in its fight for equality and “social justice”. Reflecting on this, I came to see why freedom of association belongs with freedom of speech in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Those two freedoms are the foundation of civil society, and the necessary shield against the abuse of political power.Take them away and all power ends up in the hands of the state. The result is what we know as “totalitarianism”. Communism vanished from Europe 30 years ago — but the totalitarian impulse remains. Freedom of association has no sacrosanct status on the Left; in our country we see this in the matter of country sports which are, and will always be, the targets of leftist disapproval.The Labour Party does not see certain laws forbidding free association as an assault on legitimate freedoms but as a moral duty of the state. After the ban on fox hunting, the Party has likewise set its sights on grouse shooting, not from any concern for the grouse, which are well cared for only because we shoot them, but out of hostility to the kind of people who congregate with guns on grouse moors. But the associations that most need protecting, now in Britain as then in Central Europe, are not those devoted to the leisure of country people but those in which people associate for the sake of knowledge.At the recent Labour Party conference Left-wing activists called for private education to be criminalised, as it was by the communists, and the funds of private schools to be confiscated and used for the “common good”. Meanwhile leftists in universities are mounting effective campaigns to prevent free discussion and to expel those professors whose views they dislike. Politicised subjects like Gender Studies, which forbid ideological disagreement and have doctrine and dogma as their goal, are driving free discussion from the curriculum. It is not clear, yet, how far this will go. But the arguments given and the tactics adopted are exactly those of the communists in 1948. The state is seen as the guardian of public morality; it must therefore forbid the misuse of our freedoms."
John McDonnell apologises for Labour anti-semitism | News | The Sunday Times - "John McDonnell has apologised to the Jewish community “for the suffering we have inflicted on them” after Labour’s failure to stamp out rampant anti-semitism in the party was exposed in a massive leak of documents from its own disciplinary department.The secret files, seen by The Sunday Times, reveal the party is still overwhelmed with complaints about anti-Jewish racism that have been left unresolved for months or years. Most have resulted in lenient punishments or no sanctions, according to the documents, despite Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign claims of zero tolerance.McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, also admitted for the first time that the party’s handling of the issue has damaged its prospects in Thursday’s general election... a Labour official complains that more than 130 cases remain outstanding even though the “vast majority” were reported to the party 18 months ago. One unresolved case had been on Labour’s books for more than three years... Some of the cases in the files are disturbing, with Labour members likening Jewish people to killer viruses, labelling them “bent nose manipulative liars” and calling for the “extermination of every Jew on the planet”.One Labour member from Nottingham wrote that “Jews represent a viral infection that need to be completely eliminated” and said he wanted the “complete extinction of all Jews”. It took more than 10 months for the party to expel him after his case was first reported in 2018. Lord Macdonald, a former director of public prosecutions, said the member in question had clearly committed a racial hate crime. Labour refused to say whether it had referred him to police... McDonnell said there were only “a small number” of anti-semites in Labour. “It wasn’t so many people, it was a small number, but I don’t care how many people, one anti-semite in our party is too many, and what we’re doing is we’ve started kicking them out in numbers.” The secret files show half of 100 anti-semitism cases between last summer and this May involved a warning or no action at all. Some members were told to attend “diversity training” although Labour has not set up such a scheme despite promising to do so. Other members were let off without punishment this year despite posting comments about Holocaust denial and distortion, sharing articles about “a Jewish agenda to obtain the conquest of the gentile world” and saying it was justified to “have a dim view of the Jews”. The disclosures blow apart claims made during the election campaign by Corbyn that anyone responsible for anti-semitism was “suspended or expelled” from the party. The leaks paint a picture of the party’s disciplinary process in disarray... Dyer said the lack of communication from the party leadership about the changes was “surreal”.The evidence in the files shows the severity of some of the anti-semitism in the party.A Labour member from Birmingham was subject to a complaint after posting on Facebook that the Red Sea was the “ideal destination” to get rid of the Jews “who are a cancer on us all” before adding, “no need for gas chambers anyway gas is so expensive and we need it in England”. It took eight months for him to be expelled from the party after he was suspended by Labour last year... Dame Louise Ellman, the former Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside, described the evidence as “disturbing” and said: “This reduces to rubble my party’s claim that anti-semitism in the party is being dealt with."
