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Sunday, June 02, 2002

Kore wa watashi no monogatari desu kara~

I've just finished playing Final Fantasy X: International, and I can truly say that it has one of the most touching endings I have ever, ever seen. It's something I'm going to remember for a long, long time. If you haven't played it, maybe you should be giving some thought (serious thoughts, at that) at finding some way of playing Final Fantasy X. The story itself is worth it.

Of course, if you play the International / American version, you're going to have to suffer through the horrible, horrible Tidus / Yuna voiceovers. There was this one scene which almost made me want to break down and cry, and it wasn't because it touched my heart. Urrrrk. Still, the story's worth it. Then, after you complete the game, watch the "Another Ending" for a wonderfully optimistic "I'll find my own tomorrow" message from Yuna herself. Of course, you want to see Rikku again as well. (At least, I did.)

Need I mention the fact that I'm a sucker for such endings? They always get me. Every time. Then there's that wonderful vocal track, Suteki da ne (It's Wonderful). And those beautifully rendered environments. And those lifelike motion captured character animations. And the improved Sphere Grid system.

Go play it.

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