Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Links - 5th June 2019 (2) (Ilhan Omar)
Lucas Lynch - When are we going to talk about the insidious... - "When are we going to talk about the insidious ability of lobbyists using millions to influence allegiance to foreign countries such as..
*shuffles deck*
South Korea, Bermuda, Japan, KSA, Qatar and the UAE?
I'm sure #IStandWithIlhan is against lobbying in general, right?
Lobbying on behalf of Islamic-majority countries exceed that on behalf of Israel by 10s of millions of dollars"
Ilhan Omar claims US forces killed 'thousands' of Somalis during 'Black Hawk Down' mission, resurfaced tweet shows - "She also included the hashtag, “NotTodaySatan.”"
Omar rakes in cash online as controversies pile up - "Omar raised $832,000 in the first quarter, according to her FEC report — among the best totals posted by any House Democrat. Roughly half of her donations, $415,000, came from people who gave less than $200 to Omar... As supporters sent money to Omar, frustrations within her own caucus escalated to a point where Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her deputies were forced to intervene with a joint statement condemning Omar’s comments in February — an extremely unusual rebuke by party leaders of a freshman lawmaker."
Ilhan Omar under investigation for using $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use - "The Somali-born Democrat, who has been the subject of headlines in recent months for her comments about Israel, allegedly spent $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use.Omar, one of the first two Muslim women elected to the United States Congress this past November, is alleged to have used campaign money to pay a divorce lawyer as well as to take trips to Boston and Estonia"
Hijabs and religious head coverings okay in Congress, secular hats not? Religion once again gets a pass « Why Evolution Is True - "Ilhan Omar was elected to the House of Representatives this year. She’ll be representing a district in Minnesota, and is one of the first two Muslim-American women to be elected to Congress. She’s also the first hijabi elected to Congress... this rule is for specifically religious garb, not any other form of head covering (I wonder if a colander would qualify, since it’s headgear of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster). Hats were worn in Congress before the rule was enacted, and I can see that some people, like Wilson, would want to wear them for decorative or non-religious reasons.It’s clear, then, that this rule privileges those who wear religious headcoverings (or medically-mandated ones) and not secular headcoverings. And that seems a violation of the First Amendment—something that shouldn’t be happening in our nation’s legislative bodies.Now the rule change is almost certainly a fait accompli, for Congress wouldn’t want to look Islamophobic, hijabs are now the equivalent of haloes for the Authoritarian Left, denoting some kind of admirable victimhood... it worries me that Omar is threatening, in her tweet above, to fight for lifting other bans, which seems to me to invoke more privileging of religion—in her case Islam—over secular values. I add in passing that Omar has changed her position on BDS, now supporting it after her election (she wasn’t in favor of it before she was elected), and has emitted some pretty nasty tweets against Israel (see here), as well as calling it “an apartheid regime.” (Tlaib also supports BDS)."
neontaster on Twitter - "Interesting that @rezaaslan spent all of yesterday retweeting claims about how violent rhetoric puts Ilhan Omar in danger while this very viral tweet of his is still up:
Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's? *Covington teen in MAGA hat*"
Qanta Ahmed: Ilhan Omar is a disgrace to Islam and doesn’t represent my Muslim religion - "Rep. Ilhan Omar continues to be an embarrassment and a disgrace for me and other American Muslims with her outrageous, ignorant, anti-Semitic and now anti-American comments.And while Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, holds herself out as a proud Muslim, she repeatedly projects a distorted and patently Islamist interpretation of Islam... Describing the horrific Islamist terrorist attacks on America on Sept. 11, 2001 that killed almost 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others – including many Muslims – Omar told a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser: “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”First, Omar betrayed her ignorance, because CAIR was founded in 1994. Second, the congresswoman displayed an appalling and dismissive insensitivity to the worst foreign attack on America in our history, claiming almost 600 more lives than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941... while Omar relishes in flaunting her Muslim identity, she categorically fails in her Islamic duty. Islam is very clear in assigning responsibility for wrongdoing. Each Muslim has a clear-cut duty to himself or herself, to God and to society.In fact, the holy texts of Islam emphasize that one's greatest allegiance should be to justice – even if doing so demands superseding family and coreligionist ties... let me set the record straight on Omar’s frequent complaints about how she and other Muslims are being persecuted and discriminated against in the United States today.As a Muslim woman of color and immigrant – just like Omar – it’s logical to assume that if there was pervasive anti-Muslim discrimination in the United States I would be aware of it.But in fact, Muslims have not experienced a contraction of civil rights in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 attacks. We continue to have the same rights as all other Americans... Muslims in America are mainstream and most are middle-class. Some of us are even wealthy. Many of us are highly educated, upwardly mobile and among the fastest immigrants to climb the economic ladder and earn six-figure incomes. This is in stark contrast to Muslims in Europe, where Muslims are much less affluent than the general population.The myth of Muslim victimhood is an Islamist one. It is completely false in the setting of Islam in America and in comparison to Islam in the wider Muslim-majority world. For me, condemning Omar’s trivialization of the Sept. 11 mass murders is an act of being fully American, being a physician advocate for my 9/11 survivor patients and their families, and at the same time – keeping in line with Islam’s clear teachings – being fully Muslim"