If even the Shadow Chancellor admits it, can Corbynistas still pretend this is not an issue?
So much for "a decent, honest man"
Jeremy Corbyn is the most smeared politician in history - "Corbyn hasn’t even been safe from the ‘bastion of independent journalism’ the BBC. The London Economic reported news that one of Britain’s leading barristers has evidence of BBC bias against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Jolyon Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project alleged that the BBC has indulged in showing “coded negative imagery” of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn since his election in 2015. Even this week, BBC Panorama produced what is widely regarded as a hatchet job on Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism within the Labour party... The problem for the newspapers is that Corbyn is actually pretty boring (in news terms). There really isn’t much dirt to dig up... Most people, even those who don’t like Corbyn are baffled, if not bored by the continual headlines."
I guess impugning the media, even the BBC, is only wrong when it hurts leftists
Maybe Corbyn is the worst polling ever opposition leader because people are "bored" about the "smears"
The question for Labour: why are you sticking with Jeremy Corbyn? - "The Labour leader has the lowest poll numbers of any leader of the opposition since records began. His net satisfaction rating is minus 60, outstripping the previous negative record held since 1982 by Michael Foot. He is less popular than Boris Johnson among both men and women, in every socioeconomic category, whether richer or poorer, in London and Scotland as well as the Midlands and Wales and, remarkably, in every age group. Perhaps it’s no surprise that the over-65s prefer Johnson to Corbyn by 62% to 8%, but it’s arresting that even among the youngest voters, aged 18 to 24, those once seen as the Labour leader’s base, Corbyn is less popular than the prime minister, albeit by three points... They believe that the lightning of 2017 will strike twice, that once “Jeremy” has equal time on TV and is back on the campaign trail, the magic will happen all over again. Never mind that Theresa May was a truly awful candidate tied to a voter-repellent manifesto, and that Johnson will be a much wilier opponent. Or that whatever novelty and freshness Corbyn represented in 2017 will have faded this time round. Or that Corbyn is far more unpopular now than he was back then, when even at his lowest ebb his net satisfaction rating was a mere minus 41. Or that Labour benefited in 2017 from remainers lending their votes to the party to stop Brexit, a move not all of them will be willing to repeat. Never mind all that, the faith of the true believers is intact"
Jeremy Corbyn is neither nice nor decent – he is a nasty bully and an embarrassment to the country - "Enter Comrade Corbyn who, as leader, couldn’t even bring himself to mention the word “Israel” when he attended the [Labour for Israel] reception at annual conference... an event intended to draw a line under Labour’s “Jewish problem”, ends up allowing a bully to publicly smear a Jewish MP for some sort of media conspiracy (mercifully, he didn’t mention “Rothschilds” but it was hanging in the air) and has the Labour leader suggesting that Israel’s actions to defend itself and Isil’s mass torture, rape and murder can be compared."
