When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, August 24, 2007

"People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading." - Logan Pearsall Smith


Today, I put on a multi-layered, multi-faced performative act with at least 4 facets I could identify.

Specifically, I wore a cyan "Ladies Sleeping Gawn" (sic - it was "Made In Malaysia") for the day.

1) A passive attempt to raise awareness about trans-gender issues a la "Hair for Hope". Viz., "What happened to your hair?" "I'm raising money and awareness for child cancer sufferers."

2) A protest against sexism in the tradition of bra-burning - stupid, pointless and ludicrous.

3) A satire of attention-grabbing feats of social activism like NKF charity show stunts and today's "NUS Breakers" paper crane folding (there's a complicated framework for donations, they're killing trees and it's an advertising stunt [read more]). Unfortunately I had class from 12-1, when it was on.

4) I was in Holland Village yesterday (Wednesday) with Screwed Up Girl and we saw a ladies' sleeping gown on sale for $10. She said she'd buy it for me if I wore it to school.

There is also a fifth facet to do with meaning mining.

One of my adoring fans

MFTTW: wah lau eh. you can't even pick a pretty dress.
but my you have nice cleavage

Jianhao showing off my gift to the USP community - "The Good Sex Bible", bought from Palo Alto. Hopefully it will educate everyone, especially the ginna, so they won't have to bang bang.

A "6 claps" picture of me and Cunning Linguist reviewing the book in Palo Alto

Some reflections on my experience:

- It was a Medium. I wonder what XL is like.
- At first it was damn hot, even in an air-conditioned environment. No wonder it was for sale.
- Having no pockets sucks
- Although the dress wasn't that short, sitting properly was annoying. Which just reconfirms the theory about how you're supposed to look but not say anything when girls in very short skirts zaogeng.
- (Un)fortunately I didn't have a John Travolta Hairspray experience ("It showed me gals have the power. I would put on that getup, and the men would flirt... I'm happy to be a man, but I miss being groped") though Kenneth did keep stroking the sleeve of my dress


I'm not shocked at all. This says something about you, Gabriel.

You have VPL... Could you, have like, worn nicer underwear or something?... So ugly.

I like your dress.

His dress is sexier than mine. [Student 2: Yah, the slits]

I'm not gonna walk around school, like, with you.

I thought you were playing jesus

How much money have you raised? [Me: I'm not collecting any money. It's an awareness-raising exercise. The logistics are too difficult.]

Where's your bra?

My only question to you is: why didn't you choose a nicer dress?

Can you wear a bra at least, if you're gonna wear a dress?

You should wear stockings also.

You rock... You're very brave.
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