Wednesday, October 03, 2007
"I consider myself a feminist, by which I mean that I believe that women should have political, economic, and social rights equal to those of men. As such, I am alert to discriminatory practices against women, which some feminists believe lie at the heart of the breast implant controversy. I am also a liberal Democrat. I believe that an unbridled free market leads to abuses and injustices and that government and the law need to play an active role in preventing them. Because of this view, I am quick to see the iniquities of large corporations. I disclose my political philosophy here, because it did not serve me well in examining the breast implant controversy. The facts were simply not as I expected they would be. But my most fundamental belief is that one should follow the evidence wherever it leads. From time to time, it is important to look up and see where you have been led and who is there with you, but you should not turn back. That's what this book is all about."
- Science on trial : the clash of medical evidence and the law in the breast implant case / Marcia Angell.
- Science on trial : the clash of medical evidence and the law in the breast implant case / Marcia Angell.