"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." - Geert Hofstede
Female friend on a report: hey
send u the girl
file i mean
Someone: singapore army doesnt allow for boys to jerk off though
i mean
*** told me you could be sent to db if u were caught masturbating in tekong
HWMNBN before the Bolehland elections: the elections fare interestingly
i hope there's looting tomorrow
Me: why didnt you fly back to vote
HWMNBN: i don't fight battles i can't win
Me: so why dont you kill yourself
HWMNBN: *grins* the outcome of tha tbattle remains in question
i hope nothing too bad goes on tonight
my folks plan to barricade themselves at home tonight
i wish i would be back for the looting
Me: what if you got looted
considering your lack of physical fitness
HWMNBN: i don't plan to carry valuables to the looting
and i'll hang at the back fo the mob
may not get all the choice stuff i want but should be able to grab some good pieces
Someone: how many % of students in NUS get a first?
in cambridge
first is top 25%
so much easier than NUS
Me: haha
yeah NUS sucks lah
other unis got grade inflation
Someone: yar wads wrong with NUS AH?!
sian man
if go cambridge so easy to get first
Me: haha
the hard part is getting in
JB: i like girly games. like sims. or zoo tycoon
or red alert
Someone: oh new entry for your raunchy tshirt 'research'
i wanted to compliment e girl it was damn funny
it was this cheena girl with a bob in a tight tee
and splayed proudly in large font across the front
"community chest"
on top of a monopoly board
Me: hahahahahahah
so what di you say
Someone: nothing lah
im not a pervert
but frankly a girl who wears a tshirt like that is inviting comment right
inviting patriarchal repression
Someone: some girls are sensitive later say i verbally molest her
everyone shld welcome a little sexual harassment from time to time
why be so uptight
actually i can empathise
i've been sexually harassed by a girl before in a way that was unwelcome
Me: ooh
what happened
it's cos she wasn't hot right
Someone: she made unwelcome advances in front of a bunch of ppl and was rather persistent lol
yeah exactly
Me: but you weren't wearing a shirt saying "fuck me now" right
maybe your body hair too sexy
girls see that as a turnon
Someone: i dunno but i was prob less hairier at that point
the jury's out on whether girls like hair
usually i find hairy girls like hair
"after this i think i can never go back to hairless men"
from an ex. my proudest moment hahaha
Someone else on homemade chocolates: about as close to belgian chocs as a camel is to a pimped vacuum cleaner
but they were nice.