Random Playlist Song: King's Singers - John Dowland - Fine Knacks For Ladies
Fine knacks for ladies, cheap, choice, brave and new,
Good pennyworths but money cannot move,
I keep a fair but for the fair to view,
A beggar may be liberal of love.
Though all my wares be trash, the heart is true.
Great gifts are guiles and look for gifts again,
My trifles come as treasures from my mind,
It is a precious jewel to be plain,
Sometimes in shell the Orient's pearls we find.
Of others take a sheaf, of me a grain.
Within this pack pins, points, laces and gloves,
And divers toys fitting a country fair,
But in my heart, where duty serves and loves,
Turtles and twins, Court's brood, a heav'nly pair.
Happy the man that thinks of no removes.

Only in their dreams can possibly gay men be this close to me. *e**i*, a fan made this picture because he wishes to be this close to me. He "managed to put a picture of us together so you can see what our union would look like." Most possibly gay men faint when they get this close to me.
Plug for someone:
"we're a 4 person mixed a cappella group looking to add a high tenor singer. we're looking for someone with some singing experience, and can carry a good solo. contact edmund (94351998) to arrange for an audtion. if you know someone who might fit the bill, please help me pass this message to the person? thanks a lot."
Some academic literature on Sumo Wrestling:
"One big, fat guy tries to ground another big, fat guy or force him out of the ring in a match that can last as little as three seconds."
Heh heh.
Innovations in Technology Weekly Assignment 3:
1) Recreate any of Galvani’s experiments
I should go and get some frogs from the market place.
Comments on China's immaturity from someone whom I've not seen around for a long time:
It's cruel of everyone to back China in this Taiwan thing. China's so shittily big. They could do well enough without Taiwan, and Tibet and Uighur. Everyone's just scrambling to pick up the big baby's pacifiers because no one dares to hear the grotesquely overgrown little prince cry. I am forcibly reminded of Baba Yaga's monstrous son in Spirited Away. Why can't Taiwan just stay the way it is, happily democratic, violent-Cabinet-possessing, slutty politicians and all. Then again, if the tensions mean less of dented-forehead-Zhang Hui Mei then please aim those missiles at will. No, seriously, all China does with its rural provinces is grossly misallocate agricultural produce and bankrupt tonnes of farmers, and leave them to drown when the floods come. I wish Taiwan would keep up the pressure so that China feels bizarrely like they should let the other two go as a sort of concession to the tides of international opinion. More like trickles, though.
This is absolutely hilarious:
Moral Responsibility of A*STAR Scholars
Dear A*STAR Scholars,
As you embark on your new journey, I wish you the very best in your academic studies.
At the same time, I take this opportunity to remind you of your significant responsibilities as A*STAR scholars towards your sponsors and country.
As A*STAR scholars, you assume serious social and moral commitments when you, of your own free will, apply and decide to take up our scholarship. These commitments entail returning home on completion of your studies to contribute to the scientific research and economic capacity of Singapore to build a knowledge-based economy for ALL Singaporeans.
Accepting the prestigious A*STAR scholarship carries with it a high moral responsibility beyond the contractual and legal obligations. A*STAR draws on Singapore tax payers’ funds to provide the best undergraduate/graduate education and intellectual exposure to fully develop each scholar’s passion and potential. Each A*STAR scholarship is therefore a generous investment of capital, time and effort.
Receiving the prestigious A*STAR scholarship is an honour and opportunity. A*STAR Scholarships are highly competitive, with many equally qualified applicants going through a stringent selection process, from which only a privileged few are accepted.
Consequently, a scholar who breaks his or her bond is deliberately depriving a fellow young Singaporean of the best undergraduate/graduate education and a major change in his or her life’s path.
A*STAR takes a very serious view of any scholar who deliberately breaks his promise. We will not hesitate to publicly name irresponsible scholars who intentionally break their bonds for selfish interests. Being named as a bond-breaker will irrevocably affect one’s standing and reputation in society.
Make the best of your scholarship, understanding that your fellow Singaporeans are the sponsors of your special education. Study hard and expand your personal horizons, then come back to contribute and prove yourselves as worthy investments of Singapore.
With Best Wishes,
Prof Lam Khin Yong
Executive Director
A*STAR Graduate Academy
As someone comments: In classic PY fashion, this is a whole spiel on the Evils of Bond-breaking. But as I've always thought, if you treat scholars like commodities, expect them to behave like commodities.
On Jack Neo: Apart from his big-screen endeavours, Jack's "Comedy Night" has been a staple program till some time ago. It is both disturbing and inexplicable that a director/scriptwriter of Jack's supposed caliber has nothing better to offer apart from slapstick humour and heavily exaggerated stereotyping to generate laughter. He seems to have this obsession with cross-dressing, and is mostly recognised for his wild impersonations of a naggy HDB housewife (Liang Ximei "shang nao jing ah!") or as a libidinous grandmother who substitutes her verbal puncutations with breathless "hoo-hoo-hoo"s. Not satisfied, he also morphs his male cronies into buxom caricatured aunties with ridiculous hairdos, i.e. Moses Lim. *gasp*. Is progress too much to ask of Singapore's most famous director?
--- Extract from "The Ridge", a NUSSU publication
Someone told me that this (and Pioneer Magazine) were what you read in the toilet. This very amusing article saves it from that fate, though.
Someone: i hate jackoff neo, as an extension of my general disdain for the heartlands which he champions. it's heartlander erotica, and she's [Liang Po Po] the protagonist. she drools and makes too many jokes about the toilet
Me: That's libidinous meh
Someone: yeah
Someone else: cause it is a guy...who dress as a woman, a old one at that. if that arnt hornt i dont know what is
I'm sorry, but I fail to see how Liang Po Po is libidinous or prurient in any way. And "substitutes her verbal puncutations with breathless "hoo-hoo-hoo"s" is a little tortured. But the following line: "Not satisfied, he also morphs his male cronies into buxom caricatured aunties with ridiculous hairdos" is priceless!
Under the link to Hotlines, they have listed:
Choices 6274 1475
(930am - 530pm, Tue - Sat)
Homosexuality issues and sexual problems
I am officially offended by this homophobic service masquerading as a "hotline", and I fired out a mail:
I'm a NUS undergrad who happened across the NUSSU Hotline's links page. I was scanning through the list of hotlines and came across "Choices".
I would just like to point out that "Choices" is a pseudo-hotline with its own agenda. They pretend to help people with "problems" of alternate sexuality, but in reality they aim to convert all who do not cohere with their narrow, religiously-determined view of "normal" sexual orientation.
"Choices is a Christian ministry which proclaims a message of sexual wholeness to the community. The ministry seeks to assist those who desire to overcome homosexuality in their lives. Our aim is to restore their sexual identities to what God intends. We empower the individual to take responsibility in maintaining moral and relational wholeness." - Choices Website
In fact, it isn't even that successful in what it does; I'm told that most or at least a good deal of people who use its service, hoping to lead some semblance of a normal life, become more miserable and atavism (reversion to past behavior) soon sets in.
At the very least, it would be more helpful for any who learn about "Choices" from your page to know about its religious provenance (since it is, after all, run by a church) and its avowed mission.