When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some comics:

Carol: I'd like to take advantage of our new family friendly policy.

Three of my kids have bronchitis, two have dental appointments, one is in a school play, and one has a rugby game.

In all likelihood, you will never see me again.

Pointy-haired boss (sotto voce on phone): We didn't think this through.

Dilbert: My company wants me to design a private moon shuttle in three months. Doom is inevitable.

Dogbert: What you need is a scapegoat to blame for the project never getting finished. I'll send one over.

Dilbert: *Gesturing to goat* I was almost done, and then this idiot comes along.

This one's so Monty Python.

Constitutional Scholar to a blind man on a 'Don't Walk' sign: Well, I think under our rights guaranteed by the 4th Amendment, the State can only make it a suggestion, not a command, so I say go ahead if you want.

"The short-lived experiment of a seeing eye constitutional scholar"

Signs: '"I don't get it." "What's that supposed to be?" "What the..."'
"Earl and Edna's favorite part of the Museum of Modern Art"

Kate: Giggle.
Danae: Woo-hoo!

Joe (reading newspapers): *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMPA* *THUMP*

Joe: Kate... Danae... STOP HORSING AROUND!!

Kate, Danae and Lucy: *boggle*

Lucy: Did I just get profiled?
Kate: I... I think so.
Danae: Fortunately, I have the A.C.L.U on speed dial...

And one non-comic:

"Tracey says
(√2 + √8) is an irrational number
(√2 + √8)^2 = 18
I think that if yousquare an irrational number you always get a rational number

Tracey is wrong.
Use an example to show that Tracey is wrong.

'She's a woman'"

For some reason, this is funnier now than the previous time I saw it.
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