Jeremy Corbyn Is Like Donald Trump, Not Boris Johnson - The Atlantic - "Take away Brexit, and Johnson is a run-of-the-mill conservative whose policy agenda, instincts, and world view, as opposed to his personality, verge on the dull; a member and defender of the establishment whose wish is to climb atop it, not rip it down. Corbyn is the opposite: a populist who believes in the inherent corruption of the established order, at home and abroad; a man who sees conspiracy and injustice everywhere. Only one of these descriptions comes close to the U.S. president... One incident stands out as the clearest example of Corbyn’s instinctive Trumpism. When The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed from a White House official who revealed how “the resistance” inside was working to keep Trump from making decisions that members felt were dangerous or against the national interest, the reaction among those close to Corbyn was horror—not at the decisions Trump wanted to make, but at the system that was trying to stop him. To Corbyn’s people the report only confirmed the inherently conservative power of the state and the challenges they too would face should they win power... Corbyn’s open sympathies with Hamas, Hezbollah, the IRA, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, and with Russia’s hostility toward NATO, are already proving concerning for Britain’s Five Eyes security partners, just as some have claimed that Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin has concerned Western intelligence agencies... Corbyn would, by a distance, be the most anti-American prime minister since World War II... Like Trump, Corbyn has also cast doubt or sought to shift the blame for Russian acts of aggression, whether the attempted assassination of the former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury last year or the invasion of east Ukraine, which the Labour leader said was “not unprovoked.” In the same article, for the Communist daily newspaper The Morning Star, he described the EU and NATO as “tools of US policy in Europe.” Corbyn, like Trump, is also partial to a conspiracy theory. In 2004, he signed a parliamentary motion claiming NATO 1999 intervention in Kosovo to stop the Serbian slaughter of ethnic Albanians was based on “fraudulent justifications for intervening in a ‘genocide’ that never really existed in Kosovo.”... Corbyn is prickly and reacts badly to criticism, utterly convinced of his own righteousness—unwilling to bend or bow (a trait that earns him the admiration of his supporters who have grown to loathe “weather vane” politicians). Johnson in contrast, according to those who know him and whom I’ve spoken with, is much more affected by criticism, unsure of his own convictions, even aware that he might not really have many."
Jeremy Corbyn Reminds Us Why Israel Exists - "This insinuation — that Corbynite animosity towards British Jewry is predicated on the existence of a “right-wing Israeli government” — is a myth.For one thing, despite public perception, the right-center coalition run by Benjamin Netanyahu hasn’t altered Israeli policy governing the West Bank and Gaza in any significant way from its predecessors (other than, perhaps, by offering Palestinians more autonomy)... The link the Post draws is nonsensical. Are we to believe that the Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition referred to anti-Semitic terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends” in a speech in front of Parliament because he was worried about final status negotiations? Did Corbyn appear multiple times on the Holocaust-denying Hamas-backing Iranian regime’s propaganda channel because he misses Yitzhak Rabin? The man who participates in a 2014 wreath-laying ceremony for the terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics and prevaricates when asked whether it is “anti-Semitic to say that Rothschild Zionists run world governments” is no friend of the Jews... Muslims in Western Europe are anti-Semitic at almost three times the rate of the general population. Thus far, Corbyn has appeased, rather than tried to extinguish, this hatred."
Labour candidate called Prince William a ‘horse-faced t**t’ in yet another blow for Jeremy Corbyn - "Ian Byrne called the Prince a “horse faced t***" and sent misogynistic messages about Baroness Michelle Mone calling to “hit the c*** where it hurts”... In another vile attack the candidate for Liverpool West Derby, a Labour safe seat, slammed Tory housing minister Esther McVey calling her a “b******”.Mr Byrne, a Liverpool Councillor, was forced to apologise for making sick comments about Boris Johnson's mum being "raped" in 2012... His abusive Prince William post is also not the first time a Corbynite has taken aim at the Royal family.In 2017 Labour MP Emma Dent Coad wrongly told an anti-monarchy event at the party’s conference that Prince Harry could not fly an Apache helicopter, adding: “He just sits there going, ‘Vroom vroom’.”The leftie politician, who has previously compared Wills and Kate to the Kardashians, was MP for Kensington at the time. Mr Byrne is now clinging onto his chances of running in the December 12 election - while three other Labour candidates were exposed for spouting slurs.Gideon Bull in Clapton and Kate Ramsden in Edinburgh have both dropped out of the race – a day after two other Labour MP hopefuls were facing calls to pull out over anti-Semitic comments. While just the day before, Jane Aitcheson was blasted after she defended fellow candidate Zarah Sultana who said she would celebrate the death of Tony Blair... Mr Bull has stepped aside after he was accused of using the term “shylock” when speaking to a Jewish colleague on Hackney Council."... Mr Bull claimed he did not know it was an anti-Semitic slur and denied abusing Zena Brabazon, the deputy leader of the council.He told the Braintree and Witham Times: “I used an analogy when referring to a housing decision being called in by backbenchers.“I was not referring to the councillor, who was not part of the call in.“When she politely informed me that this saying was offensive, I immediately apologised and explained that I did not know that Shylock was Jewish and I would never have mentioned Shylock if I had known this.“I grew up in a working class area in Ilford where this was a common saying, but I didn't know it was offensive.”... former Labour MPs John Woodcock and Ian Austin on Thursday urged the public not to vote for the party. Mr Austin, who quit the party over its anti-semitism scandal, branded Mr Corbyn “unfit” to be PM and backed Boris Johnson to win the election.He told The Times: “Jeremy Corbyn is an extremist. He’s allowed the Labour Party to be poisoned by extremism and racism, he supported terrorism, he can’t be trusted with our defence and he always picks the wrong side.” Mr Austin's comments came hours after deputy leader Tom Watson resigned from Labour... He made the shock move after finding himself in a vulnerable position after repeated clashes with hard-left supporters of Mr Corbyn.It culminated with the cabal trying to remove him in an attempted coup - which he described as a "drive-by shooting"."
