"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left." - Marilyn Monroe
u r wt u wr:
- 'I'd settle for being a soap star'
- 'Single all the way'
- 'I'm famous on Friday night'
- 'Beautiful vegetables'
- 'Boys want me. Girls want to be me'
- 'Have a good time'
- 'No matter who you are with you will always be under my spell'
- 'I ♥ med students'
- 'I ♥ military men' (This came a few minutes later, further down the same walkway)
- 'Boyfriends make good pets *silhouette of a squirrel*'
- 'I ♥ boy scouting'
- 'F!#k the milk. Where's the whiskey tits?' (worn by a portly woman)
- 'Natural women 100%' (She looked very natural)
- 'Pretty naughty'
- 'I'm soo... CUTE!' (Contributed)
- [Pink font] 'You'll never guess who I was!' (guy)