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Saturday, November 29, 2008

"A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation." - Saki


Baltics trip
Day 12 - 27th May - Tallinn, Estonia
(Part 5)

There were most men with long hair in Riga, but this probably due to the part we visited (the metropolis) being more alive than Tallinn's (we were mostly in the Old Town)

Tallinn Archives. As with every other building it's a national monument (see the mark beside the pipe and under the number "6")

North Gate

"The Soviet period housed the Journalists' Association and later the Tallinn department of the KGB. It was then converted to a children's library in 2007"

Tallinn's 3 Sisters

North gate from other side

Archway. I like the Coat of Arms and accompanying decorations.


Church spire

Cute passageway

"Cinnamon and chilli flavoured Callebaut bitter chocolate fondue, fluffy caramelized cheesecake and green peppercorn ice cream"
Weird dessert


These were probably from a church but I didn't get its name

Founder of Estonian Puppet Theatre. They really like these extreme 3D relief-sculptures


Another famous guy

St Nicholas Church

We then went to an ice bar, where the drinks were served in cups made of ice.


Wench pouring

My cup of kahlua broke before I could drink from it so I got another one (they factor these things in anyway). Kahlua is more than the sum of its parts (coffee and alcohol)

Meeting YC again we went to a a place called "Grandma's Place" for dinner.

Note Grandma's Frying Pan

A dinner table and a display shelf

More of Grandma's things

Grandma's dining hall. Yes it was underground again.

Baked pike perch with leek and cream champagne sauce

Baked pike with cheese

Grandma's Sunday Roast (roast beef)

Rose wine

We then swung by what was supposedly the best restoran in Estonia.

"Restoran Pegasus - Voted best restaurant by Gastronomy Society of Estonia"

At almost 9pm, the best restoran in Estonia had no one

The first and second floors were 1/3 full, but there was no one on the third.

This, in Pegasus Bar, was the earliest piece of Baltic Modernist art.

Strangely, they had as browsing material in Pegasus Playboy Estonia. Gotta love these Europeans.

nw.t had a "Capirinha" (probably a misspelling of Caipirinha). It was very strong but not good; on their menu they'd proclaimed that they had the best cocktails in town (or words to that effect)

"Note! Before use adjust cabinet to vertical position"
Sign on fridge for idiots.

Ugly striptiis girls on poster

Some other adult ad

Back at the hostel I happened to peek into the girls' dorm and noticed it was more luxurious than the boys'. On further investigation, I saw that they had a fireplace and a big sofa. Ah, we live in a sexist society.


[Me: Playboy is a Gentleman's magazine. It doesn't have that much nudity.] Gentlemen have an *something* need to masturbate [YC: Gentlemen don't have an *something* need to masturbate] Gentlemen have a regular need to masturbate.

[Me on Playboy Estonia: This has more nudity than other Playboys I've seen.] Europeans are more horny.

When you see the striptease girls on the poster are ugly, that's a bad sign.
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