When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal." - Albert Camus


Malaysian: i have options back home, but this is "home" for you so i guess you're stuck, a bit.

Me: what would you do in bolehland

yah you're an EXPAT man

Malaysian: mncs in bolehland aren't as soul-sucking as mncs here

Me: this country is soul sucking
don't feel it it?


Malaysian: i'm resisting! at least i'm aware that it's soul-sucking

Me: do you find malaysia a better country than sg
like hwmnbn

Malaysian: i dunno about better. i prefer it for myself, but i have the resources to succeed in msia

Me: orh

all things being equal what do you prefer

arent' you succeeding in sg?
quit job and go back lah
MOE cant catch you... unless you come to singapore for pork ribs at Tony Romas and immigration detains you for not fulfilling your bond

Malaysian: but things aren't equal. you mean if my pay and all that was not a factor? i'm planning to go home anyway

but i DO have a conscience, so 3 years *** here isn't too bad

i don't like pork ribs but i WOULD return for carl's jr

Me: you feel obligation to singapore for the tuition fee grant ah

Malaysian: oh screw the grant la. i got scholarship la. even though that's technically bond-free

the NUS scholarship is a real success of meritocracy, cos the best and brightest (who don't really NEED it all that much) get it

the grant is quite meeble-feeble
after all citizens get the grant too but they're not obliged to stay, so there's less pressure/ obligation for me to stay

i am morally superior hurr hurr


(how come I never get hahaha)

you can buy me dinner and feel even more morally superior HAHAHAHAHA

Malaysian: i also dunno why you didn't get NUS scholarship. mine is under ASEAN so they give them out willy-nilly, but i don't think i've ever met any NUS Singaporean scholars

Me: I know one in the year above me

Malaysian: see that's why i don't like this country. if it treats foreigners better than its own people, it kinda can't be trusted. *insert "government" for "country"*

Me: hee hee

that's because foreigners have to be lured in
locals are stuck

I am reminded of the [aesop's] fable of the goats

MFTTW: man my bloody boss
doesn't have the balls to smackdown on people

i'm going to cut his nuts off.

Me: well neither do you ^^;;

MFTTW: yeah but i'm not the boss
and i have a vagina, so that automatically makes me oppressed

HWMNBN: i've been talking ot *** a bit lately. she's gotten less interesting as a person. sad. but it happens if you're attractive.

Me: basically she's become more of a normal girl

it's quite startling talking to her after a hiatus of ***

oh well. *shrugs* i'm happy for her, but a bit sad at the world

Me: well she's happier now
happy people tend to be less interesting

HWMNBN: there are exceptions, but yes

Someone: u got link for 2 cups 1 girl?

Me: 2girls1cup, you idiot

Someone: oops

Me: why
you want to put in JET essay ah

"I like weird shit like htis"
"I hope to see more in japan"

Someone: 'no lar

my friend watching porn
i wanna be mean and give a downer

Me: err how you know freidn watching porn

Someone: he say one

Me: ...

HWMNBN: Ironically, I actually read Heretics of Dune before I actually read Dune
at the age of 14 i think. it probably accounts for why i ended up so fucked up

TMM on an underaged boy being arrested for having sex with an underaged girl: you do agree that the above article is ridiculous

the recent amendments to the laws made it much better though
now both can be arrested
although we still need a test case

Me: I think in practice they'll have a rolling age of consent

TMM: that's the best

but to be safe
just make sure the person is over 18

Me: 16 also can what

TMM: later the person say you wanted to pay her for sex

Me: well.

TMM: I might die a virgin; I will only feel safe having sex after both parties sign a legal document in the presence of a lawyer

Me: like that to be safe don't have sex
later the girl can say you raped her

TMM: yeah

sex is dangerous

Frigid Girl: seen on postsecret.blogspot.com


I beg you, please take down the picture of the "larvae breast". I had not seen the picture before and it literally made me vomit when I did see it, even though the postcard (and Snopes) said it was fake.

It is an EXTREMELY disturbing image and I would have appreciated a warning.

It will haunt my nightmares for a while. Please, please take it down or put up a warning.

[Ed: Picture in question]

wth is it there

Frigid Girl: OMG FUCK


i'm going sue postsecret


Me: ^^;;

Frigid Girl: i'm quite literally sick
i went to vomit

Me: wow
that's quite extreme


Frigid Girl: i threw up a second time
was eating biscuits when i thought of the stupid breast rash

Me: ...
what's wrong with you

Frigid Girl: what's wrong with pple who created this rubbish

i feel like chopping off my head to remove the memory


MFTTW: i got a new cooking adventure for you

my friend make peking duck at home

you should try


Me: hurr hurr
I can't read chinese

MFTTW: translate lah

Me: if yan can cook...

MFTTW: he's nuts lor

he brought the raw duck to the lab
to use our co2 tank to blow up the skin
(to separate skin from flesh)
then he used hair dryer to dry the skin

my friend is... yeah.

his oven is so tiny

he had to suspend the duck
then you have to baste in honey

NUTS LAH that guy
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