Alexander Kruel - "Who is Jeremy Corbyn?
1. A person who has been present at a wreath-laying ceremony honoring the perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympics terror attack.[1] Someone who shared a platform with a senior official from a terrorist group that murdered a British rabbi in a Synagogue attack.[2] Someone who stood in honor of dead IRA terrorists.[3][4] Someone who spent more than a decade campaigning for two convicted terrorists who were jailed for their part in the car bombing of the Israeli embassy in London and a Jewish charity building.[5] Someone who called Hamas and Hezbollah his friends.[6] Someone who is making the Muslim Brotherhood salute.[7] Someone who gave a speech at the wedding of a Holocaust 'denying' PLO man.[8] Someone enjoying pizza with a controversial pro-Assad campaigner who denied the genocide in Srebrenica.[9] Someone who attends terror conferences.[10][11]
2. A person who literally took money from and worked for an enemy propaganda channel.[12] Someone who advertises the Russian propaganda channel RT.[13] Someone who went on Iran's Press TV when jihadi terrorists murdered 16 Egyptian policemen in 2012 and without any evidence whatsoever suggested the attack was actually carried out by Israel.[14]
3. A person who praised communist China for "collectivising its economy, its efforts and its energy" which led to "immeasurably better" conditions under communist control and attacks "the appalling social conditions in Hong Kong" which he blamed on "capitalism".[15] Someone who claimed that NATO was founded in order to promote a Cold War with the Soviet Union.[16] Someone who called for European Union to be 'defeated' in explosive rally speech.[17] Someone who praised Hugo Chavez.[18] Someone who wrote a foreword to John Atkinson Hobson's 'Imperialism', a book which blamed imperialism on financial houses controlled by a "single and peculiar race." In this foreword, Corbyn also claims that NATO represents a US military occupation of Europe.[19]
4. A person who has been deeply involved in antisemitism scandals.[20] [21][22] Someone who called for Holocaust Memorial Day to be renamed to remove the word 'holocaust'.[23] Someone who is saying that it's biased to say "Israel has a right to exist".[24] Someone who has been part of at least 3 antisemitic Facebook groups.[25][26][27][28] Someone who signed a document accusing Israel of genocide.[29]
Note: The above is a small selection of what Corbyn stands for. For example, he also believes in homeopathy.[30] But given the above, that doesn't make much of a difference, does it?"
Corbyn in The Times on Twitter - "Can we trust Corbyn to keep us safe when he has a voting record on terrorism like this (2005-09)?Corbyn (& Abbott & McDonnell) was one of 16 Labour MP's which voted against Labour's Terrorism Bill (2nd Reading). 1/17"
Corbyn in The Times on Twitter - ""We have got to be realistic that NATO is a major problem, and a major difficulty and we have to campaign against NATO's power and influence and its global reach because it is a a danger to world peace and a danger to world security"We are not safe under Labour."
