Day 4 (26/9) - Phnom Penh (Part 2)
Cambodian power sockets are very friendly. The 2 pin ones are all like shaver power sockets - they can accommodate any 2 pin plugs.
Probably the sole administrative hiccup of the trip came when no one met us at the jetty, so we all took Cambodian pseudo-tuktuks. Unlike in Thailand where they come in one piece, Cambodian tuktuks consist of a motorcycle with a cabin attached.

Joyce in pseudo-tuktuk

Some people got a car. Cunning Linguist is on the right.

Meishi Hurhur playing with the cute dog at the hotel

Erectile dysfunction pamphlet for old Ang Moh men and their Cambodian 'girlfriends'

"Butcher. 'Meets everybody's needs' *picture of sunbathers*"

"U & Me Massage & Spa"
For lunch we went to this place that took really long to give us our food.

They had 2 types of vegetable soup: "Mixed vegetable soup, no meat, For vegetarian" and "Truly Vegetarian". Maybe the first used meat stock and so wasn't "Truly Vegetarian".

They also had an "All shake" on the menu, which Gabriel F had.

Gabriel F having the "All shake" - a special order from the kitchen
While waiting interminably long for our food to come, we amused ourselves looking at a tourist pamphlet.

"Bopha Bar. I'm looking for a husband... Friendly, pretty hostesses"

They zoomed in on her cleavage.
They were very inefficient. We'd ordered Tom Yum lobster but they told us they didn't have it - after an hour. Perhaps this inefficiency was part of Cambodian culture and we shouldn't have complained.

Cunning Linguist: "He's staring at her boobs"
I'd been considering visiting the National Museum so I could enjoy it at leisure, but lunch had taken too long (over 2 hours and we still had to cancel one dish) so I wouldn't have been able to do much anyway, so I went to one Market with some of the rest (from the descriptions and my memory, I think it was the Psah Chas - old market).
Even in the developed area beside the river in Phnom Penh, the largest city in the country, there were naked kids running around.

Moving through the market
The central part of the market was housed in a cavernous hall that reminded me of a railway station. A lot of watch vendors were in there, for some reason.
At 5+, the power in the building suddenly went off. At first I thought it was a brownout, but it turns out to have been a signal that it was closing.
Zhnged car
We then moved on to a shopping centre behind the market.

"Vedan. Made from real meat"
This did not inspire confidence in the quality of food there.

The damn shopping centre banned photography. This stupid disease has spread far and wide. It must be to prevent the Copyright Police from cracking down on them.
There was a Swensen's in there. Luckily it didn't have the Sign of the Evil Eye.

One reason why the shopping centre banned photography. If you don't get it, look at the left of the picture, then at the right.
"That's damn cute. You get the best of both worlds"
Unsurprisingly, I saw Malaysian mannikins in the shopping centre.
One shop sold an analog watch with Hun Sen's bust, in military uniform, on it. Uhh.

Intriguing punishment for shoplifters in the spirit of the CWO.
They were offering WiMAX in Cambodia!
Seen: a schoolbag reading "The Princess and the Pauper", with Disney's Snow White, Cinderella and a girl in read (whom I was told was the Swan Princess) on it. At first I thought this was a pirate's mistake, but I've since found out that there is a Barbie video called that. Nonetheless it has nothing to do with the Disney Princesses!
I didn't see any Heely's or Crocs in the shopping centre.
I saw a girl in a red shirt whose sleeves read "Rag and Flag 2006". The back said "Engin". We were trying to see what the text above her breast said, but her hair kept covering it.
I saw an ad for a Cambodian bank account offering a 9.6% interest rate. Damn, I know where to park my money now!

Playing with the cute doggie
Cute doggie

For dinner we went to FCC (Foreign Correspondents' Club). Like many Cambodian joints, they saved on electricity by not air-conditioning the place, and doubtless would call it atmosphere if asked. I was still full from the late lunch, so I shared something with Rebecca.

As you can see, when we arrived we were practically the only non-Ang Mohs there. A few more came in later.

Enwei and his Roma Calzone

Amusing FCC picture - Peace sign on a rifle

Taboo restaurant - I'm not sure what the taboo was.
After dinner, despite initial reluctance, I got peer pressured into paying a strange woman to grope me for pleasure. 3 people went up to the private room to have their whole bodies groped (actually, just their backs and the back of their legs, since 2/3 of them were sunburnt) but I stayed downstairs with the rest.
Happy endings

"10 hands massage". Someone suggested getting 4 friends along for a 10 hand massage.
Interestingly, they practised Just In Time manufacturing - they had to cart in 1 girl on a pseudo-tuktuk to service me.

Unfortunately they only did the feet and calves, when it was my thighs that needed it most.

Complementary back massages. The neck massage was the only bit I found painful.
There was a place offering a $2 manicure and a $1 pedicure.

Internet cafe - "No Porn Site Please". Yeah, who needs porn when you can go to a bar and get a Cambodian "girlfriend"?
The cafe was quite scummy. Internet use was 2000 rials per hour, but using your own laptop would cost 3000. Gah.
[Me on sunglasses: I can see myself in your sunglasses] [Female student:] Good. Can you see where my eyes are looking? [Me: No. You want to check out guys without them knowing right?... [Female student 2: I don't need sunglasses. I just stare at them.] [Me: That's okay. When a girl stares at a guy, she's curious. When a guy stares at a girl,] [Me and Female student 2: He's a pervert.]
[Female student on my drink:] Papaya milk makes your boobs bigger. Let me try. [Me: You need it, you need it.] Yah, I need it.
[On teaching] I like scolding them.
What does 'congenital' mean?... We were looking at it. There's a 'genital' there so it has something to do with the genitals... Whenever I see a strange word I will look out for the root word.