Trump's Attack on Ilhan Omar Is a Trap for Democrats - "Trump wishes to make Omar the face of the Democratic Party heading into the 2020 elections—and now he has provoked Democrats to comply... Having promised not to “let him drive us apart” from Omar, Democrats are now stuck with responsibility for the reckless things the representative from Minnesota says, not only about Jews, but about other issues, too. Omar has already served notice that she does not intend to behave more circumspectly in the future... Against Omar’s propensity to provoke, the Democratic Party seems institutionally almost defenseless. Pelosi was thwarted when she attempted to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitic expressions by House members. Instead, the House substituted more muddled language in which Jews appeared in a laundry list condemning all expressions of intolerance against “African-Americans, Native Americans, and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants and others.”After Trump’s tweeted attack, Omar will become even more internally uncriticizable and unmanageable, without becoming any more careful or responsible. Indeed, the speech by Omar that provided Trump with the sound bite he exploited—“some people did something”—itself exemplifies her carelessness and irresponsibility... Omar’s co-headliner at the California fundraising event was a lawyer named Hassan Shibly. Shibly is the lawyer for Hoda Muthana, a New Jersey–born woman who married an Islamic State fighter, proclaimed her adherence to ISIS in writing, and now seeks to return to the United States. Muthana’s case turns on technicalities of the citizenship laws, and she is entitled to legal representation. Shibly has stressed his own condemnation of ISIS and Muthana’s choice to join it. Yet Shibly has also spoken in extreme ways against Jews in Israel and the United States. He tweeted back in August 2014: “God as my wittiness, Israel & it’s supporters are enemies of God and humanity! How many more children must Israel kill 4 U 2 C?#Gaza.” Some have urged that Omar’s “some people did something” words about 9/11 be understood in context. Let’s try that. After the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand, Trump tweeted: “My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”"
Why Is Ilhan Omar’s Collusion With Islamists Acceptable? - "Democrats would likely contend that U.S. leaders routinely meet with President Erdogan. Turkey is ostensibly a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally, albeit increasingly in name only. But a state assemblywoman is not a head of state or diplomat. Nor did Omar have any business speaking as a representative of the U.S. government, which was her de facto position in discussing international relations—and perhaps most strangely, international relations independent of the United States’. Perhaps the more troubling tie that binds President Erdogan and Omar is their shared affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood—the tip of the Sunni jihadist spear. Erdogan has publicly defended the Muslim Brotherhood, and vice versa, as he and the group share a common Sunni Islamic supremacist ideology. Erdogan’s Turkey has also been an ardent supporter of Hamas, one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s most notorious jihadist offshoots. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has effectively served as the public relations arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, in part through its support of Hamas. CAIR’s coordination with Hamas was revealed when it was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest jihad financing case in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation trial, in which several individuals were prosecuted for a scheme that resulted in millions of dollars flowing to Hamas... Omar publicly lobbied the Trump administration, via her Twitter account, to press for the release of an imprisoned leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s female affiliate. Consistent with Islamic supremacist groups like CAIR, Omar has taken—to put it charitably—a soft line on terrorists. In a 2016 letter to a judge in which Omar pled for leniency for nine Minnesota men charged with planning to join the Islamic State, the congresswoman went so far as to claim that in effect the United States is to blame for creating jihadists... consider two more troubling stories the media has been completely loathe to cover, save for a few intrepid conservative journalists, led by PJ Media’s David Steinberg: (i) Omar’s oddly substantial role in the 2016 presidential elections of the highly corrupt Somalian government, in which her support for the winning candidate was followed by an appointment of her brother-in-law to a senior position on the victor’s staff; and (ii) Omar’s seemingly pervasive web of fraudulent, felonious activity centering on the bizarre but substantiated claim that she married her brother... Is it that Omar is colluding with the right kind of people? This seems plausible. After all, in spite of Turkey leading the world in journalists jailed over the last three years, President Erdogan gets to pen editorials in the Washington Post. That same newspaper of course provided a platform for the similarly Muslim Brotherhood-supporting, virulently anti-Zionist, and anti-Semitic Jamal Khashoggi."
