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Thursday, June 08, 2006

NS Portal - Website Terms & Conditions

"5 Hyperlinks

5.1 You are hereby granted a revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to provide hyperlinks from your website to this Website. In consideration of being granted this right, you undertake that you shall:-

(iii) use only active links to the Content and to not use deep hyperlinks (a deep hyperlink is a hyperlink that provides a link to, or access to, a web page or internet location that is part of this internet domain, other than a hyperlink to the home page of that domain or the home page of a subsidiary domain) or embedded hyperlinks (an embedded hyperlink refers to any method or mechanism of hyperlinking where it appears that (i) the hyperlinked material is part of the web page or internet location containing the hyperlink or (ii) the hyperlinked material is not part of the web page or internet location where it is originally located);

(vii) not bring into disrepute NCS or portray NCS in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise offensive manner;

(viii) not do anything that may constitute information, the publication, dissemination, distribution or disclosure of which may violate or contravene or be prohibited by the provisions of the Singapore Official Secrets Act (Cap 213);

(ix) not do anything that may cause ill-will or misunderstanding between the Singapore Government or any of the Singapore Armed Forces on one hand and any member, members or group of members on the other;

(x) not do anything that may disparage, discredit or denigrate or will tend to disparage, discredit or denigrate any aspect of service in, or the conditions obtaining in, all or any of the Singapore Armed Forces, or which is likely to lower the morale or be prejudicial to discipline therein;

(xi) not do anything that may conflict with the interests of MINDEF or Singapore Armed Forces, or bring their good name or that of the Singapore civil service generally, into disrepute;"

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