When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Who would make a better president Bush or a box of Tic-Tacs? An objective analysis.


How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in five easy steps.


"1. Never smile.

2. Write bad poetry, and lots of it.

It's easy, here's a sample to get you started:

fire... burning... agony...
sultry shivers of a dark essence
why am i tortured with this nihilistic existence?
bitter... darkness... despair.

notice the constant lower case? i added that touch to be unique. unique people type in lower case.

3. Turn up the brightness and contrast to hide blemishes in your complexion.

4. Wear stupid trendy box-framed "EMO" glasses.

5. Make a wishlist and sell yourself for it."

On people who are vegetarian because they want to be "humane" (bah) to animals and some more on how vegetarians cause animals to die

The rest of the site's pretty funny too.
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