Ed: The pictures in this post were restored in late December 2010 after Mediafire deleted my account in 2007
San Francisco:

Candy Store shelves

Me in Candy Store
The girls claim I look like an Oompa Loompa

Cool car

Us at Fisherman's Wharf

Gay America

Golden Gate in fog
Berkeley vs Stanford:

Jaga in Red

Me in Blue


Forum on the last day. I'm told a better version is available but I haven't seen it floating around in the ether yet.

"For lunch i had the WORSE RICE IN MY LIFE (see bottom left pic)
WHAT THE HELL. it was red bean rice. Darren and I were going BERSERK just from eating it. (as usual we have gabriel gloating)
ME: OMG this is the worse rice i have ever eaten in my life. I SWEAR.
Gabriel: Let me taste it. The worse rice i have ever eaten is SAF rice.
He reaches over for a scoop.
ME: so how? damn bad right.
Gabriel: Yah, its worse than SAF rice."
(As documented by the Cunning Linguist. Yes, it was worse than Pineapple Rice with Chicken or Chestnut Rice with Chicken)

Us at Great Mall

Jabir looking very pleased with his The Onion anti-feminist edition (cobbled together from past issues). I'd known The Onion had a print version but seeing it in the flesh was an interesting experience. And of course it was hilarious, given its contents, with stories like "Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does" and "How Can I Use Feminism To My Advantage?".

Hoover Tower