Labour’s ‘chilling’ video about supporting minority groups leaves out Jewish community - "The Labour Party has been criticised for producing a video about minority groups being valued by the party that leaves out any mention of the Jewish community.The promotional video which claims “diversity is our greatest strength” is over a minute long and features a speech made by Dawn Butler, the shadow equalities secretary, in which she says Labour will support people who wear “a hijab, turban,” or a “cross.”Jonathan Goldstein, who is chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, described the notable lack of mention of the Jewish community as “extraordinary and chilling.”... "If this is what they are like in opposition imagine what they would be like in government.""
BBC World Service - The World This Week, The rich countries where people are dying younger - "[On accusations of Labour’s anti-Semtism] For a man suffering the worst ratings for any opposition leader since this kind of polling began in the 1970s, this was hardly going to help. And neither were Mr. Corbyn’s struggles to explain how Labour would fund the vast increase in the size of the state it's promising in the face of hostile questioning from the BBC’s toughest Inquisitor Andrew Neil. An ordeal, by the way, Mr. Johnson has so far avoided. So if, as the polls are suggesting, Mr. Johnson is on his way to victory, it'll be thanks to a sometimes overlapping coalition of Leave voters and those who simply think Mr. Corbin is too dangerously left wing to be let anywhere near power. Just how fragile however that coalition might prove if Boris Johnson does win, and Brexit has to become more than a slogan, is another question."
BBC World Service - The World This Week, Why the prince left public life - "There’s no doubting the most telling moment or should I say moments of the campaign this last week. It was when a studio audience repeatedly laughed at both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn during the first TV debate of the election. Not, you should understand, the laughter of amusement but of derision and disbelief. If you want to know what provoked such hilarity, it was the moment Mr. Johnson answered, yes, when asked whether he thought the truth was important, and when Mr Corbyn insisted Labour's policy on Brexit was clear. The studio audience’s reaction was a reminder of a grim underlying truth about this election, born out repeatedly in national opinion polls, namely that this is a contest not to select the most popular person and party as prime minister and governments, but rather the least unpopular... the main opposition Labour Party led by the avowedly and proudly socialist Jeremy Corbyn, also, not surprisingly, promised the most radical left wing agenda since 1945, of greater state involvement in every aspect of British life"
Tories more popular among working class than rich, new general election poll shows - "The Conservative Party now has more support among working-class voters than the upper classes, according to a new poll which predicts that Boris Johnson will win a 110-seat majority at the general election... The findings come after research by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) last week found that support for Jeremy Corbyn had plummeted by 10 per cent since April among those with a household income of below £17,000... only a third of voters (34 per cent) understand Labour’s Brexit policy compared to 53 per cent who know where the Conservatives stand on the EU and 49 per cent who know what the Liberal Democrats are proposing. Asked if Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to tackle anti-Semitism within his own party shows he is unfit to be Prime Minister, 55 per cent agreed and 21 per cent disagreed."
It is interesting that no matter how much elites hate Boris Johnson, Conservative support has surged since he was elected
UK’s Labour would seize £300bn of company shares | Financial Times - "A Labour government would confiscate about £300bn of shares in 7,000 large companies and hand them to workers in one of the biggest state raids on the private sector to take place in a western democracy, according to analysis by the Financial Times and Clifford Chance.The UK’s 2.6m landlords would also face a moment of reckoning if Labour won the next general election after shadow chancellor John McDonnell said he wanted a “right to buy” scheme for private tenants as well as higher taxes on landlords... [it] would be the most leftwing in modern history... The £300bn share seizure would be the consequence of Mr McDonnell’s plans for “inclusive ownership funds”, where every company with more than 250 staff would have to gradually transfer 10 per cent of their shares to workers... Shares would be held and managed by workers, who would receive dividends up to £500 each per year. Any income beyond that level would be redistributed to the Exchequer, representing a stealth tax by the state... “There is no historic precedent for this,” said Dan Neidle, a partner at Clifford Chance. “We are in completely uncharted territory.” Mr Neidle predicted litigation from aggrieved companies and shareholders, challenges from other countries, including the US and China, potential WTO complaints and perhaps “retaliation in kind”. Matt Kilcoyne, of the Adam Smith Institute, called the share move “expropriation”. He added: “Our largest investors are pension funds and they’ll see billions of pounds wiped off their books. So we’ll all see the value of our pensions fall. It’s the biggest raid of all our nest eggs in living memory.”"
