France/Spain 2011
Day 7 - 23rd March - Zaragoza: Aljafería Palace (Part 2)
I then headed to the Aljafería Palace.

Cheap English classes

La Plaza de Europa

Aljafería Palace, part of Mudejar Architecture of Aragon
Even from here you can see arches on its ramparts, which are weird.

Grassy moat

Flowering shrubs in moat



Nice arch, but this is where the Cortes (regional parliament) of Aragon meets

Intricate Islamic/Islamic-influenced stonework

This is the Salon Del Oro O de Los Marmoles (Gold Salon of the Marbles, I think)

Stonework at the side
As with other Islamic architecture it's focused on geometric shapes

Patio de Santa Isabel. She was born in the palace.

Oratorio (Oratory)

Restos de La Alberca Sur (Remains of the South Pool)
In one indoor chamber we could access, they had:

Mixtilinear arch (with English translation!)
Unfortunately this was a reproduction as the original was in Madrid. Wth.

Composite Capital (reproduction)

Restos de La Alberca Sur again

Sheltered walkway

Escudo (Coat of Arms)
Apparently you can visit the Troubadour Tower (the oldest bit) but it didn't seem to be on the tour route when I was there.

Block with Geometric design

On geometry in Islamic art

On Islamic architecture as calligraphy

#1 is at the bottom and #2 and #3 follow in a clockwise order