When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, January 26, 2003


"gabriel seah" - Hi, hello, how are you.

"causes of incest among malays" - Some UMNO guy postulated that people in PAS states had a higher incidence of incest because they were too deprived. Well. What can I say?

"tips + searching for porn on kazaA" - Everyone likes to use Kazaa to find porn.

"shoujo-yuri" - And now I'm getting hits for weird Japanese stuff. What's next? Tentacle porn?

"what common household items can a woman use to masterbate" - Someone really likes this. I keep getting this sort of hits.

Queen Rania nude pictures
Queen rania sex pics - Why is the Queen of Jordan so popular? I always get searches for her nude pictures.

"thaipusam ringtones" - I didn't know there were songs for, err, thaipusam.

"muslim + paedophile tendencies" - !? Well, Muhammad married a 9 year old.

"jin yong hero game download" - They make these?

"8 Mile+film+islam+Eminem" - He's offended half the world. Wouldn't be surprised if he offended Islam. I just hope he doesn't get a fatwa.

picturs of traffic lights
fmous volcanoes - Some people can't spell.

"what is trengganu roast beef" - What *is* trengganu roast beef?

"tekong training naked" - They're not that bad. Anymore. Half naked is probably the worse you get.

'"chinese high school" uniform' - Ooh. Uniform fetishes.

"bitchy scgs girls" - Hahaha. I wouldn't know.

"chong yechao" - Amazing how popular some people can get.

"Schoolgirls groped buses" - ???

"klcc sex" - Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre? Sex in a convention centre?

"singapore horny gals webpage" - I can imagine the page. "Hi. I'm a 16 year old Singaporean Schoolgirl. I've created this page in the off chance than 30 year old Singaporean men will find it and solicit me for unnamed activities".

"why fashion,clothes is banned in s'pore schools" - Because it causes people to be creative and have a sense of individuality :) Also, they want to see how low some people will go in their tolerance for bad school uniforms.

"cartoon pictures of lee kuan yew" - Don't get thrown into jail.

"SAF Commando" - Ho ho ho. I've nothing to say.

"scented pen" - Eeks. I hope they're not toxic.

"poetry coursework (not waving but drowning)" - ???

"can flat footed people get conscripted into the army?" - They sure can. I'm flat footed. So sad.

"Hindu Pushups Instructions" - What's a Hindu pushup?

"unicorn toy hello" - Argh! Not that foul abomination, that aberration, that offence against nature!

"quitters, singaporeans migrating overseas" - Bye bye.

Recently, "nude" surpassed "zaogeng" as the 2nd highest keyword for this site.

"girls" is still in 6th place, and in the top 50 we also have such hot favs as "sex", "acjc", "rjc", "rgs", "malay" (!!!), "shuqi" (my namesake is ever popular), "school", "uniform", "scgs", "ning", "baizura" and "gta3". Whee. People are very hot blooded.
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