Russett potatoes washed, peeled (I couldn't find the potato peeler so I used a knife), cut thickly, soaked in cold water for a few minutes and drained, then dried with a towel.

First frying for 5 minutes in what I estimated was around 160°C oil.

This was in between high and low heat

Fries "sweating" for 1/2 hr

Ingredients for the sauce: Albert Heijn Fritesaus, Albert Heijn Curry(-Ketchup) and Onion (for dicing into uitjes to complete the speciaal sauce)

Prepared sauce. The onion is supposed to go on top of the sauces, but I'm lazy so it always goes on the bottom.

I was supposed to fry them at 190°C for the second frying for 2 minutes until crispy and golden brown, but high heat was apparently too high - this is what they looked like after only 40 seconds. They were Chao Tar and too crispy (crunchy, even). Luckily, I still had 1 batch left.

2nd batch, tossed with some salt - they were ok. This was for just under 2 mins (I accidentally stopped my stopwatch so took it out a bit early). The flame looked similar to the first time - it was at the point just before the outer ring of gas caught fire.

Frites with the sauce
Post-mortem: All in all, quite good for a first attempt and without a thermometer. I think I should fry them a bit longer in both fryings for better crispyness.