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Saturday, March 03, 2007

A disturbing testimony I received in the Cash Harvest Cult review comments box:

I was browsing through the blogspot on a random & bang, I hit your blog. I'm impressed by your analytical knowledge. This article has indeed opened my eyes. I'm actually an ex-member from CHC. The link which you had put up taught me alot more about satan's signs. It brought me back to one of CHC's service where the whole congregation was told to make the "Devil's Sign" (resembled the one shown in your link) when Sun Ho was up the stage singing. But this round, it involved 2 different signs. I wonder if you have more information about it. I'm pretty curious. [Right Hand: Open Palm face out. Left Hand: "Devil's Sign"] Thank God, I'm out of CHC. It's a pretty weird feeling being there. Somehow, I felt I wasn't myself. Somehow, felt being "brainwashed". When it comes to offering time, there was always a power to push me to dump in all my $$$ to the point that I had to starve myself for the next few weeks to a month. At church, everyone seems to love you so much, but when you bump into them somewhere in the streets, they treat you like a total strangers. I even had frightening encounters where I was sexually harrassed by the male members. Several times being pushed down on bed by 2 different "brothers". One succeded by popping sleeping pills into me. When I woke up, I can't remembered anything except seeing myself naked. At the point, I was still attending their church. I can't explain why. It's only until I left them, then did I realised the shame that I was being "rape". But it had been so long, I don't see on how I could make a police report. Since I've left CHC, I''ve "recuperated" pretty well...Life's back to normal...Continue to provide those informative writeup. Thanks!!!

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