"The purpose of life is to fight maturity." - Dick Werthimer
Japan trip
Day 12 - 17th June - Mt Misen, Miyajima (Part 3)

View of Inland Sea

Two isles

Me on rock. I forced flash but the camera was too far away for there to be an effect.

Lookout point

View from lookout point
There was quite a bit of wildlife at the top of Mt Misen:


Monkey and rocks

"Please don't feed animals" in 23 (?) languages:
amazing linguistic ability the power of Babelfish

"Monkeys are present around here"
"Please don't touch deer. They eat monkey's droppings"
"There are new born babies"
"Please don't touch animals"
Very informative whiteboard
There was a Y10 surcharge for the vending machines at the cable car terminal.

Monkey and baby

Map of Mt Misen

Ema board. They went for the budget price of Y100 - because they were made of cardboard.
I thought these only show up at shrines or temples. Maybe they got a license to be a concessionaire from the nearby temple

"Monkeys feeding sign. They often eat mud."

I then took the 1km path to the temple(s) and shrine, and Mt Misen observatory.

Inland Sea from break in the trees