When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up." - Tom Lehrer


Someone: id never go for black men, i dont care how big. they are criminals

you have no idea how they arelike, these black men.
i was shocked with your stupid anal sex tale.

they're like [XXX]

u know [XXX] and ah bengs have no respect for women
they whistle at girls
or sing at girls
and these black men did it to me once

Me: once only

Someone: i got stalked by black guys ok


japanese and korean and thai and indo girls like sg men.
cuz sg men treat them better than their own

my jap friend last sem
v hot
but he thought v day was for a girl to buy presents for the guy


Me: oh yeah sg men are sexist

Someone: they have a day like that in jap
white chocolate day.

so many sg guys marry jap girls ah
*** la

jap girls like any other men bt their own
jap guys like any other women but their own, altho they feel inadequate
and inferior
so they can only settle for their own women
while their inferiority festers like a wound.

and they beat their wives to feel better

*** can beat me anyday man.

Me: they beat their wives meh
I thought they don't know them

Someone: yeah they do man.
in korea is normal to beat wife

JB: I'm contemplating drastically changing myself again

Me: how about a sex change

JB: eww.

i don't see the appeal in being a guy

Me: you wanted a drastic change

Tim the Great: next door in paris get it on all the time

oui! oh... oui!

it feels so wrong to hear it in french

Me: but the french are great lovers

Tim the Great: and “fuck me” sounds so gentle in french

yeah they’re effeminate losers

Me: what is it?

Tim the Great: baise moi
or ***nique moi

Oh oui nique moi j'aime ça

whoops too many people on my list speak french

Me: ***nique moi is what ah

Tim the Great: fuck me


I don't know what the *** is

Tim the Great: *** extremely informal
i thought you understood the coding

you think what
pique nique ah

french spelling of picnic

pronounce it the french way, it sounds horrid

Me: ...

Tim the Great: http://www.wordreference.com/fren/niquer

niquer ⇒ v fuck (screw) offensive!!

Compound Forms/Formes composées
niquer la mère de qn (passer à tabac) (vulgaire) v fuck up (beat up) vulgar
pique-niquer vi picnic (eat outdoors)

Someone: yeah you didnt know that a lot of sg girls are stupid?
then you're no better.


i see ***
she's quite pretty
and like does well for exams and all
but not really intelligent or street wise

her newest bf is some rich kid.
he's quite ugly though
really horrible acne
and a bad smile

dont think he's smart either
dont know what she sees in him?

she is that sort though u know
cuz she dumped her ex cuz he was too 'poor'
and couldnt buy her guess bags which her ex bf did

Me: see, this can easily be explained.

the primary criterion for the worth of a feminine partner is aesthetic appeal
the primary criteria for the worth of a masculine partner are wealth, power, fame and most importantly the ability to emotionally manipulate women

Someone: yeah you mentioned...
the wretchedness.

*** isnt rich or powerful
or famous

but your theory doesnt make sense
not all guys are rich or powerful or famous.
yet girls go for regular guys

not all girls are hot or attractive though

Me: as I said
the -most important- is the ability to emotionally manipulate women

Someone: not many guys can do it

Me: all guys do it to some extent

Someone: yeah
well c'est la vie

Me: anyway the not hot/attractive girls end up with men who are not rich/powerful/famous or who are nice

and if not... then congratulations to the lucky couple!

Someone else: you need a nickname.

what about biibi?
beebe is prolly better.

bibbi is the name of my sister's multicolored quilt

Someone: our *** class no cute girls anyway
cant believe it
maybe not PRC i happy already


thhis is not hum sup
this is just doing homework before we check out them

Someone on being in the US for a while: =_= I kind of feel disappointed coming back to NUS

they guys here, not really cute
whereas a lot of guys there were cute

it improves my eyesight
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