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People” - "“At this moment, the occupant of the White House and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is [sic] terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community,” the Congresswoman told the crowd, suggesting that the recent synagogue shootings were Trump’s fault despite both shooters explicitly expressing their opposition to Trump.Omar went on to emphasize that she was a “refugee” and an “immigrant” from Somalia, which she said Trump would call a ‘shithole country’. And who could argue with her? With its rampant violence, corruption and oppression of women, Somalia is an ideal destination, which is presumably why its tourist industry is thriving... Imagine if a white Republican had made a speech in which he or she asserted, “This is not going to be the country of black people.”"
Ocasio-Cortez Defends Omar's 9/11 Comments By Mocking War Hero Dan Crenshaw - "Ocasio-Cortez defended Omar by making multiple false claims and by mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who called out Omar for trivializing the 9/11 terror attacks.The 29-year-old former bartender attacked Crenshaw, a decorated war hero, by suggesting that he was not fighting for the families of 9/11 victims and saying that he should "go do something" about terrorism.As a Navy SEAL, Crenshaw lost his eye fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and earned 2 Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and other awards... Jon Stewart, who hates Trump, praised the Trump administration for how it was handling the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.Omar has called for the complete defunding of the Department of Homeland Security, which was created to protect the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Omar has also advocated for leniency and compassion in the sentencing of men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS and, just last week, Omar called for a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood to be released from prison in Egypt."
Wounded SEAL Dan Crenshaw mocked by left as ‘captain shithead,' Nazi, 'eyeless f--k' - "Talia Lavin, a New York University journalism professor who resigned from the New Yorker last year after she incorrectly identified a U.S. immigration agent as a Nazi sympathizer, slammed Crenshaw as “captain shithead” on Twitter. “The real victim, captain shithead, speaks,” wrote Lavin, linking to Crenshaw’s video... Eli Valley, a political cartoonist known for his anti-Israel drawings, suggested Crenshaw was a Nazi. “Wow it’s GOP-Nazy Party Terrorist Incitement Night on NBC,” wrote Valley, linking to Crenshaw’s comment."
"SJWs: Harassment is bad
also SJWs: WHo is this eyeless fuck baby killer Islamophobic white nationalist supremacist *repeated by thousands of accounts*"
Gad Saad - Posts - "My tweet regarding Noble @IlhanMN's claim that 9/11 was about "some people did something" covered by several media outlets. Note that @RealCandaceO's words are misconstrued by progressives to attack her. But the same cretins give Noble Ilhan a free pass.
I guess not all women of color are equal. Candace supports @realDonaldTrump so she loses her "black woman" oppression points and turns into a Christian male white supremacist. Ilhan on the other hand remains a Noble Person of Color. Victimology Poker is truly beautiful."
Lucas Lynch - 2019 thus far has taken us on amazing journey, from... - "2019 thus far has taken us on amazing journey, from "a white boy staring silently is white supremacy" to "Okay, so David Duke is praising Ilhan Omar, what's the big deal?!" #stayWoke"
But when David Duke supports Trump, it shows Trump is a racist. Because white men are evil. Power relations means never having to say you're sorry
Who voted 'no' on resolution to condemn bigotry, anti-Semitism - "The US House of Representatives voted 407-23 to pass a resolution Thursday that broadly condemned hate and intolerance, including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination."
