Day 8 (30/6) - Hong Kong: The Peak
There're a helluva lotta cabs in Hong Kong, even more than in Singapore.
Singapore has SACSALs - Shrill, Anorexic, Chinese-Speaking Ah Lians. Hong Kong has SACSALs too - Shrill, Anorexic, Cantonese-Speaking Ah Lians [HWMNBN: btw SACantoneseSAL was my quote].

Hong Kong tram
These are not only very old (since 1904) but also ridiculously cheap, at HK$2 (S$0.40). They've probably earned the capital costs back long ago.

Western Market, where we had lunch

Man man 'directing' traffic

Sterilising chopsticks in the restaurant, a very odd practice for a place that's assuredly not Third World
HWMNBN noted that eating in Hong Kong was like having Crystal Jade everyday. He also said they had aborted fetus porridge a few years back but this got shut down (I had to rephrase this sentence to avoid an unintentional pun).
At lunch we had Chee Cheong Fun fried with XO sauce, egg and beansprouts, which was very good. Unfortunately you can't find it in Singapore. The lunch bill for 3 of us came up to HK$199.50 which was cheaper than I expected, especially since we couldn't finish the food.
There's a 'wage protection movement' in Hong Kong which urges you to treat your employees well, as well as a minimum wage. Yet somehow the economy is deemed the "freest" in the world.
The weather was very good, so we decided to go to The Peak (the high area on Hong Kong Island). Unfortunately it turned bad just as we got off the cab at the funicular station.

Unfortunately for HWMNBN, this was 2/2 times he had gotten bad weather at The Peak. But then the first time it was totally fogged out, so.
Since it was a rainy day, Bubba Gump had HK$10 drink specials, so we had some.
One shop in one of the shopping complexes in The Peak could take photographs of you and photoshop you onto nice day or night scenes of The Peak. Seems bad weather is the norm up there.

Lockhart Road, a famous hum sup area, near where HWMNBN stays.

D'aguilar Street

Yung Kee, with good (and also expensive)

Gage Street (I am supposed to get a good version of this photo from Johnny Malkavian soon)

Jiak Zhua, literally. It wasn't that good. There's a money shot of this coming when I've finished the travelogue proper.
About this time, my umbrella finally fell apart, so I was walking around holding it up manually (the catch came out). I tried looking in supermarkets but didn't find decently-priced ones. They had Walkers Sensations in one though (which were even cheaper than in the UK, somehow) - colonization does have its benefits!
It was raining the whole day so we couldn't go to Lan Kwai Fong.