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Thursday, February 26, 2015

IT specialist got 15-year-old to have sex with 18-year-old in hotel room

What the...

IT specialist got 15-year-old to have sex with 18-year-old in hotel room

In the first case of its kind, a former IT specialist has been taken to court for causing a minor to have sex with another person while he took photographs of them.

In the dock on Thursday was the 41-year-old Singapore permanent resident, who pleaded guilty to doing so at Conrad Centennial Hotel sometime in late October or early November 2012. Two other charges will be taken into consideration when he is sentenced.

There is a gag order on the accused, the victim and the witness.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Kavita Uthrapathy told the court that the accused, a photography enthusiast, had done nude and erotic photography using models he obtained from a website.

Sometime in late October 2012, the minor, a Chinese national then in Secondary 4, came to know the accused, who advertised on the Craiglist classifieds, stating: "Hoping to fulfill my girlfriend's fantasies; seeking an extra man".

Curious, the youth responded, claiming he was 18. The man, who did not verify his age, arranged for the minor as well as the part-time model to meet him at the hotel in Temasek Boulevard.

While they were in the room, the part-time model told the minor she was a second-year polytechnic student, but had just dropped out of school. The minor claimed he was a first-year polytechnic student.

After talking for a while, the man, who had told the youth he was a businessman, set up his camera equipment and told the teen to pose with the model as he snapped photographs.

He then asked the model to undress the youth, who felt uncomfortable and awkward. The accused had reassured him that the photographs were meant only for his personal use.

The man then told the 18-year-old to take off her clothes. He got the duo to perform various sexual acts while he photographed them. He also joined them on the bed at one stage.

About 20 to 30 minutes later, he handed a condom packet to the minor and asked him to have sex with the model. The youth did so as she was engaged in a sexual activity with the man.

Before they left, he paid the model $250.

The offence came to light on Jan 8 last year, when someone saw the photographs online.

The maximum punishment for the offence is 10 years' jail and a fine.


Ex-IT specialist in threesome jailed 6 months for causing minor to have sex

"A former information technology specialist who caused a minor to have sex with an 18-year-old part-time model in the first case of its kind was sentenced to six months' jail on Wednesday...

At some point, the accused put the camera on "auto'' mode, took off his clothes and joined the minor and the model on the bed and engaged in sexual activity with her.

The accused, a Singapore permanent resident, is from India and has been working for an IT company for 13 years before he quit.

Two other charges including procuring the minor to perform an obscene act on the model were taken into consideration during his sentencing.

The minor came to know the accused, a photography enthusiast, in late October 2012 when the latter advertised online for an "extra man'' to "fulfil my girlfriend's fantasies''. Curious, the minor wanted to find out more and clicked a link confirming he was 18 years or older...

Deputy Public Prosecutor Kavita Uthrapathy said the accused neither ascertained nor verified the minor's age. It was him who recruited and led the minor into sexual activity at a tender age, directed and told him what to do, making him perform all sorts of lewd acts, culminating in a sexual threesome.

She argued that there was a strong element of moral corruption of the sexually inexperienced minor by the accused.

The offences came to light early last year when the minor's guardian's son saw the photographs of the minor involved in the threesome on the Internet. The minor lodged a report the next day, on Jan 9...

Judge Yeo also said he was particularly perturbed by the fact that there was a strong element of moral corruption on the minor, who was a virgin at the time.

It is understood that the model will not be charged."

So apparently sex corrupts you morally.

Also as I predicted the girl wasn't charged.
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