When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, June 02, 2002

Travesty of travesties ...
I was reading a quotation on a note- "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his mid-gut" and blinked. And blinked. And read it again- "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might". Awww... embryology!!

Was just showing the rest of the pple in the computer lab how to open netscape. IT people are trying to install Windows 2000 on all the computers, and format them, and in the process, the Start menu on all computers was fiddled with. Now only MSIE, accessories, command prompt are available. I opened netscape directly by running the executable file in c:\program files\netscape\communicator\program\

After Grease OST... was playing my Wow cds again... sometimes i wonder what sally thinks of this guy who at one *down* stage, kept on playing the jars of clay/rebecca st. james' songs in his collection (6 in total); and spent the whole weekend listening to the Grease soundtrack (i think i can practically write out an arrangement for the theme song "Grease")

There's a feedback section on the Topclass website for students in the medical, dentistry and health sciences faculty. I felt like requesting the lecturers and faculty staff to refrain from referring to medical/dental students as "the brightest we have in this university"; to avoid swollen heads.

Galen claims there weren't any babes in see aye pee this year. (*boggle*) Then again he wasn't paying much attention to the other cappers.

Church of Christ's website is finally.up, and the 9 and 11 am services are listed as "Vibrant Contemporary Worship", whereas the 7pm is "Creative Dynamic Worship". I wonder what the difference is.

Darn scanner isn't working... or else i could scan in the Sorority boys picture with the guy who looks like vampire/preener. Oh! IMDB would have it... heh heh heh....

[Ed: When their less-than-stunning female forms earn them an invite to a "dog catcher" party at their old frat, they decide to brave the harassment so they can grab the rest of their belongings from the house and make a clean break.]

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