Ed: The pictures in this post were restored in late December 2010 after Mediafire deleted my account in 2007
Day with Tom Kosnik:

Running through Stanford

Animated lesson

Picture of a picture

We love his snacks!

Me looking furtive

The comments on this photo on Facebook:
Me: Wah now the secret is out
Shafy: and part 2 of the story is that you found huishan and both of you happily looked at the pictures harharhar.
Chris: hahahahha
aileen and i jus burst out laughing. we gave it 6 claps!!! huishan is still showering in ignorance. haha
Cunning Linguist: OH HAHA> hahahhahaa (huishan here)
Me: 6 claps in total or 6 claps each ah
Shafy: hahahahaha! ♥6 claps is off the scale! (assuming max = 5 claps, like 5 stars)

3 of us on the first day


At Farmers' Market

Mickey D's

4 of us in LA