When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"The World Wide Web is the only thing I know of whose shortened form takes three times longer to say than what it's short for." - Douglas Adams


A: any of your friends interested? lol
and pretty girls? lol

B: pretty girls into DND ah.
gee no girl i know is into DND

C: ohh okay
hmm I could ask-? but pretty girls ah, I dunno : x

B: the only 1 i know is in ***
the other girl i lost touch with

you guys can also bring some really cute guys in who like dnd ;)

A: pretty girls would add to the incentive man

B: i think that should be easier to find since statistically way more guys are into dnd than girls are? :P (theoretically at least)

one for one exchange lah
u find me a cute guy

A: i ahve no incentive to get a stud in

B: i try to find u a pretty girl

A: oh there comes my incentive

(and mine)

A: i don't like that word

B: well it depends on alot of things
my initiative roll

C: hey hey
do or do not, -!

B: persuasion check

A: i think you have a lousy modifier for that; not a good trade for me

B: boooo.


Tim the Great: i was at marmalade pantry yesterday
think i was a little too loud

"this tastes like fuck"

Me: good fuck or bad fuck

Tim the Great: gah, fuck you

after that, bill please. i put $50 and left
waitress looked scared. :(


Me: singaporeans enjoy overseas food for the same reason overseas tourists enjoy singaporean food

it's about being a tourist
in a foreign land
trying strange food

Tim the Great: was feeling that way since first immersion to france

but i eat out all the time, you can say one restaurant a week
over here, maybe 3x/wk, on average

cannot get rid of bias though, if you want to argue about tourists

last time we went sebestien's i thought my food was good
the bread, never mind

i felt that people were oohing about the food [in France]
french food in sg sux etc.

but of course! you never go to st julien, you shut up lah
didn't say that though

i just smiled

Me: gah

Tim the Great: then also munch munch, never slow down to taste

there is SO much bad french food in paris
i mean, seriously

same, italian in italy, if you dunno where to go

somehow thinking about the cock's remarks
about the definitive sachertorte, and whatever else

Someone: errrr
she just asked me to marry her

that's the second proposition i've received in two weeks

Me: huh

Someone: [my ex]
she made me promise to marry her if she's not attached by the time she's 35

Me: wth

*** used to say shit like that

Someone: i said "do we get to have sex?"

she said "no"

then i said "fuck off"

Me: you mean if you got to have sex you would've said yes meh

Someone: well. *shrugs* i'm a firm believer in insurance.

Me: this one got negative payout leh

Someone else: he said [virgins have no right to talk about sex]

nobody said anything lah
normally nobody wants to admit to having sex OR being virgin

Me: I googled "Shirayuki" to get a picture of Hirohito's horse. And got frontal nudity of a porn star.

Someone: chances are...u type anything jap, u get some porn
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