All lives matter!
*shuffles deck*
South Korea, Bermuda, Japan, KSA, Qatar and the UAE?
I'm sure #IStandWithIlhan is against lobbying in general, right?
Lobbying on behalf of Islamic-majority countries exceed that on behalf of Israel by 10s of millions of dollars"
Ilhan Omar claims US forces killed 'thousands' of Somalis during 'Black Hawk Down' mission, resurfaced tweet shows - "She also included the hashtag, “NotTodaySatan.”"
Omar rakes in cash online as controversies pile up - "Omar raised $832,000 in the first quarter, according to her FEC report — among the best totals posted by any House Democrat. Roughly half of her donations, $415,000, came from people who gave less than $200 to Omar... As supporters sent money to Omar, frustrations within her own caucus escalated to a point where Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her deputies were forced to intervene with a joint statement condemning Omar’s comments in February — an extremely unusual rebuke by party leaders of a freshman lawmaker."
Ilhan Omar under investigation for using $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use - "The Somali-born Democrat, who has been the subject of headlines in recent months for her comments about Israel, allegedly spent $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use.Omar, one of the first two Muslim women elected to the United States Congress this past November, is alleged to have used campaign money to pay a divorce lawyer as well as to take trips to Boston and Estonia"
Hijabs and religious head coverings okay in Congress, secular hats not? Religion once again gets a pass « Why Evolution Is True - "Ilhan Omar was elected to the House of Representatives this year. She’ll be representing a district in Minnesota, and is one of the first two Muslim-American women to be elected to Congress. She’s also the first hijabi elected to Congress... this rule is for specifically religious garb, not any other form of head covering (I wonder if a colander would qualify, since it’s headgear of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster). Hats were worn in Congress before the rule was enacted, and I can see that some people, like Wilson, would want to wear them for decorative or non-religious reasons.It’s clear, then, that this rule privileges those who wear religious headcoverings (or medically-mandated ones) and not secular headcoverings. And that seems a violation of the First Amendment—something that shouldn’t be happening in our nation’s legislative bodies.Now the rule change is almost certainly a fait accompli, for Congress wouldn’t want to look Islamophobic, hijabs are now the equivalent of haloes for the Authoritarian Left, denoting some kind of admirable victimhood... it worries me that Omar is threatening, in her tweet above, to fight for lifting other bans, which seems to me to invoke more privileging of religion—in her case Islam—over secular values. I add in passing that Omar has changed her position on BDS, now supporting it after her election (she wasn’t in favor of it before she was elected), and has emitted some pretty nasty tweets against Israel (see here), as well as calling it “an apartheid regime.” (Tlaib also supports BDS)."
neontaster on Twitter - "Interesting that @rezaaslan spent all of yesterday retweeting claims about how violent rhetoric puts Ilhan Omar in danger while this very viral tweet of his is still up:
Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's? *Covington teen in MAGA hat*"
Qanta Ahmed: Ilhan Omar is a disgrace to Islam and doesn’t represent my Muslim religion - "Rep. Ilhan Omar continues to be an embarrassment and a disgrace for me and other American Muslims with her outrageous, ignorant, anti-Semitic and now anti-American comments.And while Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, holds herself out as a proud Muslim, she repeatedly projects a distorted and patently Islamist interpretation of Islam... Describing the horrific Islamist terrorist attacks on America on Sept. 11, 2001 that killed almost 3,000 people and injured more than 6,000 others – including many Muslims – Omar told a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser: “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”First, Omar betrayed her ignorance, because CAIR was founded in 1994. Second, the congresswoman displayed an appalling and dismissive insensitivity to the worst foreign attack on America in our history, claiming almost 600 more lives than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941... while Omar relishes in flaunting her Muslim identity, she categorically fails in her Islamic duty. Islam is very clear in assigning responsibility for wrongdoing. Each Muslim has a clear-cut duty to himself or herself, to God and to society.In fact, the holy texts of Islam emphasize that one's greatest allegiance should be to justice – even if doing so demands superseding family and coreligionist ties... let me set the record straight on Omar’s frequent complaints about how she and other Muslims are being persecuted and discriminated against in the United States today.As a Muslim woman of color and immigrant – just like Omar – it’s logical to assume that if there was pervasive anti-Muslim discrimination in the United States I would be aware of it.But in fact, Muslims have not experienced a contraction of civil rights in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 attacks. We continue to have the same rights as all other Americans... Muslims in America are mainstream and most are middle-class. Some of us are even wealthy. Many of us are highly educated, upwardly mobile and among the fastest immigrants to climb the economic ladder and earn six-figure incomes. This is in stark contrast to Muslims in Europe, where Muslims are much less affluent than the general population.The myth of Muslim victimhood is an Islamist one. It is completely false in the setting of Islam in America and in comparison to Islam in the wider Muslim-majority world. For me, condemning Omar’s trivialization of the Sept. 11 mass murders is an act of being fully American, being a physician advocate for my 9/11 survivor patients and their families, and at the same time – keeping in line with Islam’s clear teachings – being fully Muslim"
