"The happiest place on earth"

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Saturday, February 01, 2003

I seem to be getting very few comments nowadays. I guess the novelty of my ranting finally wore off on everyone :)

More referrals because I don't watch TV:

anatomically correct females for Morrowind - How rare. Someone wants to depart from the stereotypes

fbt wah - They're so short they make you go "wah" because you can see the curves of people's butts.

Bad boys from Temasek Secondary - Nasty.

wipe out of cd pirates in Malaysian - Good lucky. They're all in cahoots with the police, you know.

jobs for the bored medic - Hahaha. Try IVing yourself. Or using alcohol pre-injection swabs to clean the floor. You can even use Printol to kill rats, like I did. The possibilities are endless.

Planescape: Torment dialogue transcript - Try http://torment.db-forge.com/unovel/html/

"army singlet" - I still haven't gotten down to writing "sucks" below "Army" on one of mine

Modern Artillery Calculations in Excel - Sophisticated, they are nowadays.

singapore mrt nuclear bunker - A secret use for them eh. Can't let this get out!

producing popiah skin singapore - ???

sketches of 5bx exercises - Ah, the day is coming soon when Google reindexes my blog and searches for army terms won't turn up this page anymore. Oh well.

chij katong convent - Aren't most branches of the franchise school similar?

KLIA empty losing - Aww. Ma-laysia Boleh!

pantyhose tudung - ??? Don't they use scarfs?

pyrex dildo - Erm.

natalie+morris singapore - She's so famous. I still remember her tapdancing at RGS Nite 2000.

"naked NSmen" - Why would ANYONE want to search for this? Just when I thought the human race couldn't get any more deprived...

What's wrong with Islam - Ho ho ho. I'm not an Islam hate site, so you won't find unreasoning denunciation here. Relative theology isn't my current interest though, so you'll have better luck elsewhere


"worst school uniform" - Definitely River Valley High School.

"chinese high"elf - wth?!

"muslim toilet habits" - Erm. They don't use toilet paper. They used a pipe.

"rgs yearbook 2002" - Don't have it, never seen it, not going to scan it. Too bad.
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