"Subject: HELLO,
Message: I am khalid mahmoud from Bahrain,I have been diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer.It has defiled all forms of medical treatment,I have few months to live. I have decided to give alms to charity organizations.I cannot do this myself because of my health.I have Eighteen Million dollars ($18,000,000,00) with a finance House abroad. Can you help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations?.You will take 20% for your assistance.CONTACT ME VIA: khalidmahmouds@yahoo.com.hk TO ASSIST ME."
419 scammers are getting sloppy.
No paragraphing, hideous punctuation, horrible typos ("defiled"?!) and a Hong Kong address for a Middle East account.
Haven't they learnt that you get out what you put in? Tsk.