Friday, June 09, 2006
Abridged too far - "And last Friday news broke that a British theatre company was staging Victor Hugo's The Bellringer of Notre Dame. Producer Elli Mackenzie was quoted as saying the term hunchback was expunged after discussions with a disability adviser... After being lauded as sweet, entertaining and appropriate, Enid Blyton's books were then derided as sexist, racist and elitist. They were finally modified in the 1990s, her golliwogs going in favour of gremlins, Noddy and Big Ears no longer enjoying "gay times in the woods". But should you alter a classic? And, if so, who decides what is a classic?... Most interference is just silly. British morals campaigner Mary Whitehouse railed against The Bugs Bunny Show because its star didn't wear trousers. And according to that most incontrovertible source, the Fantales wrapper, censors in Ohio tried to ban the 1920 film of Treasure Island for fear it may lead children to piracy. The ban failed and, presumably, that US state has ever since been overrun by peg-legged, one-eyed, nautical looters. And their parrots"
The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiment - "What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It's amazing and completely insane."
Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot - ""Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental mechanism that uses a living Madagascan hissing cockroach atop a modified trackball to control a three-wheeled robot. If the cockroach moves left, the robot moves left. Infrared sensors also provide navigation feedback to the cockroach, striving to create a pseudo-intelligent system with the cockroach as the CPU."
District wants to spend $60,000 on lockers unused for 10 years - "The lockers at Kealing Middle School have not been used for 10 years. Next year, after new ones are added and existing ones are refurbished, they'll still be locked shut... The school stopped using lockers because they are noisy and could be used to hide drugs or other banned items. Officials also said students would cite time spent going to and from their lockers as an excuse to be late for class."
Philosopher, scientist, farmer crack chicken-egg question - "Which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to a scientist, a philosopher and a chicken farmer, it was the egg, British newspapers reported.
Dutch pedophiles launch political party - "Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage... The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalising all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all."
Gotta love these Europeans. The last part's the best.
The Monkey Chow Diaries - "Imagine going to the grocery store only once every 6 months. Imagine paying less than a dollar per meal. Imagine never washing dishes, chopping vegetables or setting the table ever again. It sounds pretty good, doesn't it? But can a human subsist on a constant diet of pelletized, nutritionally complete food like puppies and monkeys do? For the good of human kind, I'm about to find out. On June 3, 2006, I began my week of eating nothing but monkey chow: "a complete and balanced diet for the nutrition of primates, including the great apes.""
Don't call me an Islamophobe - "Do you believe a religious leader who fights to save Section 28 and says gay people spread disease is a fulminating bigot? Do you believe a “leading cleric” who advocates stoning gay people to death should be denounced? Do you believe sharia law – which requires gay people to be lashed or stoned – is always and forever unacceptable? Then, according to an energetic and aggressive group of white straight boys who surreally consider themselves to be on the left, you are an “Islamophobe” and “objectively pro-Nazi”."
Brothers spurn veg for 424 years - "Children: next time parents order you to eat your broccoli so that you will have a long and healthy life, don't believe them. If they press the point, contact the Campbell brothers of Aberdeen, who have lived to a collective age of 424 years and have almost never eaten peas (they fall off the fork), carrots (boring) or any other vegetables."
US store is forced to remove gay dummies - "A Boston department store has removed a pair of male mannequins from its window display after a family-values group accused it of promoting "raunchy homosexual activity"."
Tardigrades Water Bears Tardigrada Tardigraden Wasserbären - "Tardigrades (water bears) are really amazing multicellular microinvertebrates. Some people consider them as the most incredible animals on earth. Only 0.05 to 1.2 mm in length they have many properties normally accepted as typical for much bigger animals like bears, dogs, pigs and so on. They can be found virtually everywhere on earth, on top of mountains, on the bottom of the oceans, under 200 m layers of solid ice - but their most typical homes are minute water films on moss cushions. In fact there are only few mosses that contain no tardigrades at all."
Sea monkeys are so last century.
Dogblog - "As I walk around San Francisco, I encounter dogs tied to things, take their pictures, and offer them up to the world with whatever commentary springs to mind. Enjoy."
$45 Emergency Menu for 4 to 6 - "There isn't much meat in these menus. That's because meat is expensive and beans aren't. Beans provide lots of good protein for growing children and hard working adults. When beans are combined with certain other foods their protein increases. The amino acids in grains like flour, pasta and cornmeal or milk products cooperate with the amino acids in the beans to make an extremely high quality protein. Don't worry about the lack of meat, there is more protein in this menu than you can shake an expensive protein bar at."
Nazi Medicine and Public Health Policy - "Understanding the power of these myths -- of science destroyed and ethics abandoned -- is important not just for setting the historical record straight, but also for understanding why it has taken so long to come to grips with Nazi medical crimes. And comprehending the Nazis' support for science and medicine can also help us understand the appeal of Nazism within German intellectual culture; this, in turn, might help us better discern how fascism came to triumph in the first place... The Nazis had a powerful anti-tobacco movement, arguably the most powerful in the world at that time. Tobacco was opposed by racial hygienists fearing the corruption of the German "germ plasm" (i.e., genetic material), by industrial hygienists fearing a reduction of people's capacity to work, by nurses and midwives fearing harm to the "maternal organism." Tobacco was said to be a "corrupting force in a rotting civilization that has become lazy.""