Trump's Attack on Ilhan Omar Is a Trap for Democrats - "Trump wishes to make Omar the face of the Democratic Party heading into the 2020 elections—and now he has provoked Democrats to comply... Having promised not to “let him drive us apart” from Omar, Democrats are now stuck with responsibility for the reckless things the representative from Minnesota says, not only about Jews, but about other issues, too. Omar has already served notice that she does not intend to behave more circumspectly in the future... Against Omar’s propensity to provoke, the Democratic Party seems institutionally almost defenseless. Pelosi was thwarted when she attempted to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitic expressions by House members. Instead, the House substituted more muddled language in which Jews appeared in a laundry list condemning all expressions of intolerance against “African-Americans, Native Americans, and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants and others.”After Trump’s tweeted attack, Omar will become even more internally uncriticizable and unmanageable, without becoming any more careful or responsible. Indeed, the speech by Omar that provided Trump with the sound bite he exploited—“some people did something”—itself exemplifies her carelessness and irresponsibility... Omar’s co-headliner at the California fundraising event was a lawyer named Hassan Shibly. Shibly is the lawyer for Hoda Muthana, a New Jersey–born woman who married an Islamic State fighter, proclaimed her adherence to ISIS in writing, and now seeks to return to the United States. Muthana’s case turns on technicalities of the citizenship laws, and she is entitled to legal representation. Shibly has stressed his own condemnation of ISIS and Muthana’s choice to join it. Yet Shibly has also spoken in extreme ways against Jews in Israel and the United States. He tweeted back in August 2014: “God as my wittiness, Israel & it’s supporters are enemies of God and humanity! How many more children must Israel kill 4 U 2 C?#Gaza.” Some have urged that Omar’s “some people did something” words about 9/11 be understood in context. Let’s try that. After the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand, Trump tweeted: “My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”"
Why Is Ilhan Omar’s Collusion With Islamists Acceptable? - "Democrats would likely contend that U.S. leaders routinely meet with President Erdogan. Turkey is ostensibly a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally, albeit increasingly in name only. But a state assemblywoman is not a head of state or diplomat. Nor did Omar have any business speaking as a representative of the U.S. government, which was her de facto position in discussing international relations—and perhaps most strangely, international relations independent of the United States’. Perhaps the more troubling tie that binds President Erdogan and Omar is their shared affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood—the tip of the Sunni jihadist spear. Erdogan has publicly defended the Muslim Brotherhood, and vice versa, as he and the group share a common Sunni Islamic supremacist ideology. Erdogan’s Turkey has also been an ardent supporter of Hamas, one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s most notorious jihadist offshoots. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has effectively served as the public relations arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, in part through its support of Hamas. CAIR’s coordination with Hamas was revealed when it was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest jihad financing case in U.S. history, the Holy Land Foundation trial, in which several individuals were prosecuted for a scheme that resulted in millions of dollars flowing to Hamas... Omar publicly lobbied the Trump administration, via her Twitter account, to press for the release of an imprisoned leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s female affiliate. Consistent with Islamic supremacist groups like CAIR, Omar has taken—to put it charitably—a soft line on terrorists. In a 2016 letter to a judge in which Omar pled for leniency for nine Minnesota men charged with planning to join the Islamic State, the congresswoman went so far as to claim that in effect the United States is to blame for creating jihadists... consider two more troubling stories the media has been completely loathe to cover, save for a few intrepid conservative journalists, led by PJ Media’s David Steinberg: (i) Omar’s oddly substantial role in the 2016 presidential elections of the highly corrupt Somalian government, in which her support for the winning candidate was followed by an appointment of her brother-in-law to a senior position on the victor’s staff; and (ii) Omar’s seemingly pervasive web of fraudulent, felonious activity centering on the bizarre but substantiated claim that she married her brother... Is it that Omar is colluding with the right kind of people? This seems plausible. After all, in spite of Turkey leading the world in journalists jailed over the last three years, President Erdogan gets to pen editorials in the Washington Post. That same newspaper of course provided a platform for the similarly Muslim Brotherhood-supporting, virulently anti-Zionist, and anti-Semitic Jamal Khashoggi."