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise to Jews over racism …but praises anti-Semitic poet - "Jeremy Corbyn was condemned last night after he used his conference speech to praise an anti-Semitic poet and an activist who compared a top Israeli politician to Hitler.After a week dominated by rows over anti-Semitism in the party, the Labour leader declined to use the opportunity to apologise for the hurt it had caused the Jewish community.Instead he hit out at ‘Tory hypocrisy’ and spoke about his plans to recognise unilaterally a Palestinian state if he enters No 10. He also quoted the 19th century poet and Chartist protest leader Ernest Jones, whose biographer describes him as anti-Semitic... The row came a day after Labour deputy leader Tom Watson said a failure to tackle the anti-Semitism crisis risks ‘eternal shame’ for the party... The Labour leader mentioned the anti-Semitism crisis in his speech but declined to apologise. He told supporters: ‘Being anti-racist means we must listen to those communities suffering discrimination and abuse. I believe we are all stronger from listening and learning from each other... Euan Philipps, of Labour Against Anti-Semitism, said: ‘This year the anti-Semitism is no longer on the fringes but at the core of the conference itself.’"
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise four times for anti-Semitism allegations - "Jeremy Corbyn declined to apologise four times to the Jewish community under questioning from veteran journalist Andrew Neil... The Labour leader was grilled in a BBC interview about allegations of anti-Semitism within his party following concerns raised by the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis... Mr Corbyn also denied that the blight increased after he took over the party... Rabbi Mirvis wrote in The Times that Labour’s handling of the issue that has dogged the party under Mr Corbyn’s leadership was “incompatible” with British values. He said the overwhelming majority of Britain’s Jews were “gripped with anxiety” ahead of the General Election on December 12, warning “the very soul of our nation is at stake”... He also refused to say if he would take out the leader of ISIS, just days after he argued Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi should have been arrested."
So much for listening to those communities suffering discrimination and abuse
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise over Labour anti-Semitism - "Mr Corbyn was also pressed over his plan to broker a ‘credible’ Leave deal with the EU and then be neutral in a referendum between it and remaining in the EU within six months of taking power.He explained: ‘I will be the honest broker that will make sure the referendum is fair and make sure that the Leave deal is a credible one.‘That seems to me actually an adult and sensible way to go forward.’But Mr Corbyn was again unable to say who would campaign for his Brexit deal, with much of his shadow cabinet eager to campaign for Remain."
The lesser racism - "Mirvis said Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was ‘unfit for high office’ due to his past associations with anti-Semites and his party’s inability to get a handle on cases of Jew-hatred among its membership. The piece offers a grim reminder of the growing charge sheet against Corbyn’s Labour. Mirvis references the reported 130 outstanding cases cases of anti-Semitism being investigated by the party, as well as the Jewish MPs who have effectively been driven out by vile racist abuse... The Equality and Human Rights Commission is currently investigating Labour over anti-Semitism. (The only other party to be investigated by the EHRC was the fascist BNP.)... As Mirvis reminds us in his piece, this isn’t just a case of poor party processes: Corbyn himself is a big part of the problem. He has associated with groups, like Hamas and Hezbollah, who have ‘endorse[d] the murder of Jews’. ‘How complicit in prejudice would a leader of Her Majesty’s opposition have to be to be considered unfit for office?’, he asks. The piece is damning, but also full of regret. Rarely does a faith leader enter the political fray so explicitly. Worse still, Mirvis seems to know full well that his concerns, shared widely across Britain’s Jewish community, will fall on deaf ears among those who need to hear them most. ‘We have learned the hard way that speaking out means that we will be demonised by faceless social-media trolls and accused of being partisan or acting in bad faith by those who still think of this as an orchestrated political smear’, he writes. As it turns out, he was only half-right: Corbynistas have dismissed him, but many haven’t bothered hiding behind an avatar. In a since-deleted tweet, Labour activist Holly Rigby dismissed Mirvis as a ‘Boris Johnson supporter’ and ‘uncritical supporter of Netanyahu’. ‘His comments must be taken in this context’... The proof for this seems to be that Mirvis congratulated Johnson when he became PM in July, and that he has met Netanyahu, as you’d imagine he would have. (Incidentally, in 2015, the Israeli PM rebuffed Mirvis’s concerns about settlements.)