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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"I was always taught to respect my elders and I've now reached the age when I don't have anybody to respect." - George Burns


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Dutch Anti-Defamation League Closes - "Poul VanDerVoort, president of the Dutch Anti-Defamation League of America, announced Monday that his civil rights organization is closing due to a severe lack of defamation against the Dutch. "I guess we did a good job," VanDerVoort told reporters. "This past year there was not a single ethnically motivated crime committed against a person of Dutch descent." Despite a vigilant, constant effort to locate anti-Dutch sentiment, prosecute offenders and initiate a healing process, the league has found no such crises anywhere in the nation throughout its 18-year history. "A couple of months ago we thought someone had been fired from his job for being Dutch," VanDerVoort said. "But we investigated, and it turned out he was showing up drunk.""
Almost 11 years later, this showed up as an Onion Radio News article. Now I know how they churn out so many episodes!!!

YouTube - The Best Dance Ever.... (Makes You Cry) - "a guy who lost his leg dances with a girl who lost her arm in a car accident. the dance won forst prize in annual dance competetion on CCTV9 international, beijing. THE DANCE SHOWS HOW MUTUAL SUPPORT AND FRIEDSHIP CAN MAKE OUR LIFE EASY AND HAPPY."

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture - "It doesn't take a graduate of pop culture studies to notice the mocking of men in popular culture. Most blatantly, it occurs in television commercials. For example, some dopey, but probably lovable, man runs around the house trying to install his computer (fix the television, buy a car - fill in your task of choice) and bungles the job. Meanwhile, the wife calmly makes a phone call to the appropriate people (i.e., whoever the commercial is for) and takes care of it in no time, leaving the husband confused and glad that his woman is smarter than he. Besides, at least now he will have his toy... The authors' believe that today's politically correct culture allows for only one prejudice: misandry. They cite numerous instances to show how androcentricism is being replace by gynocentricism in both popular and elite culture. In this gynocentric world, signs of misogyny are watched for closely, and acts of misogyny are now morally and legally unallowable. However, misandry is allowable, excusable, and not seen as a problem. To put it one way, the authors want us all to get along, and any prejudice of any sex, race, creed, etc. is unacceptable. In point, political correctness and the culture are attempting to change the way people think through monitored language. But in reality, the use of PC argot merely forces people to behave and to respect one another, a far simpler agenda that still, however, has not come to fruition."

Addendum: Another review of the above: "When I was a little nipper... there was one particular piece of doggerel which was very popular with my sister. ‘What are little girls made of?’ she would recite demurely. ‘Sugar and spice, and everything nice!’ Then her voice would drop into a sneer: ‘What are little boys made of? Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails!!’ My sister, as you can probably guess, grew up to be a feminist... Men, say the authors, have become society’s official scapegoats and held responsible for all wickedness, including that done by women they have deluded or intimidated. Women are society’s official victims and held responsible for all good, including that done by men they have influenced or converted... Males and male values and qualities are regularly disparaged, ridiculed or shamed in direct proportion to the way that females and female values and qualities are validated, endorsed and held up for approval... our cultural guardians are completely blind to misandry, which literally doesn’t exist: there is only righteous ‘anger’ or a necessary and healthy ‘corrective’ to the crimes of men and patriarchy over the millennia... even a pointedly, dramatically misandric film such as ‘The Company of Men’ is attacked as being misogynistic... it does this not to assert that men are the new oppressed and women the new oppressors, but to try and do away with the very dualism in Western culture on which crude – i.e. successful feminism – has been based... ‘Better a negative identity perhaps, than no identity at all. If women say that they are evil, some boys and men think, then so be it’... Since most books that aren’t about car engines or Hitler are bought by women (though it may be verging on the ‘misandric’ to say it), Lad-Lit is by definition a bit of dissimulation written largely for women who want to get inside a ‘lad’s’ head. Hence novels by Nick Hornby have the same nauseously ingratiating premise (echoed in Tony Parson’s ‘Man And…’ books), often literally and baldly stated: ‘Women are better than men’"

'We're married, we just don't have sex' - "People wonder why asexuals bother to get together, but Amanda and I have been happily married for nine months now and we're both still virgins. Some people even think asexuality doesn't exist. It's so underrepresented, I can understand why people are skeptical. I was too, even though I was perfectly used to thinking of myself in this way. For years I just thought I was the only person in the world who felt like this."

Unholy row as feminist lecturer bars men - "In a dispute which echoes the high tide of radical feminism in the late 1960s, Mary Daly has taken temporary leave of absence from Boston College after refusing a college order to teach the men. She accuses the college of using the dispute to "get rid" of her. The associate professor of philosophy says the presence of the two men on her "Introduction to Feminist Ethics" course would be distracting and disruptive to women students, helping to "dumb down" the classes... Fourteen women students have written a letter of support for her stand. "Boston College has wronged me and my students by caving in to rightwing pressure and depriving me of my right to teach freely," Ms Daly said. "This is not about discrimination. This is about levelling the rights of women and minorities.""
Making an effort to be sensitive to the needs of women is not unfairly advantaging them; it's just trying to rectify a situation that deprives them of what men get to take for granted, as easy as they breathe, only because of their privilege.

Mary Daly: No Man's Land - "Described as both "a prophet" and "the grande dame of feminist theology," Daly has, for more than three decades, committed her every waking breath to a single purpose: seeing, naming and dissecting the structures of patriarchy in order to liberate women's minds, bodies and spirits from its oppression. [She is o]ne of the most revered visionaries of the contemporary women's liberation movement... 'It's true that to be a feminist now absolutely requires being an ecofeminist or what I would call a "Radical Elemental Feminist."... If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. People are afraid to say that kind of stuff anymore... It's shocking that it would be shocking [to say that]."

Hanzi Smatter 一知半解 - "dedicated to the misuse of chinese characters in western culture"

Get stuffed - "There's a lot we don't understand about the problems of overeating, but Martin Yeomans of Sussex University and Steve French of Sheffield University have set themselves the task of probing the mystery... Variety is the source of strife. Barbara Rolls from Pennsylvania State University has shown that people given four different types of food guzzled 60 per cent more at a sitting than those fed on a single item, even if this single item was their favourite. Astonishingly, if you are given a mixture of three pasta shapes you'll down 15 per cent more calories than if there was just one shape on offer... Proteins are broken down first, then carbohydrate and lastly fat. Which could explain why protein fills you up faster, and fat fills you up least quickly."
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