When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, September 08, 2008

"The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it." - William Gibson


Japan trip
Day 7 - 12th June - Amanohashidate
(Part 5)

I was too tired to shout "Yatta!" on reaching the top, so I just admired the view.

There was what was presumably another viewing position

So I gave myself a mild headache again

Product placement

I then travelled down the 1km slope much faster than I'd come up it (from the EXIF tags, I only took 4 mins going down)


Other tower (opposite the one with the bell)

Drying stream

I communicated with the bus driver, and he agreed to pick me up at the entrance to the temple complex by the gateway, rather than at the bus stop. I could've walked down, but since the bus was already paid for and the timing was perfect I didn't bother.


Monk statue

Back of Gateway

Details of gateway. I don't know if the white animal is a dog or a dragon or a horse or some crossbreed. I don't know if the yellow animal is a housecat or a big cat or some crossbreed.

Front of gateway. I'm assuming the rainbow flag isn't a gay symbol.

Memorial stone

When I got back to the funicular station I wanted to take the chair lift down, but unfortunately it'd stopped by this time. Oh well.

View coming down

Fugu (pufferfish). I think these are real, because they all look subtly different. Except for the one at the top. I asked one shopkeeper "fugu?" and he replied in the affirmative, but then he could have meant "fugu toy".

Those at the right are definitely fake

I didn't have time/energy to walk back across the spit, so I took a boat.


Speeding off


Couple feeding the gulls... with Calbee snacks


Fun with Gulls

As time went on, either they or the seagulls grew more skillful, and some pieces managed to be thrown into the seagulls' mouths.

More Fun with Gulls

Spit and gulls

The turning bridge - actually turning!

This shrine seemed to be devoted to underwear. See, one piece even has a smiley face on it!

Holy Tree. The rope is a sign of holiness.

Pussy. At first I thought the man was sitting on it. Pity.

Lonely Planet had recommended a restaurant with Asari Udon (Clam Udon), a local speciality, but the restaurant was closed and I didn't want to get back to Kyoto too late. Anyway it was probably just normal udon with clams, so I settled for takoyaki.

These were Kualiti Takoyaki, as the guy had pre-packed them and placed them in a warmer, but they were still better than the Takoyaki made by the hawkers in Singapore who also make cai tao kway okonomiyaki. And the pencil shavings were still moving, so that counts for something.

Incidentally, all the Takoyaki I found in Japan were Tako (octopus). There wasn't prawn, ham and cheese, bacon, squid or the other varities you find in Singapore. Personally I'm partial to bacon.

Local delights in restaurant window

Un-(local delights) in convenience store. Seriously, french fries?!

I was still hungry so I got a 红鮭 onigiri ("Sockeye Salmon").

Other sights in the area

What to do when a little girl drops her bird

I met one ang moh at the Amanohashidate train station. At first I thought he was a tourist and on seeing his luggage I went to ask him what sights could possibly compell one to stay overnight here. It turned out that he was teaching English there. He said he'd been there for 4 years and there wasn't much to do and that it was quiet. He didn't seem very chatty (maybe it was 4 years in the place), so I left him to his reverie (with those words).

By the time I reached Kyoto I was very hungry, so I ate at a noodle bar at the station. The concept was interesting:

Pick soba or udon - hot, cold with dipping sauce or cold without dipping sauce (?)

Translation by JX:

"Kake Udon / Fukkake Udon (cold udon) / Zaru Udon
Kake Soba / Fukkake Soba / Zaru Soba"
(We don't know what "Fukkake" is though, and Google is unhelpful)

Select garnishings/condiments. This was taken after my meal so they'd cleared some stuff already.

Hot Soba, Tempura crumbs, Kitsune (sweet beancurd sheet), Inari sushi with black sesame seeds, potato croquette (with a few pieces of mystery meat). Y580. The Tempura crumbs and spring onion were free. Seaweed was free also (I didn't see it so I only added it later).

The first man I'd seen walking around in traditional attire (Yukata).

Dog outside the 24 hrs supermarket near the hostel

The previous night I'd seen a rock melon on sale at the supermarket. It was Y150 for either half a small melon or a small wedge. The latter looked very sweet so I got it. However I only ate it this evening. So much for the Vitamin C, but it was still very sweet.
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