... Johnson once wrote a column mocking misogynistic religious dress while defending women’s right to wear it. Corbyn once invited Raed Salah – a man convicted in Israel for repeating the blood libel – to tea in the House of Commons. Spot the difference... Countdown star Rachel Riley caught flak from Corbynistas for putting out a photoshopped image of Corbyn, replacing the words on an anti-Apartheid placard with the words ‘Jeremy Corbyn is a racist endeavour’. For this, she was accused of being a racist, because she was ‘erasing’ the anti-Apartheid struggle. Whatever you think about Riley’s tactics, she was clearly making a point about what she sees as the hypocrisy of Corbyn: that this ‘lifelong anti-racist’ has a seemingly different attitude when it comes to Jews. It should be obvious to anyone. But in response to the photo, Corbynistas demanded she be sacked. A few days ago, actress Maureen Lipman was hit with a similar backlash, when she made a video attacking Labour over anti-Semitism. The mere fact that she decided to talk about the video with the Sun was used to tar her as a bigot... Then there’s Ian Austin. He is the adopted son of Holocaust survivors and he left Labour over anti-Semitism in February. Earlier this month, he urged voters to back Boris Johnson rather than risk putting Corbyn in No10. In response, shadow chancellor John McDonnell (wrongly) accused him of being employed by the Tories, and Owen Jones accused him of being a xenophobe. It’s disgusting. Imagine Labourites acting like this towards any other minority group. They are PC to a fault in almost every other respect. This is a party whose equalities spokesperson denounced Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ as cultural appropriation. And yet so many Labourites are completely dismissive of – almost irritated by – British Jews’ completely legitimate fears."
It's amazing to see all the Corbyn supporters online trying to deny and deflect
The chief rabbi’s Labour warning reveals major shifts in UK politics - "“During the past few years, on my travels through the UK and further afield, one concern has been expressed to me more than any other,” Mirvis wrote. “Of course the threats of the far right and violent jihadism never go away, but the question I am now most frequently asked is: What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government?”... The word “unprecedented” was used to describe the intervention itself, but it is also an apt descriptor of this political moment in the history of Britain’s Jewish community. In the past, chief rabbis have called on people to serve their country, in the First and Second World Wars for instance, and even in the politically controversial Boer war, says Professor David Feldman, director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism. What seems unprecedented, however, is such overt criticism of a particular party, and indeed a particular party leader. Mirvis, who took office in 2013 as spiritual leader of the UK’s orthodox Jews, does not tend to political intervention. He is not a very well-known figure outside the Jewish community. The fact that he took this step at such a fraught time, during a particularly tense election, points to major shifts in the UK’s political landscape.The first is the fact that Jews are now so often in the headlines. It is hard to remember what it was like before the words “Labour” and “anti-Semitism” appeared so regularly on our front pages, but this state of affairs has only been normal since the crisis started nearly four years ago. The Jewish community “has always had a reputation...of keeping its head down and not wanting to make a fuss, and certainly not wanting to rock the boat politically,” says Dave Rich, author of The Left’s Jewish Problem... 87 per cent of Jews believe Corbyn is anti-Semitic... The broader response to Mirvis’ intervention has also been telling. In some quarters it has been seen as a move to sabotage Labour’s chances at winning the election, with Mirvis painted as right wing. The understanding that Mirvis leans to the right seems based on rather tenuous premises, including the fact that, as chief rabbi, he congratulated Boris Johnson on becoming prime minister. This was very much a formality, and something that Jewish leaders on the left did, too. But this assumption has also been based on his being an Orthodox rabbi, and therefore not liberal. Keith Kahn-Harris, author of Strange Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and the Limits of Diversity, notes that Mirvis has done some relatively liberal things for a chief rabbi. He also points out that this does not tend to happen when other minority leaders of strict religious backgrounds draw attention to racism against them."
