When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

"Quotation ... A writer expresses himself in words that have been used before because they give his meaning better than he can give it himself, or because they are beautiful or witty, or because he expects them to touch a cord of association in his reader, or because he wishes to show that he is learned and well read. Quotations due to the last motive are invariably ill-advised; the discerning reader detects it and is contemptuous; the undiscerning is perhaps impressed, but even then is at the same time repelled, pretentious quotations being the surest road to tedium." - Henry W. Fowler


Someone: a female:
sexual harassment >> physics.

she claims that she would rather be sexually harassed [verbally] than to study physics.

Me: why did she opt for it in JC then

Someone: dunno
maybe she's not taking physics
maybe she's not in JC

Me: she is
and she is
don't try to smoke me

Someone: are you sure you got the right person?

Me: unless there're 2 girls who don't mind that

Someone: actually
there are more.


anyway I'd rather have something done to me of a similarly distressing nature than do lit

Someone else (on the above): hahaha
now that i'm taking the stupid subject i empathise

the lecturer seems to be wooling his way around
i thought i would get a british/american lecturer
but no, i get this weird singaporean

everyone is still wondering how he got phD

Someone: why ARE they so tall?

Me: dunno

Someone: it's a flat country!

Me: "not everything in holland is flat"

Someone: i should hope not!

Me: :P
wanted to buy the t-shirt

Someone: would the joke transfer well, that's the thing

Me: it'd be funny on non-well endowed girls

Someone: there would have to be a 2nd line at the back or something
"unfortunately, i am"


"So many years have passed, but I still feel a warm glow whenever you touch on those happy days in National Slavery. Bring tears to my eyes, it does. I like to think I made a difference in at least one Armour CPL's life...


I see the jokers are still out there.


"The Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century was made up of a distinguished collection of unemployed statesmen and stateswomen. Another member was Michael Manley, the former prime minister of Jamaica, apparently not disqualified as a development expert by his haivng bankrupted the Jamaican economy from 1972 to 1980."

"Paul Krugman... drew an analogy between capital-intensive Singaporean growth and capital-intensive Soviety growth, setting off a cyclone of protest. Singapore's prime minister denounced Krugman publicly and announced that Singapore would henceforth have a goal of 2 percent per year technological progress" - Irony has been dead here for decades.

I just realised why my counter registered such a drastic drop in hits when I reinstalled it - I forgot to republish everything. Gah.

A 2 MP camera in your phone isn't much good if it can't focus. Let alone do Macro. Gah.

I was advised to change my parting, or I'd have a centre parting forever. The front is relatively easy, but the middle is often truculent and bounces back into a configuration resembling the old one, making my hair look very weird. What bothers me more, though, is how the flesh where my new parting is hurts after I've had the new parting for an extended period of time. This is extremely strange, though it seems to be decreasing in intensity.

It's such an exciting time to be in JC. One option for H3 (the replacement of S Papers) is to do a module at NUS. So instead of spending 1 year on S Papers and taking the exams at the same time as everything else, they spread out their workload, spending one semester (13 weeks) at NUS, skipping some classes in the meantime and have exams at a different time from those in school. To boot they get Advanced Placement Credit (APC) at NUS, which is a pity since those doing H3 wouldn't be aiming for NUS in the first place. But perhaps the best part is that H3 is easier than S Papers. For example, Biology H3 is the module LSM1102 which The Master of Office describes as "mostly a level stuff. more detail". Meanwhile, the Economics H3 option comes from Business rather than Economics (bloody hell) - BSP1005 ("Managerial Economics"). Ah, it's such a scam!
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