Saturday, September 04, 2004
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rgsyb - Interestingly enough, my old yearbooks site (intermittently down) is on the "Official blocklist of Information and Communications Technology Ministry of Thailand -- January 2004"
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womens+olympics+2004+swimming+"see through"+revealing - Meanwhile: "So surely I'm not the only woman, whose sole reason for watching the Olympics is to perve on the hot European guys in speedos yeah? I mean, did you see those Greek synchronised divers who won gold?? A pair of damn fine asses. My husband had to keep mentioning - Honey close your mouth, you're drooling on the couch. Bring back nude Olympics I say."
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Redemption of Althalus personality tests - "You are David Eddings, the author of this book! All of your books are identical, yet idiots persist in buying them."
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When playing the "quickie cover all", the caller must announce the letter before each number
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how to zaogeng - "There are two main ways to zaogeng - getting upskirted and getting downbloused. For the former, merely wear a skirt (preferably short), and sit heedless of etiquette. If you wish, you may try opening your legs a little but this is to be cautioned against, since the thrill is sometimes lost on the part of the viewer if they realise that the subject is zaogeng-ing on purpose. As for the latter, just wear a loose top, and stand near others so they can peer down it. Alternatively, bend down frequently to pick items up."
lin yucheng, spanish
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