An open letter to Sir Richard Evans: Labour’s anti-Semitism cannot be disregarded - "on the subject of the Jews, the party has become cruel, malicious, stupid and dishonest. The cruelty has been persistent and extreme – death threats, shouted abuse at branch meetings, online trolling. The malice has been patent, incontinent and pervasive. As with Trump, we are inured to party (and Corbyn) outrages, because they are so frequent. But recall Corbyn\u0027s disparagement of “Zionists who, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony”. My friend David Hirsh got it right: Corbyn was enjoying the old, sneery English view of Jews, and he was doing it to humiliate the Jews he was talking about. They live among us but they’re not really one of us. This wasn’t Corbyn’s usual political anti-Semitism, it was a spillover into ordinary old-fashioned English anti-Semitism... This, from the “lifelong campaigner against anti-Semitism”, as a Labour spokesperson described him... Anti-Semitism is stupid. It makes people stupid. It is not a coincidence that the least accomplished leader of the Labour Party is also its only anti-Semitic one. If you live in a world of conspiracies, if you think the world is divided into the blamelessly good, the victims, and the unqualifiedly evil, the oppressors, then anti-Semitism is for you... As for the dishonesty, look at party equivocations on the number of disciplinary cases against members. The unapologetic Corbyn says that there are none left to resolve (“we’ve investigated every single case”); by contrast, a spokesperson is only able to quibble over the precise number outstanding. Corbyn\u0027s ignominious career in relation to Jews has been recast by a party spokesperson as the career of a “lifelong campaign against anti-Semitism”. Is anybody really fooled by this? Is there anything more threadbare – indeed, Trumpian – in the insouciance of the party\u0027s response to its own anti-Semitism? This is not a party that cares about the concerns of the Jewish community, save insofar as those concerns might have a damaging impact on its electoral fortunes. In response to your second tweet, about individual candidates: Anti-Semitism, long a fugitive, has acquired institutional authority in today\u0027s Labour Party. Within the party itself, compelling evidence exists of extensive spoken and online abuse of Jewish party members; exclusion of Jewish members from participating in party activity; signalling by the party leader that anti-Semitic views are acceptable; the failure to implement processes to protect Jewish members from anti-Semitism; hostile responses to those calling out anti-Semitism; and appointment of anti-Semites to positions of power (indeed, as the Panorama investigation exposed, interfering in disciplinary processes “to let off their mates”, reported a whistle-blower). This anti-Semitism taints the passive enablers in the party – to start with, the whole front bench. This is how the Corbyn period will be remembered. This is his legacy to the party. This anti-Semitism concerns us all, Jews and non-Jews. A party that cannot be trusted in relation to Jews cannot be trusted at all. No party of reform and justice can be trusted if it makes exceptions of a minority community... There is even an implication that it is a little parochial – perhaps even, selfish – of Jews to insist on their own special suffering, their own local fears, in these times of national crisis. So what if the party is contaminated by Jew hatred if it is also the party that will save the country? Of course, formulating the question in this way does more than justice to the capabilities of the Labour Party... injustices towards Jews are precedent-establishing – people who start with the Jews, do not end with the Jews... The driving out of leading Jewish (and non-Jewish) politicians from the party, who cited its anti-Semitism, did not have a substantial impact on party morale, still less commit its officials and elected members to decisive action. We cannot leave the work to the party itself. Supporters have to lend a hand. Depriving the party of a vote is a start."
Toby Young on Twitter - "Labour has held Wrexham since 1935. Our poll now finds the Tories 15 points ahead"
"If Boris wins, this will be the story — areas that have been Labour for 75+ years turning blue. Happening across the Anglosphere, not just the UK. For working class voters, faith, flag and family trumps gender neutral toilets and decolonising the curriculum. Go woke, go broke."
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