Ilhan Omar: “This is Not Going to be the Country of White People” - "“At this moment, the occupant of the White House and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is [sic] terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community,” the Congresswoman told the crowd, suggesting that the recent synagogue shootings were Trump’s fault despite both shooters explicitly expressing their opposition to Trump.Omar went on to emphasize that she was a “refugee” and an “immigrant” from Somalia, which she said Trump would call a ‘shithole country’. And who could argue with her? With its rampant violence, corruption and oppression of women, Somalia is an ideal destination, which is presumably why its tourist industry is thriving... Imagine if a white Republican had made a speech in which he or she asserted, “This is not going to be the country of black people.”"
Ocasio-Cortez Defends Omar's 9/11 Comments By Mocking War Hero Dan Crenshaw - "Ocasio-Cortez defended Omar by making multiple false claims and by mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who called out Omar for trivializing the 9/11 terror attacks.The 29-year-old former bartender attacked Crenshaw, a decorated war hero, by suggesting that he was not fighting for the families of 9/11 victims and saying that he should "go do something" about terrorism.As a Navy SEAL, Crenshaw lost his eye fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and earned 2 Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and other awards... Jon Stewart, who hates Trump, praised the Trump administration for how it was handling the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.Omar has called for the complete defunding of the Department of Homeland Security, which was created to protect the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Omar has also advocated for leniency and compassion in the sentencing of men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS and, just last week, Omar called for a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood to be released from prison in Egypt."
Wounded SEAL Dan Crenshaw mocked by left as ‘captain shithead,' Nazi, 'eyeless f--k' - "Talia Lavin, a New York University journalism professor who resigned from the New Yorker last year after she incorrectly identified a U.S. immigration agent as a Nazi sympathizer, slammed Crenshaw as “captain shithead” on Twitter. “The real victim, captain shithead, speaks,” wrote Lavin, linking to Crenshaw’s video... Eli Valley, a political cartoonist known for his anti-Israel drawings, suggested Crenshaw was a Nazi. “Wow it’s GOP-Nazy Party Terrorist Incitement Night on NBC,” wrote Valley, linking to Crenshaw’s comment."
"SJWs: Harassment is bad
also SJWs: WHo is this eyeless fuck baby killer Islamophobic white nationalist supremacist *repeated by thousands of accounts*"
Gad Saad - Posts - "My tweet regarding Noble @IlhanMN's claim that 9/11 was about "some people did something" covered by several media outlets. Note that @RealCandaceO's words are misconstrued by progressives to attack her. But the same cretins give Noble Ilhan a free pass.
I guess not all women of color are equal. Candace supports @realDonaldTrump so she loses her "black woman" oppression points and turns into a Christian male white supremacist. Ilhan on the other hand remains a Noble Person of Color. Victimology Poker is truly beautiful."
Lucas Lynch - 2019 thus far has taken us on amazing journey, from... - "2019 thus far has taken us on amazing journey, from "a white boy staring silently is white supremacy" to "Okay, so David Duke is praising Ilhan Omar, what's the big deal?!" #stayWoke"
But when David Duke supports Trump, it shows Trump is a racist. Because white men are evil. Power relations means never having to say you're sorry
Who voted 'no' on resolution to condemn bigotry, anti-Semitism - "The US House of Representatives voted 407-23 to pass a resolution Thursday that broadly condemned hate and intolerance, including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination."
All lives matter!
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