It is amusing that anti-Neo-Nazis are more violent than Neo-Nazis:

(Picture from FoxNews)
White supremacist rally at L.A. City Hall draws violent counter-protest
"A rally of about 40 white supremacists Saturday on the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall drew hundreds of counter-protesters, sparked brawls in which two people were severely beaten and ended with crowds of demonstrators hurling rocks and bottles at police and departing supremacists...
At least five [counter-protesters] were arrested by the end of the demonstration for throwing eggs and rocks...
A bare-chested middle-aged man with Nazi insignias tattooed on his chest and back walked into a crowd of hundreds of counter-protesters... About a dozen protesters suddenly began pelting the man with punches and kicks. He fell and was struck on the back with the wooden handle of a protester's sign, which snapped in two. Police eventually reached the man and pulled him from the melee, as blood poured from the back of his neck.
Another man was rushed by a mob on Spring Street. He was punched in the face and kicked for about 20 seconds before police made it to the scene. After that beating was broken up, the man began running south on Spring Street, only to be chased down by a protester and slugged in the face. He collapsed and his face slammed to the curb as protesters began pummeling him again.
The bloodied man was then escorted away by police. Both victims were treated and released, police said.
His sign, unclear in its intended meaning, read "Christianity=Paganism=Heathen$" with an arrow pointing at a swastika.
"Gosh, I think he just didn't have a clear message. I don't even think he was a Nazi," said one man, looking at the broken pieces of the sign left behind...
The rally ended around 2:30 p.m. with counter-protesters rushing toward the criminal courts building parking lot where the white supremacists had parked their cars. Dozens of them hurled rocks and glass bottles at the neo-Nazis and their police escorts."
Comments from one site (which also has a video):
"The so called pacifists attacked one neo-Nazi with bottles and rocks... these jerks do this every year and every year the so-called pacifists wind up getting arrested for violence... while I disagree wholeheartedly with the Neo Nazi's, I find the behavior of the crowd more disturbing"
Police officer quoted elsewhere: "It's just one group of racists protesting another group of racists"
This is what counts for progress.
Kill the bigots!