The Physics of Bras - "Breasts move in a sinusoidal pattern, Steele has found, and they move a lot. Small breasts can move more than three inches vertically during a jog, and large breasts sometimes leave their bras entirely. "We have videos of women who, particularly if the cup is too low, spill all over the top," Steele says."
Smooth E Baby Face Foam - "Brand: Smooth E Baby Face Foam
Title: The Love Story (Series)
Company: JEH United Ltd.
City: Bangkok"
Why can't we get such funny ads in Singapore?! Singaporeans only appreciate hard sell, damn it.
The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiment - "What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It's amazing and completely insane."
Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot - ""Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental mechanism that uses a living Madagascan hissing cockroach atop a modified trackball to control a three-wheeled robot. If the cockroach moves left, the robot moves left. Infrared sensors also provide navigation feedback to the cockroach, striving to create a pseudo-intelligent system with the cockroach as the CPU."
District wants to spend $60,000 on lockers unused for 10 years - "The lockers at Kealing Middle School have not been used for 10 years. Next year, after new ones are added and existing ones are refurbished, they'll still be locked shut... The school stopped using lockers because they are noisy and could be used to hide drugs or other banned items. Officials also said students would cite time spent going to and from their lockers as an excuse to be late for class."
Philosopher, scientist, farmer crack chicken-egg question - "Which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to a scientist, a philosopher and a chicken farmer, it was the egg, British newspapers reported.
Dutch pedophiles launch political party - "Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage... The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalising all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all."
Gotta love these Europeans. The last part's the best.
The Monkey Chow Diaries - "Imagine going to the grocery store only once every 6 months. Imagine paying less than a dollar per meal. Imagine never washing dishes, chopping vegetables or setting the table ever again. It sounds pretty good, doesn't it? But can a human subsist on a constant diet of pelletized, nutritionally complete food like puppies and monkeys do? For the good of human kind, I'm about to find out. On June 3, 2006, I began my week of eating nothing but monkey chow: "a complete and balanced diet for the nutrition of primates, including the great apes.""
Don't call me an Islamophobe - "Do you believe a religious leader who fights to save Section 28 and says gay people spread disease is a fulminating bigot? Do you believe a “leading cleric” who advocates stoning gay people to death should be denounced? Do you believe sharia law – which requires gay people to be lashed or stoned – is always and forever unacceptable? Then, according to an energetic and aggressive group of white straight boys who surreally consider themselves to be on the left, you are an “Islamophobe” and “objectively pro-Nazi”."
Brothers spurn veg for 424 years - "Children: next time parents order you to eat your broccoli so that you will have a long and healthy life, don't believe them. If they press the point, contact the Campbell brothers of Aberdeen, who have lived to a collective age of 424 years and have almost never eaten peas (they fall off the fork), carrots (boring) or any other vegetables."
US store is forced to remove gay dummies - "A Boston department store has removed a pair of male mannequins from its window display after a family-values group accused it of promoting "raunchy homosexual activity"."
Tardigrades Water Bears Tardigrada Tardigraden Wasserbären - "Tardigrades (water bears) are really amazing multicellular microinvertebrates. Some people consider them as the most incredible animals on earth. Only 0.05 to 1.2 mm in length they have many properties normally accepted as typical for much bigger animals like bears, dogs, pigs and so on. They can be found virtually everywhere on earth, on top of mountains, on the bottom of the oceans, under 200 m layers of solid ice - but their most typical homes are minute water films on moss cushions. In fact there are only few mosses that contain no tardigrades at all."
Sea monkeys are so last century.
Dogblog - "As I walk around San Francisco, I encounter dogs tied to things, take their pictures, and offer them up to the world with whatever commentary springs to mind. Enjoy."
$45 Emergency Menu for 4 to 6 - "There isn't much meat in these menus. That's because meat is expensive and beans aren't. Beans provide lots of good protein for growing children and hard working adults. When beans are combined with certain other foods their protein increases. The amino acids in grains like flour, pasta and cornmeal or milk products cooperate with the amino acids in the beans to make an extremely high quality protein. Don't worry about the lack of meat, there is more protein in this menu than you can shake an expensive protein bar at."
Nazi Medicine and Public Health Policy - "Understanding the power of these myths -- of science destroyed and ethics abandoned -- is important not just for setting the historical record straight, but also for understanding why it has taken so long to come to grips with Nazi medical crimes. And comprehending the Nazis' support for science and medicine can also help us understand the appeal of Nazism within German intellectual culture; this, in turn, might help us better discern how fascism came to triumph in the first place... The Nazis had a powerful anti-tobacco movement, arguably the most powerful in the world at that time. Tobacco was opposed by racial hygienists fearing the corruption of the German "germ plasm" (i.e., genetic material), by industrial hygienists fearing a reduction of people's capacity to work, by nurses and midwives fearing harm to the "maternal organism." Tobacco was said to be a "corrupting force in a rotting civilization that has become lazy.""
The Physics of Bras - "Breasts move in a sinusoidal pattern, Steele has found, and they move a lot. Small breasts can move more than three inches vertically during a jog, and large breasts sometimes leave their bras entirely. "We have videos of women who, particularly if the cup is too low, spill all over the top," Steele says."
Smooth E Baby Face Foam - "Brand: Smooth E Baby Face Foam
Title: The Love Story (Series)
Company: JEH United Ltd.
City: Bangkok"
Why can't we get such funny ads in Singapore?! Singaporeans only appreciate hard sell, damn it.
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