France 2010
Day 13 - 14th October - Bourges Cathedral (Part 1)

"Here, YOUR towels plant trees"
I remember the days when hotels did NOT appeal to the environment in urging you to recycle towels. Which tells you what their true motives are in doing so (hint: it's not to save the environment)
This day we took a large diversion, driving all the way down to Bourges to view the Cathedral.

"Château d'Eau" ("Water Castle")
This was much nicer than the Water Castle I saw in Jogja.

Closer up picture

"Portail Saint-Ursin" ("Saint Ursin Portal")
It's Roman. Kinda.
There was an army recruiting office, so for kicks I stopped inside.

"Le Code du Soldat"
("The Code of the Soldier")
The parts I wish to highlight:
"Il est ouvert sur le monde et la société, et en respecte les différences
Il s'exprime avec réserve pour ne pas porter atteinte à la neutralité des armées en matière philosophique, politique ou religieuse"
("He is open to the world and society, and respects differences
He expresses himself reservedly in order not to impair the neutrality of the army in philosophical, political or religious matters")
France - where the Army is not allowed to interfere in Philosophical Matters.

Soldiering magazines

"Chapelle Sainte Jeanne de France"
This used to be a monastery. Now the army uses it.

Rue Victor Hugo, with his claim to fame for French-speaking foreigners. The road used to be dedicated to Our Lady of the Rooms. Too bad for her.

"Hello Kitty for kids"
What, you mean their normal line is not for kids?!

Ad urging you to get your eyesight corrected from ASNAV: Association Nationale pour l'Amélioration de la Vue (what a contrived acronym)

Rue Porte Jaune

Bourges Cathedral Spire

Bourges Cathedral

Portal and detail


Astronomical Clock

The cathedral was built in only 50 years (amazingly fast for a cathedral). The design was interested but the stained glass was not as nice as that in Chartres.


St Anne Chapel stained glass

The patriarch Joseph stained glass

The apocalypse stained glass